Dear Sir/Madam,3 February, 2010


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED thata meeting of the SALTNEY TOWNCOUNCIL will be held at the ODDFELLOWS HALL, 65 HIGH STREET, SALTNEY onWEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY, 2010at 7.15 pm in order to complete the transaction of thefollowing business.

Yours faithfully

Town Clerk



To receive apologies



Members of the public are invited to address the Council on any item that appears

on the agenda. This item is time limited to 5 minutes, with the Mayor having discretion to extend to 10 minutes, depending on the issue and the number of people attending the meeting.


Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal interest or prejudicial interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached.


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 13January, 2010 to be confirmed as a correct record. (copy attached).


To receive such communicationsas the Mayor may wish to lay before the Council.


The Town Clerk will report the resignation of Councillor W Crawford who has emigrated to Australia.


A representative of the Police will attend, if available, for a short updating session.


The Town Clerk will report the following requests for grants under Section 137:-

1) Flintshire County 14th Summer Play scheme Programme, 2010

Monday 19th July – Friday 20th August 2010

This is a new pilot scheme for this area of Saltney and the County Council are seeking funding of £893 from the Town Council towards the cost of the staffing element for the above scheme which will be run on the Park Avenue Recreation Ground;

2) Summer Activity Programme for 11-16 yrs old for 3 weeks during the School Holidays

a request from the County Council for 50% shared costs of this scheme in the sum of £750; (attendance usually 50-60 per day)

3) Summer Play scheme for 5-11 yrs old for 3 weeks during the School Holidays

a request from the County Council for the cost of the abovementioned scheme in the sum of £1,750, (attendance usually 100 children plus 30 young volunteers per day).


The Town Clerk will report the receipt of the draft proposals from the Boundary Commission for Wales for the review of the electoral arrangements for Flintshire. For ease of discussion the paragraphs relating to Saltney in the report are reproduced below:

Broughton and Bretton North East, Junction, and Saltney Stonebridge

5.22 The existing electoral division of Broughton and Bretton North East comprises the North (582 electors, 869 projected) and East (812 electors, 832 projected) wards of the Community of Broughton and Bretton with a total of 1,664 electors (1,701projected), represented by one councillor which is 1% below the current county average of 1,650 electors per councillor and is 5% below 1,750 electors per councillor.

The Broughton and Bretton South electoral division consists of the South ward of the Community of Broughton and Bretton with 2,800 electors (3,362projected), represented by two councillors. This gives a level of representation of1,400 electors per councillor which is 15% below the current county average of1,650 electors per councillor and is 12% below 1,750 electors per councillor.

The electoral division of Saltney Mold Junction consists of the Mold Junction ward of the Community of Saltney with 931 electors (1,087 projected); represented by one councillor which is 44% below the current county average of 1,650 electors percouncillor and is 47% below 1,750 electors per councillor.

The electoral division ofSaltney Stonebridge consists of the Stonebridge ward of the Community of Saltneywith 2,562 electors (2,848 projected) represented by one councillor which is 55%above the current county average of 1,650 electors per councillor.

5.23 We have noted the representation from Saltney Town Council that suggests thecombination of the two Saltney electoral Divisions. We also noted therepresentation from Broughton and Bretton Community Council asking thatconsideration is given to factors other than electoral numbers which may affect acouncillor’s workload. We have considered all of the points raised in therepresentations and the current levels of electoral representation in the area andare of the view that it would be desirable to make changes to the electoralarrangements in this area in order to achieve improvements in electoral parity.

Wehave also noted the representation from County Councillor Armstrong-Braun(Saltney Mold Junction) expressing the view that the area of Saltney has thepotential to increase in size and that there was also potential for a link with thecommunity of Broughton and Bretton. Councillor Armstrong-Braun also stressedthe fact that the area was in need of a review to the boundary between the twoSaltney community wards of Mold Junction and Stonebridge. As we haveexplained in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.4 we are unable to consider such changes as partof this review.5.24 Combining these four electoral divisions will bring the proposed electorate to 7,957(8,998 projected) which, if represented by four councillors, will result in a level ofrepresentation of 1,989 electors per councillor which is 3% above the proposedcounty average of 1,924 electors per councillor. It was noted that these existingdivisions adjoin each other in the one developed area and good communicationexists along the A5104 and B5129 roads. This amalgamation would result in areduction of one councillor representing the area but it will improve the electoralparity. We put this forward as a proposal. We have given the proposed electoral- 11 -division a working name of Cae’r Adain. We would welcome any suggestions foralternative names.

The Town Council’s comments to the Commission were as follows:

Saltney Town Council pointed out that the two electoral divisions of Saltney Mold

Junction and Saltney Stonebridge would more closely fit the 1:1750 ratio if they were

combined, renamed Saltney, and kept their two councillors.

A synopsis of the comments made by some of the County Councillors whose wards are affected, and published by the Boundary Commission are set out below:-

County Councillor Eng Klaus Armstrong-Braun (Saltney Mold Junction,

Flintshire County Council) pointed out that although the community of Saltney Mold

Junction was a deprived area it had the potential to increase in size and has links to

Bretton Community that may welcome a link being made.

County Councillor David McFarlane (Broughton South, Flintshire County

Council) agreed to the projected electorate figures.

County Councillor B. Mullin (Broughton North East, Flintshire County Council)

appeared to broadly support the projected figure.

County Councillor Peter Pemberton (Broughton South, Flintshire County

Council) appeared to support the projected figure but asking that projections are

revised more often.

Members are asked to consider the draft proposals. Observations on the draft scheme must be submitted no later than 30 March, 2010.


The Town Clerk will report the receipt of a letter from a Ms Taylor who writes on behalf of the residents of West View, High Street, which is a row of houses facing the new Morrison’s construction site, expressing concern about the level of noise from the site and the potential damage to the houses in West View due to the vibration from the heavy plant working on the site. In commenting on the planning application last April the Town Council did draw the County Council’s attention to the fact that during the last major build in the area there were problems associated with the pile driving for the foundations - consultation with the local residents was important.


The Welsh Assembly Government is seeking to appoint volunteer members to Community Health Councils (CHCs) across Wales. CHC members are volunteers and their role is to act as the eyes and ears of patients and the public, listening to their concerns and working with the health service to improve the quality of patient care. Members are expected to commit to between 3 and 5 days per month. Application packs and further details are available from the website and the closing date for applications is 22 February, 2010.


The Town Clerk will report the receipt of the abovementioned planning application for comment:

Proposal: Erection of domestic garage, extension to existing car park and erection of new commercial unit for use as light industrial and storage or distribution.

Location: Land at the rear of 12, 14 & 16 Victoria Road, Saltney, Chester

For: Mr I L Moorcroft

Grid Ref: E 337860.8 N 364842.9

This proposed development is: the existing residential garden to be redeveloped as 1) double garage – residential; 2) extension of existing car park (commercial/residential access) 3) erection of a single storey commercial unit.


In accordance with Standing Order 23 to consider questions to the Mayor or the Town Clerk from

Members, of which due notice has been given.


Further to Minute 105 the Town Clerk will report that the Working Party has met and completed a review of the Council’s Standing Orders. The recommendations of the Working Party are set out in bold blue ink in the attached document. Please note that those paragraphs in bold red ink cannot be altered as they are compulsory and laid down in Acts of Parliament.

The Working Party also recommend that the booklet contain the Complaints Procedure, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct as well as Standing Orders. (please note that the Council’s Complaints Procedure is not in the present booklet as circulated due to printing difficulties).


The Town Clerk will report that unfortunately due to other commitments on this same evening arranged by the County Council, Mr Dave Faulkner, Head of Highways and Transportation at Flintshire County Council will be unable to attend the meeting. He has however advised that because of the work that is being done through TAITH with regards to the provision of railway stations across North Wales, Flintshire County Council cannot support the station proposed by the Town Council.


To consider any correspondence received with regards to this matter.


1) Members who have attended meetings as representatives of, or on behalf of the Town Council are asked to give feedback from the respective meetings;

2) Further to Minute 210 the Local County Council members, Councillor Armstrong-Braun and

Councillor Gay are invited to give any feedback they might have received from County Council

meetings that could or will affect Saltney.


The Town Clerk will report that a meeting has been held with representatives of the Environmental Agency and Groundworks with regards to the re-opening of the allotment site. The first priority was the security of the site. Part of the site had been already fenced off by the Environmental Agency in green 2 metre high steel powder coated loop top fencing but there remained just over 100 metres of fencing required adjacent to the brook. After some discussions the EVA agreed to provide the manpower to erect the fencing if the Town Council would pay for the fencing itself. Using their discounts the EVA obtained a price of £4,071 for the metal fencing. As time was of the essence if the new allotment holders were not to miss this seasons planting time the Town Clerk obtained the approval of the Working Party which included the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Chairman of the Environmental and Regeneration Committee to the placing of the order on behalf of the Town Council.

RECOMMENDED: That the action of the Town Clerk be approved.


Further to the report of the demolition of the same lamp standard twice in 6 months the Town Clerk will report the receipt of the insurance payments in the sums of £1,869 and £1,280. It is expected that the Council’s Insurers will recover the costs from the driver’s insurers.


To authorise payment of the following accounts:


A ThornileySalary + Office (£50.00) January£958.81

HMRCTown Clerk’s Income Tax £227.20


A ThornileyOffice Sundries£104.19

NWPJanuary Maintenance Chge£245.84

New Lantern Sandy lane£150.00


NWPFestive Lighting Ewart St and North St

Including relamping and erection of lights

Outside OAP bungalows£990.00


NWPManweb/Areva call out charge for RTA at

Saltney Ferry Road£850.00


BlachereSwitch on Christmas Lights£287.50


BlachereRemoval of Christmas Lights£1288.00

VAT £225.40


Less credit note £480.02

Nett payment£1033.38

OddfellowsHire of Room £30.00

Scottish PowerElectricity Supply to Street Lighting£838.90


Morton and JonesSupply only of fencing£3,465.00

VAT £606.38£4071.38

RBS SoftwareYear end closure of a/c£442.40

VAT £66.36£508.75

Flintshire CCRecharge for Friday night YC£1604.03£1604.03