Rainbow Surgery Patients Group

Notes of Meeting held on Monday 20thJuly 2015


(Chairperson) (RS)












2.1Apologies were received from: CA, AA,,AKA,RA, JR,CR and BR

3.0Notes of Previous Meeting

3.1Notes of the meeting held on Monday 18th May 2015 were read over and agreed by those present and signed by the chairman.

4.0Matters Arising

4.1There were no matters arising.

5.0Notes of the Education Evening on 15th June

5.1FC apologised that no notes had been circulated.

6.0Feedback from the Education Evening on 15th June 2015

6.1RS reported that he had received positive feedback following the Education Evening in June.

6.2FC reported that he had spoken to Sarah Donald since the evening and she had stated that she had also found the evening very positive and enlightening and had enjoyed the evening.


7.1It was reported that there was a balance of £2,317.89 after the invoice for the ECG had been paid.

8.0Surgery Update – Jennie Sparkes

8.1It was reported that a new partner, Dr. Izibeya Otobo, would be starting in the next few weeks. He comes highly recommended, particularly from Alconbury Surgery where he has been working. There should not be a requirement to use the regular locum doctors now.

8.2The surgery has written an article for the Ramsey Newsletter including:

- introducing the new doctor and the forthcoming flu injection clinics. The latter highlighting that they will not be writing to patients as in previous years but asking patients to check notices in the surgery and local pharmacies and the websites for details of the dates and times. The provisional dates of 17/10 and 7/11 are to be confirmed;

-an item encouraging people to use the Minor Injury Unit at Doddington Hospital rather than A & E at Hinchingbrooke; RS reported that funding for Doddington was to be withdrawn from April 2016 and that new funding arrangements were being sought.

- vaccination against Meningitis A; C; W; and Y is available to all young people leaving 6th Form.

- Shingles vaccinations are available for patients aged 70,71,78 and 79. All eligible patients will be advised by a letter from the surgery;

8.3JS reported that the Armchair Activity sessions held on a Monday morning and other support groups held at the surgery were being promoted.

8.4JS reported that they were still waiting for the CQC inspection details and that it is likely that the inspectors would wish to speak to some members of this group.

8.5RA raised the issue that, whilst Jennie gives very good feedback, we should have one of the doctors present also as there are issues only they could give a response. RS said he would discuss this issue with Dr. Arun. JS stated that one problem re this was the timing of the meeting which means that it makes it difficult for the doctors to attend.

8.6In response to Item 8.5 above it was agreed that future meetings would commence at 6.30pm to make it easier for a doctor to attend.

9.0Care Home Proposal

9.1FC advised the meeting that, following a meeting with RS to discuss the planning application, he had written a letter to the planners and copied this to Ramsey Town Council., outlining concerns over increased demand on the car park adjacent to the surgery. No response had been received from HDC Planning Dept.

9.2The surgery had also written a letter raising the same issues and had received a response asking them to re-consider their concerns.

9.3Future meetings will be updated on any developments with the Care Home planning application.

10.0Rota for Flu Immunisation Days

10.1Provisional dates had already been mentioned by JS in Item 8.2 above.

10.2The Group agreed they would support these days in the usual manner and this would be discussed at the next meeting.

10.3JS stated that she would be inviting other support groups to attend to promote their services.

11.0Hunts Patient Congress Report

11.1RS stated he stated that he sits on the Cambridge and Peterborough Commissioning Group as a Patient Representative and also sits on the United Care Board as well as the Hunts System Resilience Group (SRG) and that he and JLsit on the Hunts Patient Congress. This helped him to keep up with what was going on and to feed back

to our group.

11.2RS circulated copies of the following reports:

United Care Board – written by Kit Prosser

Presentation by Dr. Wilcock

He asked that people look through these documents and forward any comments or issues as he was required to respond to Sally Berry by 31st July. He asked that any responses to be written on the relevant form and returned to the surgery by 29th July or scanned and emailed to

11.3RS also circulated a leaflet entitled ‘Fit for the Future – Shaping Local NHS Services’

12.0Care Act 2014 and Uniting Care

12.1RS gave feedback on a presentation he had attended on modernising the law on care for all.

13.0Annual General Meeting

13.1The provisional date for the AGM is Monday 19th October 2015.

13.2RS suggested possible speakers as Kit Comack on Uniting care and/or Dr. J. Wilcock on the Hunts Patient Congress. He stated he would discuss this with Dr. Arun and feedback at the next meeting.

14.0Any Other Business

14.1Push Doctor – see a doctor when you want to! Online doctor consultation via an online video link provided by a private medical service was discussed.

14.2It was reported that Staffordshire Health Trust were proposing to privatise their cancer and ‘end of life’ services.

14.3FF requested an article be included in the newsletter regarding taking medication on holiday and what can be done if they are forgotten.

14.4JB gave her apologies for the September meeting.

15.0Date of Next Meeting

15.1The next meeting will be held on Monday 21st September 2015 commencing at 6.30pm.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 8.50pm.

These notes were agreed at the meeting held on:


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Rainbow Patient GroupNotes of Meeting 20-07-15