Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Brookhaven, GA 30319

Email Address: ebsite:

Boardof Directors

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Regular MeetingMinutes

Date:December 3, 2015

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Brookhaven Kroger Community Room

3871 Peachtree Rd., Brookhaven, GA 30319


MEETING TYPE: / Regular / Special
MINUTES TYPE: / Proposed / Approved
  1. Call To Order

The meeting was called to order at7:10 pm

  1. Roll Call

Board Member Attendance:

Jennifer Langley / Board Chair / Present / Regrets / Absent
Mark Callaway / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
John Funny / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Andrew Hamilton / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Joe Gebbia / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Ed Lindsey / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Zennie Lynch / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Kevin Miller (by phone) / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Michael Robertson / Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
Board Member / Present / Regrets / Absent
D. Bates Mattison / Executive Dir. / Present / Regrets / Absent

Other Attendees: Walt Gill, Dave Faunce, Mark Cramer, Dylan Park

  1. Consideration and approval of new Board Member nominees
  1. Danielle Trost

Motion: Michael Robertson- motion to approve Danielle Trost to the Board

Support: Zennie Lynch


  1. Public Comment allowed introduction of public in attendance.
  1. Committee Report(s)
  2. Back Office Support report- Kevin

- Presentation from Kevin on reference checks of other charter schools using Prestige Charter. Other schools highly recommended use of Prestige. Each stated that without Prestige, they would have never been able to complete the task at hand. Each school group invited us to come by and visit their school. Andrew confirmed that services of ADP were not an overlap of services. Edward asked about if we checked out other options of these services; Bates explained that due to lack of GCSA membership and Thanksgiving holidays, these other options were not reviewed. Bates explained that if Prestige Charter contract was acted on by the Board, Gregg Stevens at SCSC asked that executing the contract was not to be handled before SCSC Executive Director Bonnie Holliday had a chance to review. Michael asked questions about whether the retainer had started the work already or if it would be started after the contract was signed. PCSS confirmed that the hourly billing and first two months of services were risk-free. Michael stated that he saw mine valuable services in the contract, such as lottery, but was concerned that many of the services were overlap with Exec. Dir. and/or Principal. Michael asked the question if we were here discussing the PCSS contract because True North requested that the board hire PCSS. Walt at True North answered that PCSS was not required by True North, however the board did not currently have the capacity to be underwritten without the experience of someone like PCSS. Michael has been asking that someone who has experience be brought to the board, which he is glad PCSS brings to the table. Michael raised the question that PCSS is like a $300,000 hire ($160,000 for ½ time person) and could we bring to the board an individual hire to handle these same basic business manager services. Zennie stated that he agreed with Michael about the possibility of duplication of services between PCSS and the ED/Principal which should be addressed by the board at some future board meeting. Edward agreed that PCSS is an expensive cost, but that this will function for BIA as “training wheels” to help our board get our school up and running. Michael asked about how PCSS will assist BIA with the Head of School search based on the comparative proposals BIA has received from recruiting firms. PCSS answered that they have knowledge and connections that can assist with the recruitment process and recommend that they could perform the initial search, before BIA hired a recruiter firm if PCSS was not able to deliver. PCSS does background check, salary background.

  1. Consideration and approval of back-office provider
    Motion: Michael Robertson- Motion to approve the contract with Prestige Charter School Solutions subject to the approval of the State Charter School Commission Executive Director.

Support: Edward Lindsey
Comments- Zennie stated that he was glad Michael made the motion. He felt that this mitigated the risk of failure of our initial school effort.


  1. Motion: Edward Lindsey- Motion to go into executive session to discuss real estate.

Support: John Funny


  1. Motion: Edward Lindsey- Motion to exit executive session.

Support: Michael Robertson

Ayes: unanimousNays:

  1. Discussion of Head of School Executive Search- Michael Robertson

Michael began with the HOS job description. The HOS job description should include what makes BIA special (Compass, STEM, Coding). We need someone who can understand the rules & regulations. Questions for the board- do we need to hire an experienced person or do we want an unknown who is moving up? Edward was comfortable using someone who is moving up, and eager to prove themselves. PCSS stated that they would assist with coordinating this effort. They recommended against requiring the HOS have the job requirements for fundraising component because it turns off good academic school leaders. Michael asked are we looking for someone out of a school of 400 or 1200 kids? Edward stated that he would prefer an assistant principal if it were from a larger school. He preferred searching out someone who may be seeking a HOS position and hungry for the job. Board recommended a search committee be formed. Nominees- John, Andrew, Michael, Jennifer with Michael acting as search committee chair. Recommendations of Rebecca Williams, Kim Gokce, Anee Blanton, Mike Davis. Michael will contact these people to participate.

  1. Fundraising Update- Bates / Jennifer
  • Status of Coxe Curry timeline – Bates reminded the board that we have a meeting Monday Dec. 7th 12 noon. Bates will send reminder of meeting to board with CCA address.
  1. Board Development policy- Michael presented draft policy (attached) which was a draft for the board to consider so that the board understood their responsibilities. The foundation of this draft is what Michael has used as the TAG Education Collaborative. Michael stated that he would be happy to chair this committee because he believes this is extremely important to the success of BIA. Jennifer asked if Michael could handle the chair of this committee and the search committee. Edward asked that we have PCSS review Michael’s board policy and come back for next board meeting.
  1. Consent Agenda
  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes of 11/19/15- deferred to next board meeting




  1. Old Business
  1. Consideration and approval of Real Estate Broker agreement- deferred from Oct. 16th




  1. New Business –
  1. Report from Jennifer that she had emailed Pastor of Brookhaven Baptist Church and closed the loop to leave a positive relationship. It addressed the miscommunications in the negotiations.
  2. Report from Jennifer about upcoming BIA event schedule.
  3. Jennifer reported that Fifth Third Bank has committed $5,000 to become first sponsor for the new outreach program.
  1. Extended Public Comment (limited to 3 minutes per person on any item/matter not listed on the agenda)
  2. Other Business
  3. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm

Motion: John Funny

Support: Michael Robertson
Ayes: unanimousNays:

Minutes Certification:

Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,

Recording SecretaryDate

Approved by the Board of Directors on

Board Secretary Date

A copy of the meeting minutes are available for public inspection at Brookhaven Innovation Academy, Brookhaven, GA 30319 within 8 business days for proposed minutes and within 5 business days of approval for approved minutes.

The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 USC § 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodation(s) please contact Head of School at prior to the meeting.

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Brookhaven, GA 30319

Email Address: ebsite:

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Board Development Policy ---

Board Development Committee

A Board Development Committee shall be appointed by the Board Chair to manage the evaluation and selection of board members to include soliciting nominations from members of the board, nominating new members for approval by the entire board, orienting new members, evaluating board performance and recommending removal of board members in accordance with the By Laws of the organization.

General Practices

The size and makeup of the board will be recommended by the Board Development Committee with input from BIA Staff, and the Board Chair. The Board should include a cross section of business and education leaders with expertise and knowledge in a broad range of areas.

Board members should have senior leadership roles within their occupation that support the needs and direction of BIA and a viable interest in the success of BIA. Other board members may be included from time to time that bring particular areas of expertise or connections that will enhance the mission of BIA.

All nominees for board membership must be recommended by the Board Development Committee following a due diligence process that includes a meeting with at least one member of the committee to discuss roles and expectations of board members.

No board member may make any promises for board participation or any special circumstances. Board members may make recommendations to the board development committee as part of their due diligence and the committee is responsible for nominating candidates to the entire board for approval.

Board of Directors Job Description & Expectations


  • Contribute your experience and knowledge by actively participating in Board and other BIA discussions
  • Take an active role in the success of BIA fundraising efforts
  • Make introductions to other organizations and individuals that promote Charter School Education in Georgia
  • Accept committee and special assignments
  • All Board Members are expected to serve on at least one standing committee
  • In addition, Board Members will be asked to serve on ad hoc committees to meet specific needs of BIA
  • Board members are encouraged to recruit others for volunteer opportunities to support BIA.


  • Determine BIA’s goals, policies and priorities
  • Ensure the existence and approval of plans and programs to fulfill the organization’s mission
  • Monitor and analyze the operation of BIA. ASK QUESTIONS and MAKE SUGGESTIONS
  • Provide for the long-range financial stability of the organization – approve & monitor the budget
  • Hire and fire the Head of School. Act as a Court of Appeals for staff conflicts
  • Ensure that the Board conducts business in an open and effective manner
  • Ensure BIA operates fiscally within the constraints of a Board approved budget
  • Exercise fiduciary of the organization.


Board Members are expected to attend the following meetings & events:

  • Monthly board meetings (DO WE WANT A MINIMUM NUMBER OF MEETINGS?)
  • Committee meetings for the committee(s) on which they serve
  • Appropriate board training when conducted
  • Annual Board Retreat, if conducted
  • Board Members are also asked to make every effort to attend other Receptions and Recognition Events to represent BIA and the BIA Board


  • Interest in promoting STEM Education in Georgia
  • Interest and ability to actively support the mission and programs of BIA.
  • A “Pay it Forward” perspective
  • Belief that volunteering is necessary for the success of BIA and a willingness to involve others.
  • Willingness to state your beliefs, and to accept the will of the majority when it contrasts with your own
  • The ability to communicate respectfully and directly with staff and other board members


All Board Members are responsible to the Board Chairman and accountable to the other members of the Board. You have the authority to carry out the job as described under “Major Functions,” below. Board Members may not obligate the Board or its members to any action or affiliation without specific approval.

TERM:Three years???

While the normal term for board members is three years, a special review of all new board members will be conducted by the board development committee, board chair and Head of School during the first year to ensure engagement and contribution.

A copy of the meeting minutes are available for public inspection at Brookhaven Innovation Academy, Brookhaven, GA 30319 within 8 business days for proposed minutes and within 5 business days of approval for approved minutes.

The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 USC § 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodation(s) please contact Head of School at prior to the meeting.

Brookhaven Innovation Academy

Brookhaven, GA 30319

Email Address: ebsite:

A copy of the meeting minutes are available for public inspection at Brookhaven Innovation Academy, Brookhaven, GA 30319 within 8 business days for proposed minutes and within 5 business days of approval for approved minutes.

The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, 42 USC § 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodation(s) please contact Head of School at prior to the meeting.