Radnor Middle School
PTO General Meeting
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Library - 7:00 PM
Attendance: Officers: Denick Herrin, President, Diana Gatti, VP Communications, Susan McNamara, VP Committees, Kathy Rinehart, Webmaster, Sandy Bitonti, Secretary.
Administration: Dr. Anthony Stevenson, Esther Purnell
PTO Members: Jill Adams, Viviana Aviles, Chuck Bonner, Jenny Chen, Jennifer Fritz, Heather Gallagher, Liz Gallagher, Rachel Goldberg, Megan Gummel, Berit Haahr, Rhona Hofmeyr, Rosie Iaramboykov, Laura Janson, Diane Korman, Michelle Leonard, Suzette Margolis, Erika Murdocca, Charles Oliva, Amy Polaha.
Guests:Lisa Borowski, Susan Stern.
- Welcome and Introductions: Officers and attendees introduced themselves individually.
- Principal’s Report - Esther Purnell
- Principal Purnell thanked the PTO for everything it has done for RMS and it students. The staff is also very appreciative.
- Principal Purnell gave an update on Schools to Watch and reported that T-shirts had been given to everyone.
- Principal Purnell reported that she is still working on communications issues that were discussed at the last PTO meeting. She asks that everyone continue to provide feedback. She wants to ensure everyone feels welcome at RMS.
- RMS is looking to institute parent volunteers at lunch.
- Also in response to a question raised at the last meeting, Principal Purnell spoke with George Hahn, the Athletic Director, and reported that Track and Field PIAA rules prohibit participation by 6th graders.
- There will be no increase in integrated teams at this time; the current 4 will be maintained.
- Teachers are available to help students with Math after school. RMS already has Math enrichment during Advisory to which students can go. There is also the after school homework club. The goal is to have all students placed properly. This responded to the concern raised at the last meeting about how to get a child into Honors Math.
- President’s Report – Denick Herrin
- Denick thanked the 7th and 8th grade mixer committee for a very successful evening of fun. Profits from the mixer went to the Honduras Children Alliance.
- More information on volunteer clearances will be coming soon from the District. We will support it, as it is a State law.
- The PTO still has $20,000 available for grants. We are expecting an application from the Physical Education Department.
- Denick informed everyone that Spirit Wear is still for sale and encouraged everyone to check it out.
- Treasurer’s Report - Lon Rosenblum, Treasurer
- The PTO has collected $15,000 in Family Sponsorships.
- The Giant A+ program generated $1,100 for RMS. This money will go the Helping Hands general fund.
- Communications and Website – Diana Gatti, Vice President of Communications, and Kathy Rinehart, Webmaster
- Diana and Kathy met once a month with the other 4 RTSD schools to share “Tips and Tricks.” This has sparked the District to reinstate their communications meetings with us.
- The 5 schools have agreed on certain web pages that will be consistent at all 5 schools, e.g., the Chairpersons’ page.
- Committees Update
- Glare Girton has formed the Nominating Committee and is looking for volunteers.
- Diane Korman reported on Schools to Watch. T-shirts have been given to 900 students. These will now be the gym shirts. As part of Schools to Watch, there is a theme each month such as sharing, kindness, mindfulness.
- Caroline Belveal is forming a committee and planning the Staff Appreciation Lunch.
- Laura Jansen reported the RSF is looking for kitchens to be shown as part of a fundraiser.
7.Special Guest
- Amy Goldman, former President of the RMS PTO, introduced Amy Knorr, a Lower Merion parent, who is actively involved in the movement to convince School Districts to change school hours for middle and high school students. The science is uncontroverted that middle and high school students should not start school before 8:30. Amy provided significant information and handouts on the subject. There was significant discussion.
- Dr. Anthony Stevenson reported that the School District has looked at the Lower Merion model, met with parents and is starting a conversation in May 2015 on the issue. There will be a report as to what needs to be addressed time-wise considering sports, buses and money. Parent input will be sought.
8.The November 2014 and February 2015 meeting minutes were unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Next PTO Meeting:
Wednesday, May 20 , 2014
RTSD Library – 7PM
Sandy Bitonti
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