Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Course Syllabus
Instructor:Mr. Carnahan
Contact Information:
Agriculture Science Department phone number: 281-641-5520
Conference Period: 3rd period
Please feel free to contact me by phone or email at any time.
Goals and Objectives for the course:
During the course of this year, we will cover a wide range of topics concerning Agriculture and Leadership. Some of the topics we will cover are listed below:
Setting Goals
Leadership Skills
Leadership Opportunities in the FFA
Structure of the FFA
Written and Oral Communication Skills
Parliamentary Procedure
Defining Agriculture
History of Agriculture
Guidelines for Success
- Bring a positive attitude to class every day
- Need to be willing to go in the shop and work every day.
- Pay attention to all safety rules and regulation
Classroom Activities
- These will vary from week to week as it depends on the types of project that we have.
- But you will be required to work daily for your grades
Classroom Expectations and Guidelines:
- No Food or Drinks in the classroom
- No sitting on the desk, sit in the desk
- No talking while I am talking or during individual assignments
- Be prepared for class each day
- Treat each other as you would want to be treated
- Follow all other school rules and classroom procedures
Consequences (not in any specific order):
- Verbal/ Non Verbal Warning
- One on one conference after class
- After school detention working in the shop
- Parent Phone Call
- Principal Referral
Grading :
Percentages: 60% summative and 40% formative
Summative grades:
- Test, project and speechs
Formative Grades:
- Quizzes, worksheets, notes, etc.
Every student must take a safety test and score a 100 on it before they are allowed to enter the shop.
Late Work Policy:
Late work will be accepted up to 5 school days after the due date with a penalty of _20 points per day.
Tutoring: is made by appointment
General classroom procedure:
Entering the classroom: Come into the classroom ready to learn and find your desk. Then begin working on the bell work on the board.
Tardies: are defined as being inside the door jam by the final bell. If you are not in the door by the time the final bell rings then you will be sent to the OSOT station (house secretary’s desk) and you will not be allowed back into class without a pass
Paper and Pencil: You must bring something to write on and write with every single day of class. If you do not it will affect your participation grade.
Turning in Assignements: You are to turn in your assignments to the designated turn in box for your class with your name on it. If you forget to put yur name on it will be a 10 point deduction. If you do not take ownership of the assignment you will receive a zero.
Absences: When you are absent, it is your responsibility to go to the teacher and asked for the assignments missed.
Parent Communication: If there is a grade or a conduct issue I will call the parents of the student. I will also send out emails to parents with general information and updates on student progress in class.
Class Dissmisal:
- Make sure your desk and area around your desk is clean
- When the bell rings remain in your seat
- #. Teacher will give you the signal that you can leave