Radisson University Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Thurs 27 March 2008


Evolving Research, Development and Acquisition Strategies in the Global War on Terror

There are dramatic and far reaching changes being made to the manner that the DOD is accomplishing its Research, Development and Acquisition responsibilities. In addition to long term R&D efforts towards Future Force Requirements, it is critical to address battlefield advantages and life saving technologies that are needed on the battlefield now for the Global War on Terror. Similarly acquisition policies and practices are undergoing dramatic and significant changes. Recent initiatives to insure that these developments can be tested, training developed and fielded in a revolutionary manner are in the works. In addition changes are expected aimed at improving risk identification, requirements development, and oversight to streamline the acquisition process for the DOD. This may lengthen the acquisition cycle and drive up contractor costs of bidding

Keynote Speaker:

COL (P) Pete Fuller (USA)


Forum Moderator: COL Kevin Dietrick DPEO STRI


Mr. David Ludwig (SES)


CAPT Steve Burris (USN)

Commanding Officer, NAWCTSD Orlando

Dr. Mike Macedonia

VP/GM Forterra Systems-Orlando

COL Craig Langhauser (USA) PM Combined Arms Tactical Trainer PEO STRI

Col. Frank Kelley (USMC) (Invited)


Ms. Leah S. Treppel (SOCOM) (Invited) Dep Ops SOA & Logistics, HQ. SOCOM

Breakfast Buffet
Juices, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Potatoes Danish, Muffins, Coffee & Tea
& coffee break

Individual registration on line:

Checks should be made out to NDIA-CFL and mailed to NDIA CFC.
PO Box 780263 Orlando Fl 32878-0263

Cost Industry $35 Government $20(Includes forum. Breakfast, refreshments, and proceedings. Cost after Friday 21 March and at the door on a space available basis is $45 Industry and $25 gov’t

Proceeds benefits NDIA Scholarship and Warfighter Support Programs

Accommodations: Rooms are available at the Radisson University Hotel for those attending. Please make your reservations directly with the Radisson at 407-658-9008. The hotel is east of downtown Orlando at the intersection of Colonial Drive (Hwy 50) and Alafaya Trail

Additional Information, contact:

Frederick W. Eisele

VP NDIA (CFC) Programs and Strategic Initiatives

Raytheon C3I IIS


407-310-3556 Mobile