Radiology Laboratory Expectations–

During the scheduled lab period, each group will be expected to obtain a good quality radiograph of each of the assigned anatomic areas. Group members will rotate job assignments. You may be responsible for more than one job assignment.

You will record the date, species/view, settings and job assignments on the page provided. This page will be paper clipped to your radiograph and the radiograph placed in your groups envelope. You will also record the date, view, and settings on the front of your groups envelope.

Responsibilities will include:

Machine Operator:

  • Positioning the cassette (on table or in grid)
  • Calculating exposure factors
  • Setting the control panel
  • Assisting with patient setup
  • Wearing appropriate PPE **
  • Taking the radiograph **
  • Making entries into the radiographic log **

Restrainer #1:

  • Choosing correct cassette size
  • Measurement of the anatomic area
  • Wearing appropriate PPE **
  • Restraining patient for radiographs **
  • Writing up radiograph in animal’s chart (after procedure) **
  • Walking patient, cleaning cage, andperforming any other duties for the animal as needed

Restrainer #2:

  • Positioning of the anatomic area **
  • Wearing appropriate PPE **
  • Restraining patient for radiographs **
  • Placing appropriate anatomic markers
  • Appropriate collimation


  • Assuring that processor (and water) are turned on at the beginning of the day and off at the end
  • Wearing appropriate PPE **
  • Making photo-imprint label and imprinting film with labels (in correct position) **
  • Developing the film correctly and re-loading the cassette **
  • Packaging film in appropriate envelope **
  • Returning cassettes to their proper location **
  • Alerting instructor if supplies run low


  • Assisting with patient restraint **
  • Wearing appropriate PPE **
  • Making sure all equipment is clean and returned to proper locations**
  • Making sure room, table, and floor are cleaned before you leave
  • Double checking all other tasks
  • Distributing dosimeter badges & returning back after lab **

** Required course skill

No one should repeat a position until everyone has the chance to fill each position once.

Each groupwill have 30minutes (only) to complete their radiographs. Only 1 retake per assigned radiograph ( 2radiographs total per position of animal). Animals for radiographing will be assigned to each group. Please use common sense to minimize the number of radiographs that any given animal receives per week, and make every effort to minimize stress to the patient during the process of taking radiographs.

If your group (or a member of your group) is late to lab, the time for that individual cannot be made up, and they will lose points for that day’s participation. Although the portfolio is a group grade, individual participation is what determines your final grade. We are on a tight schedule – this should help you to become proficient in taking radiographs within a time period similar to a clinical setting.

Lab times are as follows:

Groups4th period:

Group 1: M,W 12:05 – 12:35

Group 2 : M,W 12:45 – 1:15

Group 3 : T, Th 12:05 – 12:35

Group 4 : T, Th 12:45 – 1:15

Groups 5th period

Group 1 : M,W 1:30 – 2:00

Group 2 : M, W 2:10 – 2:40

Group 3 : T, Th 1:30 – 2:00

Group 4 : T, Th 2:10 – 2:40

You will be given additional assignments to complete on the days you are not in lab. You will also be given additional radiographs to take on Fridays and these will be co-ordinated by Mr. Specks.

** Please note: All animals in the radiology lab area MUST be on a leash or in your arms at all times.

The door opens & closes frequently, and an animal who escapes could be badly injured (or worse). This is very important, and failure to follow this rule will result in a loss of professionalism points for that day for the whole group. **

You will be receiving out-of-class assignments each lab day that should be completed in the time periods that you are not designated to be in lab. This is not “free” time, but rather an opportunity to work on additional learning activities while not in class. Even though you are not required to meet in a formal manner, YOU MUST REMAIN ON CAMPUS and WORK ON RADIOLOGY ASSIGNMENTS. You will not receive credit for these assignments if you do not abide by this rule.

The instructor is available to assist you in any way so you are comfortable with performing all the functions necessary to expose, process, trouble-shoot, and store radiographs. Both an individual lab participation grade and a team grade for the portfolio of radiographs submitted will be assessed. You will receive 10 points each day that you are on time and participate actively in lab. A deduction of 5 points will be given if you are late to your assigned time andthe full 10 points will be deducted if you are absent.Additional deductions or additions may be made based on lab professionalism, at the instructor’s discretion. The final portfolio grade will be similar to a final exam grade and take into account if you were absent or late to each assigned lab.

The portfolio of radiographswill be graded on, this will be a group grade. Please work together to ensure the expectations are met.




Appropriate Labeling Techniques

Appropriate Marker placement

Proper positioning

Appropriate processing

Absence of artifacts