March 21, 2011 Meeting MinutesPage 1


Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2011

Board of Directors Present

Kris Garner, President

Karen Gramm, Vice President

Members Present

At least one adult from the following 11 households (out of 85) was present:115,118,120,122,141,143,144,150,176,178 & 182. Note: a quorum (i.e., at least 50% of the members) was not present at this meeting.

Call To Order

The meeting of the South Mountain Estates Homeowners Association (SMEHOA) was called to order at 7:05 p.m. on March 21, 2011 by Kris Garner, President. Kris thanked the members present for taking the time to attend the meeting.


Kris asked all attending members to verify that their e-mail address listed on the sign-in sheet was correct. He also stated that if anyone wanted e-mail notifications sent to a second address to simply write it next to their house number on the sign-in sheet.

Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  1. Kris stated that all but three households have paid their 2011 annual assessment (i.e., the 2011 dues). According to Kris’letter, which was titled “Dues Reminder and Notice of Reserves” and dated February 21, 2011, the dues can still be paid in the next two weeks without penalty.
  2. Kris stated that there is a total of $6,088.20 in the SMEHOA checking account. Karen stated that this amount should increase by almost $2,000 following her upcoming deposit of numerous dues payments.
  1. Storm Water Committee Report
  1. Kris again stated that the SMEHOA landscaper will treat the cattails within Basin #1 with herbicide so that the entire basin can be mowed (after it has been dewatered).
  1. Social Committee
  1. There was no report for the Social Committee.
  1. Web Page Report
  1. Karen again stated that the SMEHOA website ( is complete. She urged the attending members to go to the website and then provide feedback to Karen.

Old Business

  • Kris asked if there were any attending members who would like to volunteer to serve on the 2011 SMEHOA Board of Directors (BOD).
  • Todd Ryan (143) volunteered.
  • Kris stated that both Doug Sider (174) and Steve McGarvey (188) volunteered earlier via e-mail and that neither of them was able to attend this meeting.
  • Kris stated that without a quorum present the election cannot take place during this meeting. Consequently, the election for the 2011 SMEHOA BOD will take place during a special meeting immediately following tonight’s meeting.
  • Kris reminded members that the Carroll Township Ordinances state that all grass clippings must be swept off the street after mowing and that members are not permitted to place clippings, tree limbs, or any other yard waste into or around the storm water inlets along the street.
  • Chick Grow (115) stated that he plans to speak to the Carroll Township road master regarding the deteriorated pavement in front and along his house. He plans to provide a brief report on this matter at a later meeting.

New Business

  • There was no new business.


Kris stated that the special meeting for the election of the 2011 SMEHOA BOD will take place immediately following this meeting. Kris thanked the attending members for taking the time to come to tonight’s meeting. He then asked all members to leave the room. After all members left the room (i.e., signifying the completion of the regularly scheduled meeting), the members returned to the room to begin the special meeting.