RADIO PACKAGE--Community Issue15

This is an individual assignment.

Description: Choose an issue that is of concern to the school population or the local community. It must be an issue that has twosides, and about which you can get actualities on both sides, and in which you can uncover a variety of viewpoints. You must remain an objective reporter(No bias, no slanting, none of your own opinions, etc.)


(Each step must be approved by your mentor, or if required, the teacher. All written steps must

be e-mailed to your mentor; Final paperwork must be handed in printed AND digitally handed in.)

___1. 3 Sentence Topic Pitch: Choose a topic that will lead to enough info, depth and sound for two sides of an issue.

The topic should have community importance and controversy. People should care about it. Both sides should have strong feelings.

___2. Research your topic: Provide detailed research with links that proves you know and understand both sides of your topic.

___3. Select Interviewees: List probable interviewees and reasons / relevance to your issue, what side they are on, etc.

___Select interviewees whom you do not know, or do not know very well. (Minimum: 4 interviews: You are encouraged to have more)

___Adults: You must interview at least 2 adults on each side of the issue.

___Relevance: All interviewees should be important voices for the issue. Select people who havestatus or relevance to the issue.

___4. Interview Questions (all Open-Ended): Your questions MUST BE APPROVED before you conduct your interviews.

___ Questions: Plan sequenced, open-ended questions ahead of time. Do not ask thesame questions of allinterviewees. Think in

terms of what you will need totell the story. Cater your questions to each interviewee.

___ You must prepare AT LEAST 5 worthy, important, researched topics.

___ For EACH TOPIC, type a 3 sentence summaryplus research links.

___ For EACH TOPIC, below the summary and links, type 3 or more OPEN-ENDEDquestions in a logically sequencedorder.

___ Submitthis “prep” to your mentor, go through feedback and revisionsessions until you have a great interview planned.

___5. Set up interviews: It is professional to make an appointment forinterviews. You represent the station. Be professional.

___6. Actualities: E-mail a typed list of your actualities (slug, IN, Time, Out) AFTER you dub and edit them, as described below:

___ Select actualities(10 to 20 seconds each) from each interview which will help tell the two sides toyour issue, andwhich will help tell

“”the story.”You must have actualities from at least four different adults (two on each sideof the issue). Only choose actualities

that have qualitysound and that areworthy of being actualities. Dub and edit the actualities onto the computer.

___7. Script –rough draft: typed in radio script format; proper heading on each page; one sided pages; split page format:

___Keep yourself out of the narration. You are solely an objective reporter. No opinions; no “I” statements, etc.

___Write around sound properly.

___Use storytelling format. Start with an introduction. Develop a logicalprogression for the middle of the story. Do not just

present opinions. Develop an angle and tell the story of your issue. There should be at least several sentences of narration

in between actualities. The narration should forward the story and “fill in the blanks.” It should not provide the same info as the

actualities. However you must also have enough actualities so you are not just mostly narrating. End with a good conclusion

that wraps up and ends big. (Music: only rights-free: beginning, end, and elsewhere only if appropriate and makes sense.)

___8. Production: This project is produced “off-air” and should be fully edited.

___The name of your show is, “A Closer Look.”

___Must be exactly 5 minutes (Advanced 1); exactly 10 minutes (advanced 2); exactly 30 minutes (advanced 3)

___Must sound conversational, even though you are reading the script.

___ All editing must be smooth and professional.


____ Save in designated location on the server and save in all other designated locations or media as required by teacher.

____ Save in your own folder on the server and on your own USB drive.

____ File name must be: date submitted----Slug---Your Name & Code

Example: 2-14-09---Transit Package—Carleen(5-A)

___ 9. FINAL PAPERWORK Packet: (all stapled together): Cover sheet (withyour full name & code, the words “RADIO

PACKAGE”, the title, and thedate handed in) The final script, and all other required paperwork….. Hand in digital and printed copies.

Note: Your final Radio Packagemust reflect the info from all course materials on packages and on “Writing Around Sound.”

*** Deadlines are the last possible day for credit. You receive NO CREDIT unless on that day it is in final, perfect, approvablecondition and able to be aired (by teacher standards). All feedback and revision must come way before deadline day. ***