Expression of Interest

Deputy Principal Connected Communities

Expressions of interest are invited from interested applicants for the position of Deputy Principal, Connected Communities for the 2017 school year. The successful candidate will be located in Brewarrina Central School and will work across the 15 Connected Communities schools to support quality learning and teaching.

Connected Communities Strategy

The Connected Communities Strategy is aimed at addressing educational disadvantage for Aboriginal students, and all students, in fifteen schools in eleven of the most complex communities in NSW.

The Strategy is a new approach to how we deliver education in vulnerable communities, with schools partnering with Aboriginal community members and agencies to reinforce the critical role of culture in students’ lives, and linking students with the services they need such as health, family supports, early childhood education and care, and vocational training.

Specific Selection criteria

§  Aboriginality.

§  Thorough knowledge of the Connected Communities Strategy and ability to support its implementation across the 15 Connected Communities schools.

§  Demonstrated ability to build the capacity of staff to engage students in culturally inclusive quality teaching and learning experiences.

§  Demonstrated ability to initiate, lead and manage Connected Communities initiatives which enhance student engagement.

§  Outstanding interpersonal, communication and organisational skills with the ability to promote teamwork and build strong partnerships with families, staff and external agencies.

§  Understanding of and sensitivity to the educational, social/cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students across diverse communities.

General Selection criteria

§  Successful teaching experience with capacity to initiate improvement in teaching, learning and classroom practice.

§  Knowledge of curriculum, assessment and student welfare with the ability to lead and design quality, inclusive teaching and learning programs

§  Educational leadership skills to build the capacity and manage the performance of individuals and teams.

§  Well-developed communication and interpersonal skills with the capacity to build relationships and engage students, staff and parents

§  Ability to plan and manage resources effectively and equitably to support teaching and learning.

§  Knowledge of and commitment to the Department's Aboriginal education policies

An expression of interest addressing the criteria, of no more than 5 pages in length, and an additional 1 page work history should be submitted to Kim Proctor, Director Connected Communities at by 5pm on Wednesday 22 February 2017.

One of the referees listed must be the applicant’s current principal or supervisor. Expressions of interest must not exceed 5 A4 pages and require the signature of the applicant’s current principal or supervisor.

For further information contact Kim Proctor, Director Connected Communities: Ph 02 9244 5316 or at .

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