Annex A – RF Technical Brief Cover Sheet

RF EXPOSURE: SAR and RF (MPE) Evaluation –

All fields must be completed with the requested information or the following codes:

N/A for Not Applicable, N/P for Not Performed or N/V for Not Available.

Where applicable, check appropriate box.

Company Number:
Model Number:

TYPE OF EVALUATION: (Complete the applicable sections: (a) SAR Evaluation: Device Used in the Vicinity of the Human Head; (b) SAR Evaluation: Body-Worn Device/Body-Supported Device; (c) SAR Evaluation: Limb-Worn Device; (d) RF Exposure Evaluation.)

Note: The worst-case scenario (i.e. highest measured value obtained) should be reported.

(a) SAR – HEAD
N/A / N/P / N/V
Multiple simultaneous Tx / Yes / No
Exposure limits used / General Public Use
Controlled Use
Duty Cycle (%)
Standard Used
SAR Value / W/kg
Measured Method / Measured
(b) SAR – BODY
N/A / N/P / N/V
Multiple simultaneous Tx / Yes / No
Exposure limits used / General Public Use
Controlled Use
Duty Cycle (%)
Standard Used
SAR Value / W/kg
Measured Method / Measured
(c) SAR – LIMB
N/A / N/P / N/V
Multiple simultaneous Tx / Yes / No
Exposure limits used / General Public Use
Controlled Use
Duty Cycle (%)
Standard Used
SAR Value / W/kg
Measured Method / Measured
N/A / N/P / N/V
Exposure limits used / General Public Use
Controlled Use
Duty Cycle (%)
Standard Used
Measurement Distance / meter
RF Value / V/m / A/m / W/m2
Measured Method / Measured

Annex B – Declaration of RF Exposure Compliance

*Must be signed if Annex A- (a), (b), (c), or (d) has been completed

ATTESTATION: I attest that the information provided in Annex A is correct; that the Technical Brief was prepared and the information contained therein is correct; that the device evaluation was performed or supervised by me; that applicable measurement methods and evaluation
methodologies have been followed; and that the device meets the SAR and/or RF field strength limits of RSS-102.
Signature: / Date:
(Please print or type):
(Please print or type):
(Please print or type):


Annex C - Declaration of RF Exposure Compliance for Exemption from Routine Evaluation Limits

*Must be signed if Annex A & B are Not Applicable

ATTESTATION: I attest that the radiocommunication apparatus meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in Section 2.5 of this standard; that the Technical Brief was prepared and the information contained therein is correct; that the device evaluation was performed or supervised by me; that applicable measurement methods and evaluation methodologies have been followed; and that the device meets the SAR and/or RF field strength limits of RSS-102.
Signature: / Date:
(Please print or type):
(Please print or type):
(Please print or type):

S:\TIMCO\QA\Master Documents\IC (Appendix I-II) Form.doc Rev. 05/19/2010