Radical Reference is a collective of library workers and students who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations and independent journalists by providing experienced research support, education and access to information.
Online Reference: Are you an activist or independent journalist with a research question? Submit it via our website, and librarians will help you find an answer.
Trainings and Discussions: Radical Reference builds community with activists and among librarians. Public events have included fact-checking and Internet workshops and open discussions of library issues.
Street Reference: Members have provided information and assistance during the Republican National Conventions of 2004 (NYC) and 2008 (Minneapolis-St. Paul) and other actions. Know about an event that needs librarians out in the streets?
Radical Reference is a collective of library workers and students who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations and independent journalists by providing experienced research support, education and access to information.
Online Reference: Are you an activist or independent journalist with a research question? Submit it via our website, and librarians will help you find an answer.
Trainings and Discussions: Radical Reference builds community with activists and among librarians. Public events have included fact-checking and Internet workshops and open discussions of library issues.
Street Reference: Members have provided information and assistance during the Republican National Conventions of 2004 (NYC) and 2008 (Minneapolis-St. Paul) and other actions. Know about an event that needs librarians out in the streets?
Radical Reference is a collective of library workers and students who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations and independent journalists by providing experienced research support, education and access to information.
Online Reference: Are you an activist or independent journalist with a research question? Submit it via our website, and librarians will help you find an answer.
Trainings and Discussions: Radical Reference builds community with activists and among librarians. Public events have included fact-checking and Internet workshops and open discussions of library issues.
Street Reference: Members have provided information and assistance during the Republican National Conventions of 2004 (NYC) and 2008 (Minneapolis-St. Paul) and other actions. Know about an event that needs librarians out in the streets?
Radical Reference is a collective of library workers and students who believe in social justice and equality. We support activist communities, progressive organizations and independent journalists by providing experienced research support, education and access to information.
Online Reference: Are you an activist or independent journalist with a research question? Submit it via our website, and librarians will help you find an answer.
Trainings and Discussions: Radical Reference builds community with activists and among librarians. Public events have included fact-checking and Internet workshops and open discussions of library issues.
Street Reference: Members have provided information and assistance during the Republican National Conventions of 2004 (NYC) and 2008 (Minneapolis-St. Paul) and other actions. Know about an event that needs librarians out in the streets?