Classics 121bSpring, 2014

This class meets 5-6.30 p.m. (Block M) in Mandel G11

C. Walker (); Mandel 215; x62190/617-628-8964

Hours: MW 12-1; Th 12-1; by appointment

Matthew MacFarline; Rabb 359


Because this course is designed as a survey of various ancient socio-economic systems, the readings are split between a small number of texts we shall examine in common and a large number of texts recommended generally, but intended mostly as sources for the specific topics on which you will be writing. I expect that reading only the assigned readings will limit your understanding (and grade) in seriously prejudicial ways. Many of the assigned readings will be posted on LATTE; others should be available on line, on reserve, in the library, and in many of the area and online bookstores. If you have any difficulty finding these materials, please let me know forthwith.

Class Schedule

January 13Introduction: Pre-monetary Economic Systems

Discussion: production, commerce, and distribution in archaic systems

15-22 Reading: M. Mauss, The Gift, intro and chapter 1 (on LATTE)

Discussion: gifts, hospitality, and wealth in social values

22Reaction paper #1 due

27-29 Readings: Homer, Iliad and Odyssey (selections; on LATTE)

Discussion: does epic material have social and historical value?

29 Reaction paper #2 due

3-5 Reading: Hesiod, Works and Days

Herodotus 1 (selections; on LATTE)

Discussion: didactic poetry as source; the Lydians and Persians

5 Reaction paper #3 due

10 Discussion: the introduction of currency and non-market systems


************************Spring Break********************************

24Discussion: the Spartan system

26 Readings: Plutarch, Lycurgus

March 3Readings: Plutarch, Lysander

Discussion: developing an empire; losing Messenia

5-10 Plutarch, Agis and Cleomenes

Discussion: the Spartan collapse

12-17 Readings: Plutarch, Solon; Themistocles

Aristophanes, Acharnians

Discussion: the development of democracy and Athenian commerce

19-24 Readings: Thucydides 1 (selections)

Discussion: the Megarian Decree; the links of democracy/ commerce/


19 Paper 1 proposal due

26Readings: Xenophon, Oikonomicus

Discussion: household management and acquisition of wealth

31 Paper 1 due

-April 2Readings: Livy (selections; on LATTE)

Polybius 1 (selections; on LATTE)

Discussion: Roman expansion and wealth acquisition

7-9 Readings: Plutarch, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

Sallust, Jugurthine War

Cicero, selected letters (on LATTE)

Discussion: Republican economic and social reform

9 Paper 2 proposal due

14 Readings: Pliny the Younger, selected letters (on LATTE)

Discussion: the public and private administration of the Empire

************************Passover Break******************************

23 Readings: Apuleius, The Golden Ass

Discussion: life as analyzed and as felt

28 Readings: Diocletian, Edict on Prices (on LATTE)

Discussion: the end of the empire

28 Paper 2 due

If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see me immediately.