RAC – Value of Research Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Date / July 25, 2011 / Time / 1:30 p.m.Facilitator / Mara Campbell / Scribe / Mara Campbell
Subject / RAC Value of Research Task Force Meeting Minutes
Attendees / Cynthia Gerst, OH DOT; David Kuehn, FHWA; Michelle Akin, Montana State U; JT Rabun, GA DOT; Deborah Harper, WSU; Michael Patritch, WYO DOT; Ken Jacoby, FHWA; Kim Osborne, FHWA; Rob Harper, Alaska DOT; Dick McReynolds,. McReynolds Research LLC; J. Michelle Owens, AL DOT; Abdul Wakil, UDOT; Patrick Casey, CTC & Associates; Sandra Larson, Iowa DOT; Anne Ellis, AZ DOT; Brian Hirt, CTC & Associates; Camille Crichton Sumners, NJ DOT; Mark Norman, TRB; Bob Skinner, TRB; Timothy McDowell, WY DOT; Donald Williams, WV DOT; Cindy Smith, MS DOT; Clayton Schumaker, ND DOT; Roberto DeDios, CO DOT; David Hufff, SD DOT; Mark Morvant, LA DOT; Darryll Dockstader, FDOT; Glenn Roberts, NHDOT; Linda Taylor, MNDOT; Chris Jenks, TRB
Regretted: Ann Overton, VDOT; Dale Peabody, MaineDOT
Action Items from March 30, 2011, Conference Call
Action Item / Follow-up Report / Owner
Include discussion of publication format of Communication Tools and Methods document on July agenda. / Mara Campbell / July 11, 2011
Review list of candidate topics for high value research brochure and provide feedback to CTC & Associates. / Task Force Members / June 6, 2011
Anyone interested in chairing the Value of Research Task Force to contact Mara Campbell. / Task Force Members / July 1, 2011
Key Points Discussed
No / Topic / Highlights
1. / Tools and Methods Document / Mara Campbell distributed the Tools and Methods Document. This piece was created as a deliverable related to the strategies within the SCOR strategic plan. This piece will help research managers identify numerous tools to communication the research they are conducting and to share the value of that research for their department. This piece will be posted on line for everyone to use.
3. / High Value Research Brochure
Update on 20-63 / Mara Campbell asked Pat Casey and Brian Hirt, CTC & Associates LLC, to give an update on the “nearly final” DRAFT of the High Value Research Brochure.
A laid-out draft brochure was presented to the task force during its meeting in Salt Lake City. There was a tremendous amount of discussion about the brochure in terms of layout, content and overall mission of the piece. All of the comments were captured and will be considered as the final product is due within the next few weeks.
Mara suggested that the brochure be sent to the entire RAC to ensure there are no surprises with the piece. She agreed to do that this week so the CTC folks could finalize their brochure.
Pat noted some of the projects in the executive brochure were selected from the sweet 16, but the brochure also includes projects selected from the complete compendium of projects submitted to ensure a diverse representation of high value projects in the final document. He indicated the contact person for the projects selected for the brochure will be consulted to provide additional project details. Ms. Campbell noted the sweet 16, projects from FHWA, and TRB were sent to Pat Casey & Associates for evaluation and determination of recommended projects for the brochure. She noted the Value of Research Task Force will be the technical review panel for the final brochure content.
Mark Morvant gave the Task Force an update on the 20-63 project. Mark suggested that they were nearing the end of the project and will need to get the Task Force up to date on it. They needed the Task Force thoughts and opinions on a couple of things. He asked the Task Force if they would support using the tool as the data collection tool for the High Value of Research Projects. There was a tremendous amount of discussion but when called for a vote, the members unanimously agreed to support the 20-63 RPM tool as the medium to collect High Value of Research Projects as quickly as the tool is ready for use.
Mark also asked the group for their feedback on the types and number of questions needed to be used in the tool related to the High Value of Research and how much length should be given (200, 500, 1000 words) in the summary section. Again, a lot of discussion but it was agreed the Task Force would support the exact same questions as has been used in the past and the 20-63 panel should consider a longer summery such as 500 words. Mara asked the Task Force to think about it and we would let Mark know in the near future.
Mark also elevated the issue that this tool is NOT a research program management tool…but a performance measurement tool to help managers with quantify the “value” of research. There was discussion around the metrics and how to use it. Mark offered everyone interested to attend the breakout session on this tool Tuesday afternoon.
Mara thanked Mark for his report and his commitment to this project. She suggested that Mark continue to the Task Force updated as this is an important project for this Task Force.
4. / Wrap Up and Next Steps / Mara thanked everyone for the opportunity to be associated with such a great group of transportation professionals. She will be resigning from her research responsibilities in August. Dale Peabody has agreed to become the chair of the Value of Research Task Force. Mara thanked Dale for taking on this responsibility and for his dedication to RAC and SCOR.
5. / Next Meeting / Dale will be sending out the meeting notices for the remainder of the year after the RAC/TRB State Representatives Meeting. Watch for a notice from Dale.
Action Items
Action Item / Owner / Target Date
Email the DRAFT “Research Makes a Difference” brochure to all RAC members / Mara Campbell / July 28, 2011
Post the High Value of Research projects collected this year on the internet / Dale Peabody/Dawn / August 2, 2011
Review the final draft and give approval to the CTC and TRB on the brochure / Task Force Members / August 29, 2011
Give feedback on the 20-63 to Mark Morvant / Task Force Members / September 1, 2011
Review the SCOR Strategic Plan to offer ideas and suggestions on other deliverables the VOR can work on to assist the SCOR / Dale Peabody/Task Force Members / November 1, 2011