MessagesforRemittanceAdvicesdated–February 12, 2015 – February 19, 2015
to: All AHEC-Resident Group; AR Dept of Health; ASC; FQHC; Hospital; Nurse Practitioner; Physicians; RHC Providers / RE: Vaccines for ARKids first-B BeneficiariesARKids First-B beneficiaries WILL STILL BE ELIGIBLE for the VFC Program beginning January 1, 2015.The changes planned to be made to the ARKids-B program will not be implemented on 1/1/15 as previously reported.ARKids First-B beneficiaries will still be eligible for the VFC Program for dates of service 1/1/15 and after, and providers can continue to obtain vaccines as they have always done using the vaccine ordering process currently in place with the Arkansas Department of Health.
To: Provider Types: 01, 03, 05, 08, 09, 21, 24, 25, 26, 43, 58, 69 / re: New ARKids First-B Services WILL NOT BE ADDED to Benefit Coverage Beginning January 1, 2015
The changes planned to be made to the ARKids-B program will not be implemented on 1/1/15 as previously reported. The new services of orthodontia, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychiatric hospital and psychiatric residential treatment facility will NOT be covered services for ARKids First-B beneficiaries for dates of service 1/1/15 and after.
TO: ALL PROVIDERS / RE: UPDATED: 2014 Eligible Professional (EP) Attestation Deadline is 6/30/15 @ 11:59 p.m. CST
If you wish to apply for an EP EHR incentive payment for Calendar Year 2014, you must submit your application/attestation by 6/30/15. A submitted application means that you have registered with the R&A, attested through MAPIR and completed the MAPIR application by clicking the Submit button. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Arkansas Incentive Payment Team (AIPT) at . Upon contacting the AIPT, please provide screen prints regarding your question/concern.
to: Pharmacy Providers / RE: New Pharmacy Vendor
Effective 03/14/15, Magellan Medicaid will assume the administrative operation of the Pharmacy program for the State of Arkansas. For more information, see the notice at
Ifyouneedthismaterialinanalternativeformatsuchaslargeprint,pleasecontacttheProgramDevelopmentandQualityAssuranceUnitat(501) 320-6429.
ThankyouforyourparticipationintheArkansasMedicaidProgram. Ifyouhavequestionsregardingthesemessages,pleasecontacttheHPProviderAssistanceCenterat1-800-457-4454(toll-free)withinArkansasorlocallyandout-of-stateat(501)376-2211.
RemittanceAdvicescannotbeforwarded. NotifytheArkansasMedicaidProgramofanyaddresschange,indicatingallprovidernumbersaffectedbythechange. Thisnotificationmustincludetheprovider’soriginalsignature(nofacsimilesaccepted).