WCLA Fall Meeting

September 12, 2010

Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, Jefferson, Wisconsin

Meeting was called to order at 2:35 P.M. by President Roy Wilson. The WCLA Awards Program followed. Awards were presented to winners in the following divisions: Novice, Showmanship, Sweepstakes, Breed and Futurity Show.

Secretary’s report was read. Motion was made by Leah Green and seconded by Kevin Schmoll to approve and accept. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report was read. Current balance was $3821.19. Motion was made by Leah Green and seconded by Clint Dallas to approve and accept. Motion passed.

Old Business

WCLA Sale – Becky Doman is the Sale Chairperson for 2011, the Co-Chair for 2011 and Chairperson for 2012 will be elected during today’s election. Plans are to have the sale with the Wisconsin Pig Association again next year. Recommendation to have someone from WCLA in the barn the night before the sale to make sure space is reserved for us. Working with the WPA saves us money but need to further coordination efforts. Plan to have on same weekend in 2011.

Commercial Ewe Division – Motion was made to discontinue the commercial ewe division. Motion was seconded and passed. One vote in opposition of the motion.

Breeder Dues – $75 if paid before February 1, $100 between February 2 and sale day. Dues are not accepted on sale day.

Futurity Show – Rebecca Doman made a motion to bring back the Futurity Show in 2011. Motion was seconded by Mark Novak. Motion passed (6-5).

Sanctioned Shows – Deadline is April 1.

Fall Sanctioned Show Season – Show at Wool Festival grew from 42 in 2009 to 97 in 2010. Showmanship continues to be a problem. Suggest that WCLA showmanship be separate (as done at WLBA shows).

New Business

Point Calculations –Information on the basis for Point Calculations are on the WCLA Website. Numerous concerns were brought up about the Novice Division. Bobby Johnson made a made a motion to discontinue the Novice Division of WCLA. The motion was seconded by Don Springer. Motion passed.

WSF –Members with WSF suggestions were encouraged to complete an online submission form. Members thought the terminal show was good. Idea was brought up to have the commercial ewes judged by market judge. Showing ewes by weight rather than birth date has decreased the number of ewes in the show.

Election of officers –

President – Mark Novak

Secretary – Terri Dallas

Sale Co-Chair – Jason Johnson

Point Chair – Carl Kent

Youth – Jed Dallas (1 year term)

Youth – Crystal Novak (1 year term)

Motion was made and seconded by to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Dallas
