Checklist of marine benthic algae of the Commander Islands (revised in 2012)

Table 1. Empire Eukaryota, Kingdom Plantae, Subkingdom Viridaeplantae, Phylum Chlorophyta (Green algae)

Record number / Taxon / Comments / Occurrence in other North Pacific areas
American sector / Russian1 sector
Class Bryopsidophyceae
Order Bryopsidales
Family Derbesiaceae
1 / Derbesia marina (Lyngbye) Solier / Previously attributed to the order Siphonales, family Bryopsidaceae / + / + 2
Family Codiaceae
2 / Codium ritteri Setchell & N.L.Gardner / Previously attributed to the order Siphonales / + / +
Class Chlorophyceae
Order Chaetophorales
Family Chaetophoraceae
3 / Zygomitus reticulatus Bornet & Flahault / – / +
Class Siphonocladophyceae Order Cladophorales
Family Cladophoraceae
4 / Chaetomorpha ligustica (Kützing) Kützing / Previously attributed to the order Siphonocladales / + / +
5 / Chaetomorpha linum (O.F.Müller) Kützing / Previously attributed to the order Siphonocladales / + / +
6 / Cladophora speciosa Sakai / Previously attributed to the order Siphonocladales / – / +
7 / Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey / Previously attributed to the order Siphonocladales / + / +
Class Ulvophyceae
Order Ctenocladales
Family Ulvellaceae
8 / Acrochaete apiculata (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) O'Kelly / + / – 2
9 / Acrochaete flustrae (Reinke) O'Kelly / as Entocladia flustrae (Reinke) Batters [5]. Previously attributed to the order Chaetophorales, family Chaetophoraceae / + / +
10 / Acrochaete geniculata (N.L. Gardner) O'Kelly / + / +
11 / Acrochaete ramosa (N.L. Gardner) O'Kelly / + / +
12 / Acrochaete repens Pringsheim / + / +
13 / Acrochaete viridis (Reinke) R. Nielsen / as Entocladia viridis Reinke [5]. Previously attributed to the order Chaetophorales, family Chaetophoraceae / + / +
14 / Pringsheimiella scutata (Reinke) Marchewianka / + / +
15 / Ulvella lens P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan / + / –
16 / Ulvella prostrata N.L.Gardner / + / +
Order Ulotrichales
Family Ulotrichaceae
17 / Acrosiphonia arcta (Dillwyn) Gain / as Acrosiphonia arcta (Dillwyn) J.Agardh [5]. Previously attributed to the order Acrosiphonales, family Acrosiphonaceae / + / +
18 / Acrosiphonia duriuscula (Ruprecht) Yendo / as Spongomorpha duriuscula (Ruprecht) Collins [5]. Previously attributed to the order Acrosiphonales, family Acrosiphonaceae / + / +
19 / Spongomorpha aeruginosa (Linnaeus) Hoek / as Chlorochytrium inclusum Kjellman (Chlorococcales, Chlorochytriaceae) [5], now treated as a stage of development of S. aeruginosa / + / +
20 / Spongomorpha mertensii (Yendo) Setchell & N.L. Gardner / as Acrosiphonia ochotensis (Tokida) Vinogradova [5]. Previously attributed to the order Acrosiphonales, family Acrosiphonaceae / + / +
21 / Pseudothrix groenlandica (J. Agardh) Hanic & S.C.Lindstrom / as Capsosiphon groenlandicus (J.Agardh) Vinogradova [5]. Previously attributed to the order Ulvales, family Capsosiphonaceae / + / +
22 / Ulothrix flacca (Dillwyn) Thuret / + / +
23 / Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Areschoug / also as Codiolum gregarium A.Braun (Chlorococcales, Chlorochytriaceae) [5], now treated a stage of development of U. penicilliformis. Previously attributed to the order Acrosiphonales, family Acrosiphonaceae / + / +
24 / Urospora wormskioldii (Mertens ex Hornemann) Rosenvinge / as U. wormskjoldii, also as Urospora vancouveriana (Tilden) Scagel [5]. Previously attributed to the order Acrosiphoniales, family Acrosiphoniaceae / + / +
Order Ulvales
Family Gomontiaceae
25 / Monostroma grevillei (Thuret) Wittrock / Previously attributed to the order Ulvales, family Monostromataceae / + / +
Family Kornmanniaceae
26 / Blidingia minima (Nägeli ex Kützing) Kylin / Previously attributed to the family Monostromataceae / + / +
27 / Blidingia subsalsa (Kjellman) Kornmann & Sahling ex Scagel et al. / Previously attributed to the family Monostromataceae / + / +
28 / Kornmannia leptoderma (Kjellman) Bliding / + / +
Family Ulvaceae
29 / Percursaria percursa (C.Agardh) Rosenvinge / as Percursaria percursa (C.Agardh) Bory [5] / + / +
30 / Ulva flexuosa Wulfen / as Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J.Agardh [5] / + / +
31 / Ulva lactuca Linnaeus / as Ulva fenestrata Postels & Ruprecht [5] / + / +
32 / Ulva linza Linnaeus / as Enteromorpha linza (Linnaeus) J.Agardh, also as Enteromorpha procera Ahlner [5] / + / +
33 / Ulva prolifera O.F.Müller / as Enteromorpa prolifera (O.F.Müller) J.Agardh [5] / + / +
34 / Ulvaria splendens Ruprecht / + / +
Class Trebouxiophyceae
Order Prasiolales
Family Prasiolaceae
35 / Prasiola borealis M. Reed / Previously attributed to the order Schizogoniales / + / +
36 / Rosenvingiella polyrhiza (Rosenvinge) P.C. Silva / + / +

Table 2. Empire Eukaryota, Kingdom Chromista, Phylum Ochrophyta, Class Phaeophyceae

(Brown algae)

Record number / Taxon / Comments / Occurrence in other North Pacific areas
American sector / Russian1 sector
Order Desmarestiales

Family Desmarestiaceae
1 / Desmarestia aculeata (Linnaeus) J.V. Lamouroux / + / +
2 / Desmarestia ligulata (Stackhouse) J.V. Lamouroux / as Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux [6] / + / +
3 / Desmarestia viridis (O.F.Müller) J.V. Lamouroux / + / +
Family Acinetosporaceae
4 / Pylaiella littoralis (Linnaeus) Kjellman / Previously attributed to the family Ectocarpaceae / + / +
Family Chordariaceae
5 / Chordaria flagelliformis (O.F.Müller) C.Agardh / Previously attributed to the order Chordariales / + / +
6 / Coilodesme bulligera Strömfelt / Previously attributed to the order Dictyosiphonales, family Dictyosiphonaceae / + / +
7 / Coilodesme californica (Ruprecht) Kjellman / Previously attributed to the order Dictyosiphonales, family Dictyosiphonaceae, erroneously identified as Сoilodesme fucicola (Yendo) Nagai [6] / + / –
8 / Delamarea attenuata (Kjellman) Rosenving / Previously attributed to the order Dictyosiphonales, family Delamareaceae / + / +
9 / Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus (Hudson) Greville / also as Dictyosiphon hippuroides (Lyngbye) Kützing [6]. Previously attributed to the order Dictyosiphonales, family Dictyosiphonaceae / + / +
10 / Elachista tenuis Yamada / Previously attributed to the order Chordariales, family Elachistaceae / – / +
11 / Hecatonema primarium (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Loiseaux / Recorded erroneously as Myrionema strangulans Greville [20] / + / –
12 / Leathesia marina (Lyngbye) Decaisne / as Leathesia difformis (Linnaeus) Areschoug [6]. Previously attributed to the order Chordariales, family Corynophloeaceae / + / +
13 / Leptonematella fasciculata (Reinke) P.C. Silva / Previously attributed to the order Chordariales, family Elachistaceae / + / +
14 / Myrionema balticum (Reinke) Foslie / + / –
15 / Myrionema magnusii (Sauvageau) Loiseaux / + / –
16 / Soranthera ulvoidea Postels & Ruprecht / Previously attributed to the order Dictyosiphonales, family Punctariaceae / + / +
17 / Streblonema evagatum Setchell & N.L.Gardner / + / –
18 / Streblonema myrionematoides Setchell & N.L. Gardner / + / –
19 / Streblonema scabiosum Setchell & N.L. Gardner / + / –
Family Ectocarpaceae
20 / Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye var. arctus (Kützing) T. Gallardo / as Ectocarpus arctus Kützing [6] / – / +
Family Scytosiphonaceae
21 / Analipus japonicus (Harvey) M.J. Wynne / Previously attributed to the order Ralfsiales, family Ralfsiaceae / + / +
22 / Compsonema serpens Setchell & N.L. Gardner / + / –
23 / Petalonia fascia (O.F. Müller) Kuntze / + / +
24 / Scytosiphon dotyi M.J. Wynne / + / +
25 / Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link / + / +
Order Laminariales
Family Alariaceae
26 / Alaria angusta Kjellman / + / +
27 / Alaria marginata Postels & Ruprecht / + / +
28 / Eualaria fistulosa (Postels & Ruprecht) M.J. Wynne / as Alaria fistulosa Postels & Ruprecht [6] / + / +
Family Costariaceae
29 / Agarum clathratum Dumortier / Previously attributed to the family Laminariaceae / + / +
30 / Agarum clathrus (S.G.Gmelin) Greville / as Thalassiophyllum clathrus (Gmelin) Postels & Ruprecht [6]. Previously attributed to the family Laminariaceae / + / +
Family Laminariaceae
31 / Cymathaere triplicata (Postels & Ruprecht) J.Agardh / as Cymathere triplicata [6] / + / +
32 / Laminaria longipes Bory de Saint-Vincent / + / +
33 / Laminaria yezoensis Miyabe / + / +
34 / Saccharina bongardiana (Postels & Ruprecht) Selivanova, Zhigadlova & G.I.Hansen / as Laminaria bongardiana Postels & Ruprecht (with 2 forms) [6], now includes one more form: S. bongardiana f. subsessilis (Areschoug) Selivanova, Zhigadlova & G.I. Hansen. True Hedophyllum sessile (C.Agardh) Setchell is shown to be absent in the Islands’ flora, alga identified so earlier is now treated as this third form. / + / +
35 / Saccharina dentigera (Kjellman) C.E. Lane, C. Mayes, Druehl & G.W. Saunders / as Laminaria dentigera Kjellman [6] / + / +
36 / Nereocystis luetkeana (K. Mertens) Postels & Ruprecht / Met only as drift and cast ashore. Previously attributed to the family Lessoniaceae / + / –
Order Fucales
Family Fucaceae
37 / Fucus evanescens C. Agardh / + / +
Order Ralfsiales
Family Ralfsiaceae
38 / Ralfsia fungiformis (Gunnerus) Setchell & N.L. Gardner / + / +

Table 3. Empire Eukaryota, Kingdom Plantae, Subkingdom Biliphyta, Phylum Rhodophyta

(Red algae)

Record number / Taxon / Comments / Occurrence in other North Pacific areas
American sector / Russian1 sector
Class Compsopogonophyceae
Order Erythropeltidales

Family Erythrotrichiaceae
1 / Erythrocladia irregularis Rosenvinge / Previously attributed to the family Erythropeltidaceae / + / +
2 / Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J.Agardh / + / +
Class Bangiophyceae
Order Bangiales
Family Bangiaceae
3 / Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillwyn) Lyngbye / as Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C.Agardh [7] / + / +
4 / Porphyra ochotensis Nagai / + / +
5 / Porphyra purpurea (Roth)
C.Agardh / + / +
6 / Pyropia abbottiae (V. Krishnamurthy) S.C. Lindstrom) / as Porphyra abbottae Krishnamurthy [7] / + / +
7 / Pyropia brumalis (T.F.Mumford) S.C. Lindstrom) / as Porphyra brumalis Mumford [7] / + / +
8 / Pyropia gardneri (G.M. Smith et Hollenberg) S.C. Lindstrom) / as Porphyra gardneri (Smith et Hollenberg) Hawkes [7] / + / +
9 / Pyropia kurogii (S.C. Lindstrom) S.C. Lindstrom) / as Porphyra kurogii Lindstrom [7] / + / +
10 / Pyropia nereocystis (C.L. Anderson) S.C. Lindstrom / Met only cast ashore on the fragments of Nereocystis luetkeana / + / –
11 / Pyropia pseudolinearis (Ueda) N. Kukuchi, M. Miyata, M.S. Hwang & H.-G. Choi / + / +
12 / Pyropia torta (V. Krishnamurthy) S.C. Lindstrom / as Porphyra torta Krishnamurthy [7] / + / +
13 / Wildemania miniata (C.Agardh) Foslie / as Porphyra miniata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh [7] / + / +
14 / Wildemania variegata (Kjellman) De Toni / as Porphyra variegata (Kjellman) Hus [7] / + / +
Class Florideophyceae
Order Ahnfeltiales
Family Ahnfeltiaceae
15 / Ahnfeltia fastigiata (Endlicher) Makienko / + / +
16 / Ahnfeltia plicata (Hudson) E.M.Fries / + / +
Order Corallinales
Family Corallinaceae
17 / Bossiella frondescens (Postels & Ruprecht) E.Y. Dawson / as Corallina frondescens Postels & Ruprecht [7] / + / +
18 / Corallina pilulifera Postels & Ruprecht / + / +
19 / Pachyarthron cretaceum (Postels & Ruprecht) Manza / as Bossiella cretacea (Postels & Ruprecht) Johansen [7] / + / +
Family Hapalidiaceae
20 / Clathromorphum circumscriptum (Strömfelt)
Foslie / Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
21 / Clathromorphum compactum (Kjellman) Foslie / Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
22 / Clathromorphum loculosum (Kjellman) Foslie / Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
23 / Clathromorphum nereostratum Lebednik / Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
24 / Clathromorphum reclinatum (Foslie) W.H. Adey / Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
25 / Phymatolithon lenormandii (Areschoug) W.H. Adey / as Leptophytum laeve (Foslie) Adey [7] Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / – / +
26 / Lithothamnion phymatodeum Foslie / as Lithothamnion pacificum (Foslie) Foslie [7]. Previously attributed to the family Corallinaceae / + / +
27 / Lithothamnion sonderi Hauck / – / +
Order Hildenbrandiales
Family Hildenbrandiaceae
28 / Hildenbrandia rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini / Previously attributed to the order Cryptonemiales / + / +
Order Acrochaetiales
Family Acrochaetiaceae
29 / Acrochaetium arcuatum (K.M. Drew) C.K. Tseng / + / +
30 / Acrochaetium densum (K.M. Drew) Papenfuss / + / –
31 / Acrochaetium microscopicum (Nägeli ex Kützing) Nägeli / + / +
32 / Acrochaetium parvulum (Kylin) Hoyt / – / +
33 / Acrochaetium porphyrae (K.M. Drew) G.M. Smith / + / –
34 / Rhodochorton purpureum (Lightfoot) Rosenvinge / as Audouinella purpurea (Lightfoot) Woelkerling [7]. / + / +
Order Colaconematales
Family Colaconemataceae
35 / Colaconema desmarestiae (Kylin) P.W. Gabrielson in Gabrielson et al. / + / –
36 / Colaconema endophyticum (Batters) J.T. Harper & G.W. Saunders / + / +
37 / Colaconema pacificum (Kylin) Woelkerling / + / +
Order Palmariales
Family Meiodiscaceae
38 / Meiodiscus concrescens (K.M. Drew) P.W. Gabrielson in Gabrielsen et al. / + / +
39 / Rubrointrusa membranacea (Magnus) S.L. Clayden & G.W. Saunders / as Audouinella membranacea (Magnus) Papenfuss (Acrochaetiales, Acrochaetiacaea) [16] and as Colaconema membranaceum (Magnus) Woelkerling (Colaconematales, Colaconemataceae) [18] / + / +
Family Palmariaceae
40 / Halosaccion firmum (Postels & Ruprecht) Kützing / + / +
41 / Halosaccion glandiforme (S.G. Gmelin) Ruprecht / + / +
42 / Halosaccion minjaii I.K.Lee / + / +
43 / Palmaria callophylloides M.W. Hawkes et Scagel / + / +
44 / Palmaria hecatensis M.W. Hawkes / + / +
45 / Palmaria marginicrassa I.K.Lee / – / +
46 / Palmaria mollis (Setchell et N.L. Gardner) van der Meer et C.J. Bird / + / +
47 / Palmaria stenogona (Perestenko) Perestenko / – / +
Order Bonnemaisoniales
Family Bonnemaisoniaceae
48 / Pleuroblepharidella japonica (Okamura) M.J. Wynne / + / +
Order Cryptonemiales
Family Crossocarpaceae
49 / Beringia castanea Perestenko / – / +
50 / Cirrulicarpus gmelini (Grunow) Tokida & Masaki / + / +
51 / Cirrulicarpus ruprechtianus (Sinova) Perestenko / as Iridaea ruprechtiana Sinova 3 [7] / – / +
52 / Crossocarpus lamuticus
Ruprecht / – / +
53 / Hommersandia palmatifolia (Tokida) Perestenko ex Selivanova & Zhigadlova / + / +
54 / Kallymeniopsis lacera (Postels & Ruprecht) Perestenko / – / +
55 / Velatocarpus pustulosus (Postels & Ruprecht) Perestenko / – / +
Family Dumontiaceae
56 / Constantinea rosa-marina (S.G. Gmelin) Postels & Ruprecht / + / +
57 / Constantinea subulifera Setchell / + / +
58 / Dumontia contorta (S.G. Gmelin) Ruprecht / + / +
59 / Neodilsea natashae S.C. Lindstrom / Previously attributed to the family Dilseaceae / + / +
60 / Neodilsea yendoana Tokida / Previously attributed to the family Dilseaceae / – / +
Family Endocladiaceae
61 / Gloiopeltis furcata (Postels & Ruprecht) J.Agardh / + / +
Family Kallymeniaceae
62 / Callophyllis radula Perestenko / as Callophyllis sp. [7] / – / +
63 / Callophyllis rhynchocarpa Ruprecht / + / +
64 / Euthora cristata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh / + / +
Order Halymeniales
Family Halymeniaceae
65 / Neoabbottiella araneosa (Perestenko) S.C. Lindstrom / Previously attributed to the order Cryptonemiales, family Cryptonemiaceae [7] / – / +
Order Gigartinales
Family Cystocloniaceae
66 / Fimbrifolium dichotomum (Lepechin) G.I.Hansen / + / +
67 / Fimbrifolium spinulosum (Ruprecht) Perestenko / as Rhodophyllis capillaris Tokida [7] / + / +
Family Furcellariaceae
68 / Opuntiella ornata (Postels & Ruprecht) A.D. Zinova / Previously attributed to the family Solieriaceae / + / +
69 / Turnerella mertensiana (Postels & Ruprecht) F. Schmitz / Previously attributed to the family Solieriaceae / + / +
Family Gigartinaceae
70 / Mazzaella parksii (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) J.R. Hughey, P.S. Silva & Hommersand / as Mazzaella cornucopiae (Postels & Ruprecht) Hommersand [7] / + / +
71 / Mazzaella phyllocarpa (Postels & Ruprecht) Perestenko / as Mazzaella phyllocarpa (Postels & Ruprecht) Selivanova & Zhigadlova [7] / + / +
Family Phyllophoraceae
72 / Lukinia dissecta Perestenko / + / +
73 / Mastocarpus pacificus (Kjellman) Perestenko / Previously attributed to the family Petrocelidaceae / + / +
74 / Mastocarpus papillatus (C.Agardh) Kützing / + / +
Order Rhodymeniales
Family Faucheaceae
75 / Gloiocladia guiryi (Selivanova) Selivanova / – / –
Family Rhodymeniaceae
76 / Sparlingia pertusa (Postels & Ruprecht) G.W. Saunders, I.M. Strachan & Kraft / as Rhodymenia pertusa (Postels & Ruprecht) J.Agardh [7] / + / +
Order Ceramiales
Family Ceramiaceae
77 / Microcladia borealis Ruprecht / + / –
78 / Scagelia breviarticulata Perestenko / – / +
79 / Scagelia pylaisaei (Montagne) M.J. Wynne / + / +
80 / Scagelia pylaisaei f. subnuda (Ruprecht) Perestenko / as Scagelia subnuda (Ruprecht) Perestenko [7] / – / +
Family Delesseriaceae
81 / Congregatocarpus kurilensis (Ruprecht) M.J. Wynne / as Congregatocarpus pacificus (Yamada) Mikami [7] / + / +
82 / Hideophyllum yezoense (Yamada & Tokida) A.D. Zinova / + / +
83 / Hymenena ruthenica (Postels & Ruprecht) A.D. Zinova / + / +
84 / Laingia aleutica M.J. Wynne / + / –
85 / Membranoptera spinulosa (Ruprecht) Kuntze / as Membranoptera beringiana (Ruprecht) A. Zinova [7] / + / +
86 / Mikamiella ruprechtiana (A.D. Zinova) M.J. Wynne / + / +
87 / Nienburgia prolifera M.J. Wynne / + / –
88 / Pantoneura juergensii (J.Agardh) Kylin / + / +
89 / Phycodrys amchitkensis M.J. Wynne / + / +
90 / Phycodrys fimbriata (Kuntze) Kylin / as Phycodrys riggii Gardner [7] / + / +
91 / Phycodrys vinogradovae Perestenko & Gussarova / – / +
92 / Tokidadendron bullatum (N.L. Gardner) M.J. Wynne / as Tokidadendron kurilensis (Ruprecht) Perestenko [7] / + / +
Family Rhodomelaceae
93 / Beringiella labiosa M.J. Wynne / + / –
94 / Neorhodomela aculeata (Perestenko) Masuda / as Neorhodomela larix (Turner) Masuda pro parte [7] / + / +
95 / Neorhodomela larix (Turner) Masuda / + / +
96 / Neorhodomela oregona (Doty) Masuda / + / +
97 / Odonthalia annae Perestenko / + / +
98 / Odonthalia corymbifera (S.G. Gmelin) Greville / as Odonthalia corymbifera (Gmelin) J.Agardh [7] / – / +
99 / Odonthalia dentata (Linnaeus) Lyngbye / + / +
100 / Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenberg / + / –
101 / Odonthalia kamtschatica (Ruprecht) J.Agardh / + / +
102 / Odonthalia ochotensis (Ruprecht) J.Agardh / – / +
103 / Odonthalia setacea (Ruprecht) Perestenko / + / +
104 / Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey / – / +
105 / Pterosiphonia bipinnata (Postels & Ruprecht) Falkenberg / + / +
106 / Pterosiphonia hamata E.S. Sinova / + / +
107 / Tayloriella abyssalis M.J. Wynne / + / –
Family Wrangeliaceae
108 / Neoptilota asplenioides (Esper) Kylin / as Neoptilota asplenioides (Turner) Kylin [7]. Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / +
109 / Pleonosporium kobayashii Okamura / Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / +
110 / Pleonosporium vancouverianum (J.Agardh) Setchell & N.L. Gardner / Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / –
111 / Ptilota filicina J.Agardh / Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / +
112 / Ptilota serrata Kützing / Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / +
113 / Tokidaea serrata (M.J. Wynne) S.C. Lindstrom & M.J. Wynne / Previously attributed to the family Ceramiaceae / + / –

1 In this context Russian sector of the North Pacific (with the exception of the Commander Islands) includes: western part of Bering Sea, south-eastern Kamchatka, Kurile Islands, Sakhalin, Primorye (Russian continental coast of the Sea of Japan).

American sector includes: Aleutian Islands, Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California.

2 symbol + indicates the presence of the species; symbol – indicates the absence of the species

3 Surname of a well-known Russian phycologist of the first half of the XX century Elena S. Zinova was translated from Russian in accordance with the rules of German (not English) language, so it was “Sinova”, not “Zinova”, so she is known as E.S. Sinova.. But her niece and younger colleague Anna who had the same surname is known as A.D. Zinova.