Program 6 Public Health and Safety

Public Health and Safety

Program Goal

To protect and enhance the health and safety of Brisbane's community.

Program Description

The health of our residents is vital to Brisbane. Whilst recognising the lead role of the State Government in providing public health services, Council provides a free immunisation service to protect our infants, children and seniors. At secondary schools, Council will continue to deliver the cervical cancer vaccine for teenage girls.

In a subtropical climate, it is important to provide an effective program to control mosquitoes and other pests which can carry human diseases. Council continues to deliver pest management services in recognition of this vital health service and with consideration to the impact that nuisance pests have on the community's enjoyment of Brisbane's outdoor lifestyle.

The Public Health and Safety Program will implement and enforce the State Government's food safety requirements aimed at protecting public health. Council will also continue to actively review, propose and advocate for changes to local laws and regulations to enhance Brisbane's liveability and residents' health and safety.

The Public Health and Safety Program will continue to administer the animal management legislation and strategies.

The security of our citizens is a primary consideration for Council. Council will:

• ensure the highest possible levels of personal and property safety for all residents, businesses and


• support Brisbane's State Emergency Service.

Officers will regularly review results against targets in program plans to ensure that the outcomes, services and projects budgeted for are delivered.

Program Outcomes and Financial Summary

Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed Anticipated Proposed

Program Outcomes 201112 201213 201112 201213 201112 201213

$000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000

Expense Revenue Capital

6.1 Public Health 28,468 26,014 18,640 18,970 70 90

6.2 Citizens' Security 7,481 6,751 476 379 750 1,145

6.3 Brisbane City Cemeteries 8,921 9,003 6,647 6,972 450 150

44,870 41,768 25,763 26,321 1,270 1,385

$000 / 2014-15
$000 / 2015-16
Recurrent Operations Contracts / 1,325 / 1,361 / 1,399

Outcome 6.1 Public Health

Outcome description

Protect and enhance the health of Brisbane's residents.

Where we are now

Threats to public health change over time.

This outcome contributes to the "Our Shared Vision: Living in Brisbane 2026" Citywide Outcome 'Better public health'. Key drivers impacting on delivery include:

• legislative responsibility to control public health risks (Public Health Act 2005)

• legislative responsibility to maintain food safety standards (Food Act 2006)

• threats of mosquitoborne illness and an increase in the midge population

• increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases such as obesity

• population growth

• mitigation of the impacts of climate change

• an ageing population

• increasing risks of epidemics becoming pandemics

• increasing pet population across the city.

To enable Council to fulfil its current commitments and develop innovative responses to new health threats, integrated health planning and targeted resources are required.

To maximise outcomes from its health programs, Council has established partnerships across the public health field as well as informing the community on healthrelated issues.

Where we want to be

Council will continue to deliver core public health services.

Council will continue to:

• develop and monitor reliable and effective public health key performance indicators to assist with

strategy development

• monitor and enhance the Eat Safe Brisbane food safety rating scheme and enforce food standards

under food legislation

• provide effective health licensing services that ensure public health standards are maintained

• provide immunisation services

• provide mosquito and rodent control services

• administer the animal management legislation and strategies.

Brisbane will be the benchmark for best practice in public health protection within South East Queensland.

Council will continue to embed and enhance the grading model for food businesses that encourages higher standards and provides incentives for high performing operators, while focusing Council resources on poor performers. Council will analyse business processes to ensure the efficiency and cost effectiveness of core public health services, including food safety and mosquito control. High public health standards will be maintained and Council will ensure that resources are directed to addressing major community risks. Council will improve the flexibility and responsiveness of its regulatory approach and work in partnership with the community and industry.

Strategy 6.1.1 Effective Community Health Services

Provide effective community health services.

Service Immunisation Services

This service contributes to the "Our Shared Vision: Living in Brisbane 2026" Citywide Outcome 'Better public health' by continuing to reduce Brisbane's exposure to vaccinepreventable diseases.

In partnership with the State and Federal governments, Council provides free immunisation services for infants, children, parents of newborns and seniors. Diseases covered are those defined as life threatening by the National Health and Medical Research Council. A mobile team offers this immunisation service at community hubs and health centres. Council also provides diseasespecific immunisation programs at secondary schools. Seniors qualifying under the Federal Government scheme receive free vaccination against influenza.

Key activities under this service include:

• free schoolbased vaccination program

• free infant clinics

• flu vaccination program for Council staff.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 1,349 1,382

Revenue 1,040 1,053

Service Public Health Strategies and Services

This service includes support for public health strategies, campaigns, public education and engagement

regarding animals and public health programs.

This includes:

• strategic planning of public health services to ensure alignment with "Our Shared Vision: Living in

Brisbane 2026" Citywide Outcomes and Corporate Plan priorities

• overseeing delivery of health licensing and compliance services, mosquito and pest services, local law

enforcement, animal management services and immunisation services.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 403 337


Projects 201213 201314 201415 201516

$000 $000 $000 $000

Despatch to Mobile Capital

Scheduling and Response Expenses 75 75 75 75


Improving Water Safety Capital

Outcomes Expenses 454 454 454 454

Revenue 40 40 40 40

Local Laws Review Capital

Expenses 350 350 125 75


Service Mosquito and Pest Services

Council controls mosquitoes by monitoring and treating breeding habitats through aerial and landbased treatments. Prevention measures, such as public education to reduce backyard mosquito breeding and minimise personal exposure to bites, are integral to the Program's aim of reducing the incidence of mosquitoborne disease. Regional and scientific partnerships aimed at developing and maintaining best practice are also vital to this Program.

In addition to mosquito control, Council provides a rodent control program.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 3,958 4,300

Revenue 345 75

Projects 201213 201314 201415 201516

$000 $000 $000 $000

Mosquito and Pest Services Capital

Boost Expenses 120 122 124 127


Strategy 6.1.2 Health Licensing and Enforcement

Provide licensing and regulatory enforcement services for public health and animal management.

Service Law Enforcement and Animal Management Services

Council provides the following animal management services:

• capture and impounding of animals found in public places

• declaration and monitoring of regulated dogs

• compulsory dog and cat registration

• provision of animal shelter services

• response to public complaints

• management of dogs not under effective control.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 7,590 6,812

Revenue 5,218 5,431

Projects 201213 201314 201415 201516

$000 $000 $000 $000

FIDO Find Irresponsible Capital

Dog Owners Campaign Expenses 135 150 165 165

Revenue 178 180 185 185

Service Licensing and Compliance

This service provides regulatory services and administers a licensing and public complaints system for healthrelated activities. Council's aim is to protect the community from negative health, safety and amenity impacts. The service assists industry to achieve permitted safe operational standards and compliance, through education, training and incentives.

This includes:

• processing of health license applications in accordance with health legislation and standards

• inspecting and auditing licensed premises to ensure compliance with regulatory standards

• effective enforcement actions that focus on improving poor performance, and prosecuting serious

public health and amenity risks.

This service includes funding to improve customer service by providing rapid response to a number of citywide compliance issues.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 8,143 7,754

Revenue 7,058 7,426

Strategy 6.1.3 SAS Laboratory

Scientific Analytical Services (SAS) Laboratory delivers water, wastewater and environmental scientific analytical services to Brisbane City Council business units, external clients, Brisbane residents, water authorities and neighbouring councils.

Service SAS Laboratory

Scientific Analytical Services (SAS) Laboratory will:

• provide water monitoring and other laboratory testing services

• aim to be the laboratory of choice for the water industry in South East Queensland

• provide rapid response to environmental incidents in the wastewater system

• provide rapid response to water quality incidents

• provide scientific advice and consulting services to Council and other clients

• maintain a knowledge of new technology in the water industry and tailor its services to support this

• investigate new analytical technologies and determine their applicability to clients' requirements

• maintain all client analytical information in a secure searchable database

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 4,385 4,295

Revenue 4,767 4,767

Projects 201213 201314 201415 201516

$000 $000 $000 $000

SAS Lab Tools of Trade Capital 90 90 90 90



Outcome 6.2 Citizens' Security

Outcome description

Personal security of citizens and their property, security of the city and community safety services.

Where we are now

Securing citizens' safety and that of their property is essential to maintain liveability. Effective urban planning will improve safety and reduce opportunities for crime.

This outcome contributes to the "Our Shared Vision: Living in Brisbane 2026" Citywide Outcome 'Safe communities'. Key drivers include:

• reducing disparity between perceived safety and the incidence of crime

• minimising the safety risks and other harms associated with alcohol and other drug misuse in public

spaces and commercial and community licensed places

• supporting residents and businesses in graffiti reduction

• working closely with the State Government to improve amenity, perceptions of safety and the

incidence of crime.

Council has established partnerships, formal and informal, with stakeholders including State and Federal government agencies, Council of Mayors (SEQ) and Council of Capital City Lord Mayors. There is a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with utility providers.

Council has policy frameworks for community safety and manages the Brisbane State Emergency Service (SES).

Where we want to be

Brisbane will be a safe place to live and visit. Brisbane residents and visitors will have improved levels of personal safety, both perceived and real.

Strategy 6.2.1 Support Disaster Response

Support Brisbane’s State Emergency Service (SES) Unit to deliver an effective disaster response.

Service Brisbane State Emergency Service Unit

This service ensures that Council:

• maintains and enhances the functions of the Brisbane SES Unit to enable effective response

• ensures the SES has trained resources with the available equipment to prepare for, respond to and

recover from an event or a disaster

• continues to maintain relationships and partnerships with external agencies to strengthen the role of

SES in coordinated responses to disaster events.

The key drivers for this service include:

• community expectations for Council's response to disaster events

• inclusiveness in Brisbane's community to assist in response to disaster events.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000

Expense 2,137 2,069

Revenue 201

Projects 201213 201314 201415 201516

$000 $000 $000 $000

SES Accommodation New Capital 1,145 1,145 7,350

Depot Construction Expenses


SES Fundraising Support Capital

Expenses 200 200 200 200


SES Service Recognition Capital

Payments Expenses 200 220 220 220


Strategy 6.2.2 Assist and Promote Safer Communities

Assist and promote safer communities.

Service Crime Prevention Planning and Services

Council strives to make Brisbane a city that is, and feels, safe for residents, businesses and visitors.

Initiatives in this service include:

• maintaining a 24 hour, seven day City Safe CCTV operations room to improve public safety in the

inner city

• developing best practice community safety strategies, procedures and guidelines and embedding

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) into all planning and development

assessment processes

• developing a Community Safety Strategy

• facilitating measures to ensure planning approval procedures incorporate formal requirements to

demonstrate CPTED principles in their design

• reducing alcoholrelated harms by working across Council and with Federal and State

government agencies and by also working with licensed venue operators to implement alcohol

management plans for the City, Valley, Caxton Street and other entertainment precincts

• ensuring responsible alcohol management principles are incorporated into Council's core business


• working toward successful strategies that are developed and implemented with the Federal and State

governments and licenses to minimise the impact of alcoholrelated harm in the community

• providing support for residential and business safety and security

• provision of contemporary personal and property safety initiatives

• provision of CPTED audits in identified locations

• maintaining 12 graffiti units in the removal of graffiti on Council controlled property

• empowering residents and businesses to remove graffiti by providing technical advice, free graffiti

removal kits and paint vouchers

• continuing to provide and service sharps bins to reduce the risk of needle stick injuries in public spaces

• expanding Taskforce Against Graffiti (TAG) to include Queensland Rail

• further support for small business to combat local crime through the Suburban Business Crime

Prevention Grants.

The BSAFE project provides funding for a suite of community safety initiatives such as safety alerts, personal safety, alcohol safety and other community safety initiatives.

Operating Anticipated Proposed

201112 201213

$000 $000