This document shall be signed by all participants from LundUniversityin the project mentionedbelow. Signing shall take place when the university’s agreement concerning the project (the “Agreement”) is final, but prior to the Agreement being signed by the person who according to the delegation of authority is authorised to sign. Any participant joining the project at a later stage shall sign this document prior to his/her entry into the project.
Parts of the Agreement – mainly the parts regarding the rights to results, confidentiality and publication –concern the individual participant in the project. According to the Agreement, the University needs to make sure that the participant’s rights can be handled in a way that makes it possible for the University to fulfil its undertakings in the project, since LundUniversity is party to the Agreementand not the individual participant. Therefore, each person at LundUniversity participating in the project shall approve of the conditions in the Agreement to the extent he/she is concerned.
Conditions for participation in [name of project]
at LundUniversity
LundUniversity and [name(s) of other parties], hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, cooperate in [name of project], hereinafter referred to as the “Project”.
The Parties’ rights and obligations in the Project are settled in:
-[the name of the Agreement]
-[other documents that settle the agreement between the Parties]
I, [name and personal identification number], am engaged in the Project at LundUniversity, [name of department], and I am aware of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. I hereby accept the conditions in the Agreement in the parts applicable to me. Further, I undertake to carry out my obligations in accordance with the Agreement for the term of the Agreement, even in the event I choose to terminate my participation in the Project.
In particular, I have observed the terms and conditions concerning intellectual property rights, publication and confidentiality, and the effects this may have, on the one hand for other undertakings I’m committed to, on the other hand for future commitments that I may undertake.
I hereby grant the right to use background information as well asgrant the right to use or transfer any results in a way and to the extent required to make it possible for LundUniversity to fulfil its undertakings in accordance with the Agreement. Any right to compensation for such grant/transfer is settled in the Agreement.
Lund on [Date] Lund on [Date]
[name of participant][name of head of department]
Head of Department
- Agreement
- […..]