QWB07.02 - Qualifications Wales Board

Draft Minutes of Board meeting held on 22 July 2016

QWB08.02 Draft Minutes of Board Meeting 22 July 2016

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Ann Evans, Philip Blaker, Isabel Nisbet, Claire Morgan,Angela Maguire-Lewis, Paul Croke, Caroline Burt (via video), Robert Lloyd Griffiths, Ellen Donovan, Rheon Tomos.

In Attendance:

Alison Standfast, KateCrabtree, Jo Richards, Alison Rees (Welsh Government observer), Helen Bushell (Secretariat),Kerry Price (attended for item 2), Anthony Veale (Wales Audit Office – attended for item 2).


No apologies received for this meeting.

Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

1.1.The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and specifically welcomed Alison Rees from Welsh Government (noting that she is now acting Head of the Sponsorship Unit) and Anthony Veale from the Wales Audit Office.

1.2.No apologies were received.

1.3.Declarations were sought and no new ones made.

  1. End of Year Accounts 2015/16

2.1.Kerry Price (KP) reminded the Board of the approval process for the Accounts and drew attention to all the changes that had been made to the version Board members had readas a result of the ARAC meeting earlier that day and a further type reading exercise. The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARAC) gave an overview of the report ARAC had produced and confirmed endorsement of the End of Year Accounts for 2015/16. The Board reviewed the report.

2.2.Anthony Veale (Wales Audit Office) introduced the external audit report and provided the Board with an overview of the contents. The recommendation being made to the Auditor General was to approve an unqualified set of accounts as a true and fair reflection of the accounting period.

2.3.The Board discussed appendices 3 and 4 of the Auditors report and reviewed the recommendations made for the organisation to consider.

2.4.The Board asked officers to comment on the recommendations in relation to the purchase ordering process. KP confirmed that all control processes were in place but the audit had picked up a few examples where these had not been followed. The system has only been in place since early 2016 and was therefore still new in its implementation. KP noted that he would be reviewing spend areas with the highest volume of transactions specifically with budget holders.

2.5.The Board noted that an internal audit of the Creditors process was also confirmed and would be taking place in July 2016.

2.6.The Board confirmed it was very pleased with the outcome and unqualified status of the accounts and thanked officers and ARAC for their hard work and achievement.

2.7.The Board formally confirmed its sign off of the accounts and noted that the Chief Executive Officer in his role as the Accounting officer would proceed to sign the accounts and submit them to the Auditor General.

2.8.The Accounts would be published to the website in English and Welsh later in the summer once the Auditor General had completed the external audit review and sign off.

Action: PB and AE to sign off the final version of the accounts and submit to Wales Audit Office

2.9 Anthony Veale and Kerry Price left the meeting at this point.

  1. Minutes of the Board meeting held 24 June 2016

3.1.The minutes of the meeting held 24 June 2016were confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting, subject to minor amendments, and were agreed by the Board. The minutes would be published on the Qualifications Wales website once they had been translated. The Board were asked to send any comments on the minutes for the closed session of the Board to HB by email.

Action: Board members to provide any typographical amends or comments on minutes of the Closed session to HB by 29 July 2016.

A number of updates were provided as matters arising from the last meeting as follows:

3.2.Summer Examination Series – JR gave an update and noted that the examination series plans are on track and being monitored accordingly. No issues significant have been reported to date. JR noted that this week is a busy week for Exam Boards, but that QW had confidence that marking was on track. JR also confirmed that the new AS Level Awards (Wales only) have progressed smoothly. Media briefings are planned with the main media outlets during the next two weeks. JR also confirmed that regular meetings with Welsh Government continue.

3.3.Review of last Board meeting – The Chair thanked members for their feedback on the post-it notes at the last meeting. It was proposed to use this method off feedback at each meeting as it had been a useful exercise. A document would be produced to record the feedback and identify any patterns and also note any actions to be completed as a result of the feedback. Feedback from the last meeting (24 June 2016) was summarised to the meeting attendees.

3.4.Welsh Second Language – PB confirmed that approval criteria had been published during week commending 18 July for a revised GCSE Welsh Second Language. Qualifications Wales was aware of the views of Cymdeithas yrIaith who considered that the qualification should be abolished rather than improved. PB remained confident that the decision taken, in Qualification Wales’ role as regulator was consistent and appropriate, and based on overall learner interests. There had been a good response to the consultation. Members of Cymdeithasyr Iaith had chosen to raise their wider concerns by letter outside of the formal response route. PB noted that Qualifications Wales would be speaking at the Eisteddfod in the coming weeks about Welsh Second Language. PB also noted that correspondence had been exchanged between Qualifications Wales and the Cabinet Secretary for Education on this matter.

3.5.Health and Social Care consultation to restrict qualifications – PB confirmed that no less than four weeks’ consultation would take place, staff were aiming for 5 to 6 weeks. The Board agreed Regulation Committee would be involved in reviewing the consultation document before it was released. Board members also asked about the Sector Review Report (lessons learnt) that had been commissioned and requested sight of this for information.

Action: HB to share consultation document with Regulation Committee for comment

Action: HB to share the HSC sector review report with Board members for information

  1. Restriction Policy

4.1 Kate Crabtree introduced the paper and noted that Regulation Committee members had provided detailed comments on an earlier draft of the policy. There had been 12 responses to the consultation from Awarding Bodies and as a result of these comments some changes were made, largely focussed on adding clarity and more detail to the wording to aid stakeholder and public understanding.

4.1.KC confirmed legal advice had been sought and had been integrated into the policy – the comments largely related to ensuring greater linkage with the Qualifications Wales Act.

4.2.The Board discussed the amendments to the policy which were noted. Subject to these amendments the Board confirmed its decision to approve the policy.

Action: KC to ensure amendments made to Restriction Policy

Action: KC to facilitate publishing of Restriction Policy

Summary of Recommendations/Actions:

i)To approve the Restriction Policy for publication - APPROVED

  1. Priority Qualifications List (PQL)

5.1.Kate Crabtree introduced the paper which was seeking agreement to refer the updated PQL to Welsh Ministers for approval. This updated PQL contained both the priority qualifications list as well as a forward look. KC confirmed the forward look was a statement of ‘intent’,but did not form of commitment and did not require approval from the Cabinet Secretary.

5.2.The Board queried if the 31 March 2017 end date referred to within the PQL was consistent with internal planning timeframes, KC confirmed this was the case.

5.3.The Board also queried the meaning of ‘priority approvals date’, KC explained that this signals to qualification awarding bodies the period in which Qualifications Wales expect to receive approval requests. Requests can still be considered outside of this time period but would not necessarily be considered as a priority.

Action: KC to submit the PQL for Cabinet Secretary approval.

Summary of Recommendations/Actions:

ii)To consider whether to approve the Priority Qualifications List for referral to Welsh Ministers- APPROVED

  1. Business Plan Report – Quarter 1

5.1HB provided an overview of the paper to the Board and noted this was the first time the Board had received the report in this new format. The report summarised quarter 1 (April to end June) progress for 2016/17.

5.2The Board was asked to note that progress on the 20 Operational Priorities had been rated cautiously, largely because this was the first time the Senior Leadership Group has rated progress and wished to ensure that the plan and rating system was accurate and robust.

5.3HB highlighted the explanatory notes about each priority and reaffirmed the meaning behind the Red Amber Green (RAG) ratings. For example, amber meant the activity would be delivered within the agreed tolerances.

5.4It was noted that some priorities may remain as Amber for the year as they were not entirely within Qualifications Wales control – the example given was priority 18 which covered responding to any changes resulting from Welsh Government policy on areas such as the Curriculum Review or Apprenticeship development.

5.5The Board noted progress and confirmed the report was very helpful. It was requested that risk register references be added to the written report in future to help Board members put the comments into context with risk. The Board also requested that explanatory notes in the paper be as full as possible, for example if an area if noted as concern it could be clearer as to why it was a concern.

Action: HB to risk register references be added to future Business Plan reports.

Summary of Recommendations/Actions:

To note the update and take the opportunity to ask any questions– NOTED.

  1. Communications Strategy

7.1.Alan Morris (Head of Communications)joined the meeting, the Chair welcomed Alan to the Board. Alison Standfast updated the Board about the change of team alignment and line management for the Head of Communication and Head of External Relations with both now sitting within Finance and Corporate Services since the 1 June 2016.

7.2.Alison Standfast (AS) introduced the paper supporting the Communications Strategy and confirmed that the strategy is a matter reserved for Board in the scheme of delegation. Time had been spent internally giving collective thought to the what would be the desired and appropriate profile for a regulator in the media. Effective communications are also vital to both stakeholder engagement as well as meeting our regulation principles of transparency and accountability. It was recognised that the Communications Strategy will evolve as the organisation matures.

7.3.AS clarified it was the Head of Communications role to communicate messages externally as well as internally and the head of External Relations Role to manage external relationships.

7.4.AM provided an overview of the proposed Communications Strategy and confirmed that all planned communications channels were in place and being evaluated. The press and media monitoring system was also in place and working well, allowing the organisation to review published content as well as contribute where appropriate.

7.5.AM also provided the Board with an overview of the planning tool which had been developed and how this would be used internally to plan and manage communications effectively.

7.6.Board members asked a variety of questions about the strategy content and approach which are summarised as follows:

7.6.1.It was noted the strategy was not intended to be published, but used as an internal document to set the tone and way forwards. The Board agreed there could be an external summary produced in a relevant format

7.6.2.Stakeholders are key, including taxpayersi.e. learners and their parents and there should be a more prominent identification of this. Where the media is a proxy for these then it should be made clearer.

7.6.3.The document is descriptive and some of the content towards the back should be more prominent as it is highly relevant

7.6.4.The Board agreed it would like to review progress and receive an update at a relevant future point in time

7.6.5.Various questions were asked and answered about event planning, use of social media and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and stakeholder newsletters. It was also noted there may be more appropriate forms of social media that could be considered for some of the target audiences, e.g. Snapchat for the learner audience under 18 years of age.

7.6.6.AS noted that a Communications Protocol had been agreed between WG and QW

7.7.The Board reviewed the communications and events planning grid and noted this as an internal planning tool. The Board also noted that the research on Public Confidence was planned to be discussed with the Board in the Autumn.

Action: AM to adjust the strategy to clarify the importance of learners and parents as stakeholders and publish internally.

Summary of Recommendations/Actions

To approve the Communications Strategy – APPROVEDon the basis the observations aboveare considered and where appropriate integrated into the strategy.

  1. Annual Report Update

8.1.ASprovided an update as to the development of the annual report which included an overview of the contents.

8.2.There will be two versions of the report, a printed copy and an interactive PDF which will include video clips. Key messages would be drawn out through the CEO and Chair introductions.

8.3.The report is planned for completion late November ready for scrutiny by the Children’s and Young People Education Committee in December/January.

8.4.The Board asked AS to consider if a case study/highlight of the Boards role and contribution be added to the report.

Action: HB to send Board members a copy of the Assembly member leaflet.

Summary of Recommendations/Actions:

To note the current position, and receive an update on the progress of the annual report– NOTED

  1. Risk Management

9.1.Helen Bushell introduced the paper and clarified that its purpose was in relation to developing the risk intelligent organisation agenda not the risk register. A core element of this was developing the Board’s risk appetite and the Board were reminded this was an agreed action from the Internal Audit completed in 2015/16.

9.2.The paper drew out the risk pyramid that identified the following responsibilities:

9.2.1.The Board was responsible for strategic, higher level overview / risk analysis;

9.2.2.Management Board was responsible for the corporate risk register. It was also noted all risk owners sit at Management Board level;

9.2.3.The Senior Leadership Group and staff within each team owned the risk action plans at operational level.

9.3.Philip Blaker introduced the proposed risk appetite analysis that had been adjusted following discussion with the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee and now had two principal categories of risk (1 – regulatory risks and 2 – corporate risks). Six factors have been identified to help assess each aspect of risk to then arrive at risk appetite analysis. These were highlighted within the paper.

9.4.The proposed next steps were also outlined. These involved developing the Board level report (revised risk register) for the future, training for the senior leadership group and reviewing the risk appetite in July 2017.

9.5.The Board discussed the proposed appetite and discussed various aspects and examples within it. Following discussion, the Board concluded that it welcomed the proposed risk appetite and felt the work had moved forwards significantly.

Action: HB to progress the Board level report, training for staff and share the risk appetite internally.

Summary of Recommendations/Actions:

Board is asked to discuss the risk appetite analysis and either approve it or make relevant amends – APPROVED.

  1. Board Performance and Review

10.1.The Chair of the Board introduced a set of PowerPoint slides to the Board providing an overview of the vital role the Board plays for the organisation and how critical it is to reflect and evaluate on both progress and performance.

10.2.The Chair highlighted a few common pitfalls made by Boards e.g. a focus on compliance to the exclusion of strategy, failing to develop trust between the Board and Executive, failing to undertake appropriate succession planning and poor engagement of all Board members. The Chair highlighted that while we are still developing and is appropriate to reflect on our development as an effective and efficient Board. The Chair asked members to considerhow well we made decisions and handled disagreements; governance structure and delegations; personal contribution; culture and meeting the needs of the organisation.