Langdon Heritage Commission April 1, 2015 Meeting Min.

QUORUM: Carole-Anne Centre, Mike Sweeney, Lorraine Chaffee, Cliff Oster


TREASURER’S REPORT : 1. Dennis received $1000 donation from the Savings Bank of Walpole which he deposited

CORRESPONDENCE 1. NHPA Annual conference is April 17 all LHC members are invited to participate 2. Rob Stephenson of Terra Nova in Jaffrey has told us he will donate $2000. Melinda Mosier of the NHCF confirms this in an email to us. LHC is sharing CAD files on our building with Rob who has won a state grant to help document such info on NH Meetinghouses. 3. Great town meeting. The unanticipated participation from the floor of LHC members present was a huge help in making clear our request of the voters. 4 Dennis emailed the town to request the annual $500. 5. Carole-Anne sent thank you note to Savings Bank of Walpole for their donation

ARCHIVAL UPDATE: 1. Important historic documents from the Congregational Church have been entrusted to the LHC by Royal and Diane Holmes. They were safely put away in our fire proof cabinet in the archival room. LHC needs professional assistance to proceed with archiving these 1840 era deeds and other documents. 2. John and Rita Gulardo gave Carole-Anne a selection of CD's of the Langdon Players that theyhad generously processed from the donated slides given to us by Royal and Dianne Holmes. They will be stored in the Archival room.

WEB SITE/FACEBOOK UPDATE: To be discussed next meeting

FUND RAISING/SOCIAL ACTIVITIES : 1.Mascoma Bank grant round opened today. Dennis sent in a request for $7,000. 2. Moose Plate grant request for $10,000 is due on April 24 at 4:00. 2. NH Farm Bureau tells LHC that the FFA that did the video is willing to do a presentation of the movie for townspeople. Date to be determined 2. Walk and Fun Run update at next meeting 3. Lorraine will head up a cemetery tour committee which will research some of the people that are buried there and pla. n a special tour in the fall and /or at Fall Festival

MEETINGHOUSE UPDATE 1.The LHC and the Town must still address the meetinghouse repair list .2. We have the “final” bid spec level construction plans from UK architects. The plans will be tweaked to be sure that NHDHR concerns regarding matching original materials is noted on the prints, that plaster is addressed according to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards (ITS Number 19 instructions are on file with Dennis), that contractors have a copy of the Standards before bidding etc. 3. Cliff offered to research period lighting for the Meetinghouse since several light fixtures will need to be replaced and new ones added.

OLD BUSINESS: Dennis and Andrea will both work on the application to apply for putting the Meetinghouse on the National Historic Registry in the future once the next phase of the Meetinghouse is complete.

NEW BUSINESS : Discussion of adding new alternate members

ADJOURN: Mike Sweeney motioned to adjourn, Lorraine seconds.

Submitted by Carole-Anne Centre

Annual Inspection of Town Hall / Meetinghouse

November 10, 2014 by Mike Sweeney and Dennis McClary of the LHC

1. Outside plumbing vent needs a screen vs. mud wasps and other creatures.

2. We need to install a bathroom ventilator. May be possible to install it behind the window shutter where there is approximately 1-5/8 clearance between the clapboards and the shutter. We will get an estimate from Young’s Electric. Peter Dennis recommends a straight forward vent to the outside as is done with all private residences. It can be tied to the light switch. A building contractor needs to do this job. An electrician alone cannot handle it.

3. The steeple shutters have slats missing or out of place. They can be accessed from inside the steeple. An aluminum ladder should be brought in because the old wood ladder there now is inadequate and dangerous.

4. Street level shutter on the bathroom window need slats re-attached or replaced. There are several shutters on the building missing or broken. We can ask a contractor to repair the shutters he is able to fix with reasonable effort but replace those that are irreparable.

5. There are a few loose roof slates on the south side. They could fall to the street and injur someone. Did the Selectmen already take care of this? (DMc 4/1/15)

6. There is one broken window on the second floor, west side, left.

7. There are several very rotted clapboards on the east side at second story and attic window levels.

8. Furnace room emergency light fixture was removed during furnace installation. It needs to be relocated and made functional. This is a safety issue.

9. The water feed line to the toilet has not yet been relocated to avoid it freezing. It can be relocated to the opposite side and more forward of the toilet to resolve the problem. If we are unable to get a volunteer we will ask JP Plumbing for an estimate