Investigating flipped learning: Student self-regulated learning, perceptions, and achievement in an introductory biology course

Journal of Science Education and Technology

Sarah Rae Sletten - Mayville State University –

Supplementary Data

This survey codebook contains information on the flipped perception variables used in the manuscript. All items were measured on a 7 point scales from 1 (not at all true of me) to 7 (very true of me).

Flipped Video Perceptions

flipvid_1 / I prefer watching lectures on my own time over having lectures during class time.
flipvid_2 / I find watching lectures on my own is a better way to learn material than if lectures are during class time.
flipvid_3 / I often wish lectures were during class time so I could better understand the material. (REVERSED)
flipvid_4 / I enjoy being able to view the lecture prior to class as opposed to live in-class lectures.
flipvid_5 / I find that individual access to lectures has increased my desire to learn the material.
flipvid_6 / Video lectures greatly enhance my learning.
flipvid_7 / I like the fact that I can re-watch lectures any time so I can gain a deeper understanding of the material.
flipvid_8 / The ability to rewind the video lecture helps me learn.
flipvid_9 / I find it easy to take notes while I watch the video lectures.
flipvid_10 / The ability to review the video lecture helps me take notes on the material.
flipvid_11 / I am able to ask questions on the assigned lecture during class time.
flipvid_12 / There are opportunities to ask questions on the assigned lecture if I need clarification on the material.
flipvid_13 / I am comfortable using video lectures for learning.
flipvid_14 / The video lectures for this course are easy to access.
flipvid_15 / The video lectures for this course are easy to use.
flipvid_16 / I encounter technical difficulties when trying to watch the video lectures for this course. (REVERSED)
flipvid_17 / I do not view the lectures before class although I am supposed to. (REVERSED)
flipvid_18 / I always watch the assigned lectures.
flipvid_19 / I usually rewind and re-watch parts (or entire) of the lecture to study for this course.
flipvid_20 / I usually only watch parts of the video lectures.

Flipped Class Perceptions

flipact_1 / I participate and engage in in-class discussions.
flipact_2 / I regularly attend class.
flipact_3 / I participate and engage in in-class activities.
flipact_4 / I find that in-class activities make class less boring.
flipact_5 / I find that in-class activities make class more useful.
flipact_6 / Discussing with classmates helps be learn.
flipact_7 / Interactive, applied in-class activities greatly enhance my learning.
flipact_8 / The instructor makes meaningful connections between the topics in the lecture videos and the in-class activity.
flipact_9 / This course as a whole has been a valuable learning experience.
flipact_10 / I would take another flipped course.
flipact_11 / I feel this class increases my engagement in collaborative decision-making.
flipact_12 / I find this class engages me in critical thinking and problems solving.