Chapter 1
Page 14: Change wording Use the Lists menu to examine several lists to Examine several lists.
Page 21:When downloading company files, you should click QuickBooks Pro 2006: A Complete Course Student Resources, click qbcompdata1.zip. The instruction for double-clicking qb06data should read: If qb06data appears, double-click the folder to see the company files
Page 22: You may need to click the folder qb06compdata1 to access the Computer folder. Double-click the Computer folder to find the Computer company file.
Page 23: The company name should always appear asComputer Consulting not Consultants.
Page 26: The last sentence of the first paragraph should end with the words “a new company file.”
Chapter 2
Page 45: The customer name for Invoice 1 should be Mendoza, Jose not Mendoza, Juan.
Pages 47 and 50: Screen shots of Invoices 1 and 2 show the year as 2004, it should be 2006.
Page 64: The memo should have Justine Wong, not McBride, as the trainer.
Page 79: The screen shot should show the fax number for Custom Design Creations as 310-555-2109, not 310-555-2901.
Page 82: In the memo, the transaction for Sales Receipt No.3 should have You rather than Brian.
Page 113: Should have the information reminding students to use a Service Invoice for the end-of-chapter problem.
Instructor’s Manual Chapter 2 Garden: The Customer Balance Detail shows some invoice dates as 04/30/2004, student’s should not be concerned about this.
Chapter 3
Page 121: The screen shot for the bill from Unique Advertising should show terms of Net 30 and a Bill Due date of 02/15/2006.
Page 126: The screen shot for the bill from Office & Sales Supplies should show terms of Net 10.
Page 127: The Expense account name shown in QuickZoom should be Equipment Rental.
Page 145: After entering the date of 01/31/2006, press Tab.
Page 156: The second check for California Electric should be marked Duplicate Check not the check to California Gas Co.
Page 158: The check to Location Realtors may print to Lindsey Realtors. To correct, go to the VendorCenter, click Location Realtors, click the edit button, change the Print on check as from Lindsey Realtors to Location Realtors.
Page 162: Change the wording of the memo regarding the Check Detail Report to She will give this to you to examine when you sign the printed checks.
Chapter 4
Page 248: The date for the Cash Flow Forecast should be for February 1-28, 2006.
Section 1 Practice Set: Helping Hands
Page 253: Transaction for 01/06/2006—When paying bills to Boulevard Flowers and Neighborhood Gasoline, the reminder note has an incorrect due date. The note should say: Remember that the due dates will not be 12/31/05.
Page 253: The dates for the Trial Balance should be 01/01/06 to 01-06-06.
Page 257: To record the end of the month transactions, use the date of January 31, 2006 rather than January 30, 2006.
Chapter 5
Page 273: The arrow should be positioned next to “Record a transaction on account for a sale involving several taxable sales items:”
Page 348: When adding the sales item Women’s Dresses, the preferred vendor is Fun Clothes not Fun Clothing.
Page 349: Students should back up their work for Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Page 360: Memo shows the new vendor as Snowline Gear. The correct name is Snow Gear.
Page 414: Add Manually close the Purchase Order.to the instructions for the receipt of 8 dresses from Clothes Time.
Chapter 7
Page 442: The Ending Balance is 33,093.93 not 33,093.96. The screen shot in the text is correct.
Section 2 Practice Set: Golf Shop
Page 496: When changing the name of Your Name, Investment and Your Name, Drawing, the accounts are titled Student’s Name, Investment and Student’s Name Drawing and should be changed to 3011 Your Name, Investment and 3012 Your Name, Drawing.
Page 496: Print the Chart of Accounts in landscape orientation. Do not show inactive accounts.
Page 496: Edit the Customer Name for Stephens, Lucy. Change it to Stevens, Lucy.
Section 2Practice Set Exam: Golf Shop
Question 10 should ask for the total of the Journal for 02/01/06-02/10/06 not 02/02/0602/10/06.
Chapter 8
Page 527: The First Check Number in the Select Paychecks to Print screen shot should be 1 not 6.
Page 538-548: File Payroll Tax Forms—In some instances, QuickBooks will not allow payroll tax forms to be printed or viewed on screen. This may be overcome by reinstalling QuickBooks for the textbook companies using payroll. However, since this is not practical in a classroom situation, students should be instructed to read the pages rather than process and print the forms.
Page 557: If Payroll Forms 941/B and 940 do not process, eliminate this instruction.
Chapter 9
Page 562: In the memo, the Federal Tax ID should be 159-88-8654.
Page 591: In the Customer List, the Tax Code information should be Tax.
Page 595: When entering the telephone number for DVD Supplies, the text uses 310555-6974. The correct number is 310-555-6971. The fax number should be 3105551796 rather than 310-555-4796.
Page 679: The Payroll History for Sharon Akbar should show Withholding Health of 25.00 not 35.00. The Payroll History Summary printed in the Instructor’s Manual should show 25.00 not 35.00 as well.
Comprehensive Practice Set: Books
Page 693: Add the following as the last item in the list of instructions prior to entering transactions on January 1:
Backup the company file every five days. Create your first backup file before recording transactions. Name the file Books (Backup Company), name subsequent files with the date. For example, your first backup that includes transactions would be named Books(Backup010507). The final backup should be made at the end of the practice set. Name it Books (Backup Complete).
Page 699: If Payroll Forms 941/B and 940 do not process, eliminate these instructions.
Page 700: Change the dates in the bank statement for the Service Charge, Store Fixtures Loan Pmt, Store Equipment Loan Pmt, and Interest to 01/31/07 rather than 01/30/07.