Questions in Intelligent Robotics for Qualifying Exam.
All slides are available for ECE 478 and ECE 479 in WWW of Marek Perkowski.
Search, Artificial Intelligence and LISP
- Depth First Search and applications in robotics
- Breadth First Search and applications
- A* Algorithm
- Dynamic Programming
- Search algorithms other than those from points 1-4.
- Implementing recursive search in LISP.
- Implementing search algorithms in LISP.
- Monkey and Banana problem for Stanford robot using predicate calculus
- Semantic networks for robotics. Examples.
- Predicate calculus, unification and resolution and Prolog in robotics.
- General Problem Solver of Newell and Simon, lessons for robotics.
- Genetic Programming in LISP. Implementation of operators, especially crossover.
- Implementation of an evolutionary program in LISP where the fitness function is evolved.
- Simulation in robotics. Simulation in GA and GP.
- Examples of Fitness Functions for various robotics applications.
- Decision trees and applications – realization in LISP.
- Ashenhurst-Curtis decomposition as a based of Constructive Induction for a robot that talks, listens, and acts.
- Learning rules – examples.
- Use of entropy – decision trees. AC decomposition
- Learning by examples.
- Neural nets for mobile and humanoid robots.
- Decision learning using Greedy DNF minimization in robotics.
- Robot in Maze – algorithms to escape from the maze.
- Obstacle avoidance algorithms in LISP.
- Forward and inverse kinematics of a simple robotic arm.
- World of blocks, tower of Hanoi and simple microworlds for robot arm.
- Programming Natural Language dialog for robots. Pattern Matching, Alice, Eliza, rule based, etc.
- Algorithms for a robot arm. Lisp, search. Rule based. Shortest Path.
- Kissmet and emotional robots.
- Evolutionary hardware in robotics, especially humanoids.
- Movement generation for humanoid robots: walking robots, stationary robots.
- Speech recognition, dialog and speech synthesis for robots.
- Face recognition and gesture recognition for humanoid robots.
- Early vision for robots. Thresholding, histogramming, noise removal.
- Edge detection
- Thinning algorithms.
- Labeling and application in robotics.
- Vision for robot soccer.
- Hough transform.
- Spectral transforms in robotics.
- Median Filtering, other filtering in robotics. High-pass and low-pass filters in image processing.
- Morphological operations.
- Quadtrees and Octtrees.
- Edge detection on cellular automata
- Shape encoding and shape-based recognition in robotics. Bar codes.
- Image segmentation based on thresholding
- Hierarchical coding/compression based on quadtrees.
- Reed-Muller, Walsh and Fourier Transforms.
- Convolution software/hardware for robot vision
- Visual feedback and tracking
- Neural Nets in Vision.
- Drives for robotics.
- Sensors for robotics.
- Servos for robotics.
- Evolutionary robotics. Evolving robot behaviors – examples.
- Probabilistic robotics.
- Applications of fuzzy logic in robotics. Examples with analysis.
- Sonar
- Positioning sensors.
- Robotic actuators: DC motors, servos, stepper motors, pneumatics. Air Muscles.
- Radio and robot communication. Serial port.
- Stability of standing and walking. Hexapods versus quadrupeds veesus bipeds
- Mapping robots – applications and examples. CMU.
- Shaft encoding.
- Sensor fusion
- Matching lines to models.
- Dead Reckoning. Odometry.
- Robots for disabled, health care, smart houses, etc.
- Definitions of robot
- Braitenberg Vehicles and Quantum Braitenberg Vehicles.
- Simple vision algorithms for robot soccer and robot theatre, region growing, centroids, moments, color, etc. Architectural aspects.
- Sense-Plan-Act versus Subsumption architecture.
- Compare mapping, state machine based and subsumption architectures.
- Path planning and obstacle avoidance.
- Agents and Expert Systems in robotics.
- Pattern matching and applications.
- Collective robotics, robot societies.
- Use of randomness in robotics.
- FiniteState Machine control for tasks such as robot soccer. Other architectures for robot soccer. Situated automata from Stanford.
- Artificial Intelligence, versus Cognitive Science versus Computational Intelligence versus Intelligent Robotics.
- Biologically inspired robotics.
- Psychology inspired robotics
- Use of ProbabilisticState Machines in robotics.
- Configuration spaces in robotics, X and derivative of X. Mapping from spaces to spaces.
- FSMs with counters, timers and stacks in robotics.