Questions and Answers for Solicitation number S-KS700-11-Q-0001,

Travel Management Services

Q1. What is the number of end users currently requiring travel services?
- A1. The number of userswas 825on October 4, 2010.

Q2. How many Travel Professionals are currently staffed on US Embassy site including Project and Site Managers?
- A2. Two travel agents and one agent/manager.

Q3. Are all personnel working on site required to speak Korean? Does this include Project Manager, Site Manager and Travel Counselors?
– A3. Yes, all employees must be bi-lingual Korean/English.

Q4. Do end users self-book online, or through the traditional use of a travel professional? Is there a current E2 Traveler system currently in place, or is it yet to be implemented?
–A4. The online booking system or E2 travel system has not been implemented since it was not a requirement under the current contract. Under the current contract, all booking is done by on-site travel agents. However, implementation of the E2 travel system is a requirement under the solicitation.

Q5. In regards to where it states: “Additionally, the Contractor shall include one pamphlet with each ticket and itinerary package ordered during the first quarter of the contract period (first three months), and the first quarter of any option years extended under the term of any resulting contract(s). “ Are the majority of tickets E-tickets or are they paper tickets? If they are electronic tickets, is the request that the itinerary along with a pamphlet be given to the traveler? Or only in the case of paper tickets?
- A5. Most air tickets are E-tickets; all train tickets are paper tickets. All ticketsshould include an itinerary and pamphlet for the period stated in the contract.

Q6. Are all travelers originating from the US Embassy in Seoul? Or do you have other end-users outside of the embassy that also require travel services from the Contractor?
–A6. Most of the travel is originated from Seoul but some are from outside of Seoul or in the US.

Q7. Is there documentation that the Embassy will provide such as a blanket tax exempt letter for hotel and other tax exempt travel?
- A7. No, we don’t have blanket tax exempt letter for hotel and other tax exempt travel.

Q8. Who is the current Contractor for this site?
- A8. Current contractor is Sharp Inc., 8th floor, Injoo BLDG., 111-1, Seoulin-dong, Chorngro-gu, Seoul, Korea

Q9. How many personnel does this contractor currently have in its employ?
- A9. The Embassy does not have access to this type of company information.

Q10. How many CBA cards are currently in use? Will the CBA card information be provided through the use of a .csv formatted file or in another encrypted manner?
- A10. No CBA card is presently in use.

Q11. Is there a special dress code for Embassy Contractor Personnel? If so, please explain what that dress code is.

- A11. Dress code is same as Embassy employees which isbusiness attire.

Q12. Upon award of contract, when can existing personnel be interviewed for continued service?
- A12. This would be up to each individual.

Q13. When is the expected date of award?
- A13. The award of the new contract is anticipate to be in the first quarter of Calendar Year (CY) 11.

Q14. What were the sales of all tickets for the last fiscal year, 2009 and 2010?
- A14. The total amount of sales for fiscal year 2009 was $ 1,306,272.21 and for fiscal year 2010 was $1,180,346.72

The FY sales data provided in response to this question is provided for informational purposes and under no circumstances shall it be construed to change any terms or conditions or requirements within the solicitation. In addition, please be advised that the requirements under the current contract are not the same as the requirements under the solicitation. Therefore, it is each offeror’s decision on whether to use or not to use this information. However, under no circumstances shall the U.S. Government be liable for this sales data.

Q15. Is this an open Solicitation?
- A15.The Contracting Officer is using full and open competition in the soliciting of offers for the award of this proposed contract.