Postcard/Letter Campaign to Oppose Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)

Where to Write:

The Honorable

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Senator Jeff Bingaman

Senator Tom Udall

The Honorable

United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515

Representative Martin Heinrich (First Congressional District)

Representative Harry Teague (Second Congressional District)

Representative Ben Ray Lujan (Third Congressional District)

The President

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

Sample Postcard/Letter:

Dear Senator (Representative),

At this time of serious national challenges, Americans should unite to serve the good of all, born and unborn. The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), the most radical and divisive pro-abortion bill ever introduced in Congress, would create a “fundamental right” to abortion that government could not limit but would have to support. FOCA would overturn many existing widely-supported policies, including laws protecting parental involvement and conscience rights and those preventing partial-birth abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion.

Please oppose FOCA or any similar measure, and retain laws against federal funding and promotion of abortion. As your constituent, I would appreciate a written response telling me how you would vote on these matters.

Where to Call

Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121. Ask for the offices of your Representative and two Senators. The White House: 202-456-1111.

Send an E-Mail

E-mail messages reinforce communications sent through postcards, letters, phone calls, and personal meetings. To send e-mails to Capitol Hill or the White House, please visit the special e-mail action page at: .

For More Information

Please visit and or call Anne Avellone in the Social Justice/Respect Life Office, 505-831-8167.