1. Name and place of work of person answering the questionnaire (mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail):
2. Please give details of the location and status (protected area, hunting unit, etc.) of the area you work at as manager, researcher, etc. to which the following answers relate.
3. Do damages made by carnivores cause problems in the area? (Please mark!)
no, not at allyes, but negligible
yes, at a significant degree
4. Which are the typical “problem species” of carnivores in the area? (Please list!)
5. Is there any compensation or support system operated officially in the area to mitigate the problem? (Please mark and specify which species are concerned by the given system!)
yes, compensation system;
yes, support system;
yes, both support and compensation system, depending on the species or other circumstances
6. At what level is compensation / support system regulated?
by national law in force;
by ministerial decree;
by regional regulations;
by local regulations;
other (please give details):
7. Who decides and on what basis on the eligibility of
a) a claim for settling damage to compensation or
b)a request to support?
8. If there is a compensation / support system, is it valid only for privately owned properties (livestock, fish, car, fences, etc.) or others (e.g. game animals) as well? (Please mark and give details!)
only private goods others as well (e.g.: )
9. Has any claim by farmers, wildlife managers, etc. emerged for compensation / support concerning (not privately owned) game animals? (Please mark!)
10 How much is the compensation / support system known by the people it concerns and to what extent do they utilize this opportunity? (Please mark!)
Not utilized, as there is no damage.
Not utilized, due to inadequate information on the opportunities.
Yes, they know and utilize it when it is reasonable.
Yes, they know and try to overexploit the opportunity.
11. For what reasons have either compensation or support payment been chosen? (Please give details on the main advantages and disadvantages of both systems!)
12. In connection with questions 20 and 28, please specify regionally or nationally competent authority responsible for implementing compensation and support system. (Name, address, e-mail, tel/fax and contact person, if known.)
13. In the case of compensation system: what form does the compensation take? (Please mark and give details as necessary!)
cashin kind (e.g. livestock) other:
14. Efforts of the farmer / wildlife manager to prevent damage may be taken into account at the eligibility to compensation. Please mark whether prevention in your case is
an independent factora possibly influencing factoror obligatory.
15. Has the compensation system proved to be effective in order to protect carnivores? (Please mark!)
no, not at all yes, but only in a short term
yes, definitely
16. Has the degree of poaching decreased due to the introduction of compensation system? (Please mark and specify for each relevant species separately!)
yes no I don’t know
17. Has the public acceptance of target species increased due to the implementation of the compensation system? (Please mark and specify for each relevant species separately!)
yes no I don’t know
18. What changes has taken place in the number of the given population due to the implementation of the compensation system? (Please mark by species!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedthere are no data
19. What changes have taken place in the distribution area of the given population due to the implementation of the compensation system? (Please mark by species!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedthere are no data
20. Has there been any change in the number of claims for settling damage through recent years? (Please mark!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedthere are no data
21. How much is the amount of compensation paid (in order of magnitude) in the area per year (in Euro)?
22. In the case of support system what forms the basis of calculation of the sum of support? (Size of supported area; actual number of individuals of target species or other population parameters, e.g. number of offspring; calculated value of damage; etc). Please specify!
23. Has the support system proved to be effective in order to protect carnivores? (Please mark!)
no, not at all yes, but only in a short term
yes, definitely
24. Has the degree of poaching decreased due to the introduction of support system? (Please mark and specify for each relevant species separately!)
yesnoI don’t know
25. Has the public acceptance of target species increased due to the implementation of support system? (Please mark and specify for each relevant species separately!)
yesnoI don’t know
26. What changes have taken place in the number of the given population due to the implementation of support system? (Please mark by species!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedI don’t know
27. What changes have taken place in the distribution area of the given population due to the implementation of support system? (Please mark by species!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedI don’t know
28. Has there been any change in the number of requests for getting support through recent years? (Please mark!)
increasedthere has been no change
decreasedI don’t know
29. How much is the sum of support paid (in order of magnitude) in the area per year (in Euro)?
30. If you have any comments or additional information, please specify:
Thank you for taking time to answer the questions!
Please return the questionnaire to before 31 October, 2005
Our homepage is: LIFE Nature project on large carnivores