Internal Market and Services DG
Administrative cooperation and MemberState networks
Questionnaire for trainers
Please fill in this questionnaireafter each training session you hold and send it to the IMI team at:
1.Time and place
(1)When did you hold the training session? (please enter a date or date range)
(2)In which country did it take place?
(3)How long did the training last?
(4)How many participants attended the training session?
(5)Who were the participants?(please tick the relevant box)
Users from competent authorities only
Users from IMI coordinators only
Users from both competent authorities and coordinators
(6)At which level do they work?(please tick all relevant boxes)
(7)How many of them had already received training on IMI?
3.Content of the training session
(8)Which subjects did you cover in the training session? (Please tick all relevant boxes)
How to use IMI from a technical point of view
Legal aspects of the Professional Qualifications Directive
How to apply the Professional Qualifications Directive in practice
Legal aspects of the Services Directive
How to apply the Services Directive in practice
IMI and data protection
The role of IMI coordinators
Other subjects; please specify:
(9)Which training methods did you use?(please tick all relevant boxes)
Oral presentations
Online demonstrations; please specify:
in the training database
in the live system
Interactive online exercisesin the training database
Others; please specify:
(10)If you used the live system, how did you use it?
For demonstrations only
Participants entered/edited data for their authority
(11)Which training material did you use?(please tick all relevant boxes)
European Commission IMI website
Powerpoint presentations provided by the Commission
Translation/adaptation of Powerpoint presentations
eLearning modules on IMI ("Captivates")
National material
Own material; please specify:
4.Your experience during the training session
(12)Did you encounter any technical problems?
Yes; please specify:
The training database was not available
The training database was slow to respond
The live system was not available
The live system was slow to respond
Other; please specify:
(13)Please describe to what extent your trainees expressed agreement with the following statements during the training session. (Tick the relevant box)
IMI is a useful tool. / Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Nothingcompletely somewhat somewhat completely was expressed
It is easy to use.
IMI is data protection friendly.
The legal obligations under the Professional Qualifications Directive are easy to put into practice using IMI.
The legal obligations under the Services Directive are easy to put into practice using IMI.
The relationship between competent authorities and IMI coordinators is well defined and works well.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer these questions!
We would also be very interested in any feedback that you received from your trainees concerning individual IMI functionalities, translations in the system or any legal or practical issues in connection with IMI.
You can forward such feedbackto us by email: