Teacher Comment Form

For Letters of Recommendation - To be completed by a teacher

The questions on this form can also serve as a guide if you are writing a recommendation for a student

A. To: Re:

Name of Teacher Name of Student

Return to Ms. Marquez by Nov. 1 For:

Date Name of College (s) or Scholarship

B. Detailed information is needed so that the counselor can write an informative recommendation on behalf of this student. Please give specific examples to support general statements whenever feasible. Tell a story to illustrate your comments whenever possible. (If you have already written a recommendation for this student, you do not need to complete this form.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND EXPERTISE ON BEHALF OF THIS STUDENT.

  1. In what capacity have you known this student? How long?
  1. Three words that describe the student, ,and.
  1. Evidence of accomplishment, special talent, creativity, leadership (Please do not repeat information that is on the brag sheet) Tell a story to illustrate his or her performance in your class if possible.
  1. Can you cite specific examples of student performance, which make this student different from others? A particularly excellent project or assignment? For example: When remarkable, describe how the student argued a point on a paper or how the student solved a problem in a creative fashion or how a student approached a lab or an experiment. Does the student contribute in a way that enriches class discussions? Is the student intellectually engaged or is he or she only interested in getting an A? Do you miss him or her when he or she is absent? Tell a story unique to this student. .
  1. Distinguishing or unusual personal traits (positive and/or negative) which make this student different from others? Tell a story. .
  1. For what qualities is he/she respected by peers and/or the faculty? .
  1. How does he/she react to criticism or set backs? .
  1. What would you especially want the college to know about this student? .
  1. What is his/her potential to succeed in college/career? .
  2. Is there any reason to doubt the integrity of this student: No: Yes: (Please see me in person if you responded yes or you do not wish to respond to this question in writing.)
  1. Comment on the student’s strength or character and integrity.
  1. Overall estimate of academic and personal promise. Please only check the last column if this student is truly one of the top few you have ever seen in your entire career.

A)  Please check the single most appropriate box for each item.

B)  Overall estimate of academic and personal promise.

C)  Please only check the last column if this student is truly one of the top few you have ever encountered in your entire career. Check second to last if one of the best this year.

or below / Good
(above average) / Excellent
(next 10%) / Outstanding (top 5%) / One of the top few I have ever encountered / ITEM / No basis for judgment
Academic Motivation
Academic Growth Potential
Personal Qualities

Thank you again for your efforts on behalf of our students! Your comments will enrich my letter in support of this student.

Please print this form and send it to Ms. Marquez ASAP.

Teacher Comment Form 8-2016.doc