Questionnaire to ESS NSIs in the framework of the ESSnet on the European socio-economic groups (ESEG)

NSI and country : Satistics Portugal

Last name: Brites

First name: Arminda


Emailaddress :

Phone number: 00 351 218 426 100

In this questionnaire, the term «socio-economic classification » refers to any classification which segments society into groups of individuals who share common occupational and social characteristics and which is used to read statistics in economical, social and cultural fields.

1) What is the socio-economic classification most commonly used in the publications of your institute?

The socio-economic classification most commonly used by Statistics Portugal is the “Socio-economic Group Classification”

If you do not have such a classification, please go to question 15

2) What are the class headings of this classification in your own language? and in English? Or could you provide us with an Internet link to this classification or attach this classification to the questionnaire?

Please find attached the classification used by Statistics Portugal, in Portuguese and English versions

3) How many levels of aggregation does it have?

The Portuguese classification has one aggregation level.

4) Is there any link between this classification and ISCO ?


5) How is this classification built up? What are the main variables used to define the different categories ?

(If there is a link with ISCO, can you describe it?

Socio-economic groups of this classification are calculated mostly on the basis of the occupation (ISCO) in connection with the following other variables:

  • Status in employment
  • Industry
  • Number of persons working in the enterprise/institution
  • Educational attainment

6) Does this classification distribute individuals according to:

yes / no
a Occupation/ profession (1) / X
b prestige
c power/ authority
d status (self-employed/ employee) / X
e skill/ qualification / X
f income
g level of education
h employment relationships(1)
i other? please specify: Industry / X

(1)if yes can you precise? As described in the question 5

7) In usual classifications, there are different cleavages/splits. Does your classification isolate :

Yes at the most aggregated level / Yes, but at a more detailed level (2) / No
a self-employed farmers / X
b self employed people(other than farmers) / X
c professionals (like ISCO major group 2) / X
dmanagers/team leaders / X
e supervisors
f blue collar workers / X
g white-collar workers / X
h unskilled workers / X

(2) if there are more than one level

Remarks :

8) Are there other important cleavages/splits in your classification? Yes, as described in the attached classification.

9) In which fields do you use this classification ?

Yes* / No
a population /demography / Population censuses / Every decade since 1960
b employment and working conditions
c education and lifelong learning
d social mobility
e cultural participation
f income and living conditions
g wealth
h health
i Crime and victimization
j other field: please specify

*thank you for specifying : always, often, sometimes, rarely

10) a- Is your classification used in another context and by other actors than your NSI (i.e.: social and economical research, opinion polls by polling and marketing institutes, media, negotiations with trade unions)? Yes mostly on socio-economic research

b- If yes, please indicate which one(s)?Research studies carried out mostly by university researchers

11) a- Did institutions outside your NSI participate in the construction of your classification (research institute, ministry, trade unions …) Yes

b- If yes, indicate which one(s)? In 1990 the socio-economic group classification was readjusted, in cooperation with the ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, to that one recommended by the UNECE Population and Housing Censuses Recommendations keeping the comparability between the two classifications.

12) Since when is this classification used? Since 1960

13) Before you used this classification, did you use any other socio-economic classification? Yes, in close connection with the UNECE Population and Housing Censuses Recommendations

If yes, explain why they were dropped

14) Do you use other socio-economic classifications ? No

If yes,

please describe categorizations of society which occur most often in the social and economical analyses conducted in your institute :

Please tell us what are the classes titles, the way the classifications are constructed and who uses them : (you can give the link by internet)

15) a- Do you intend to change your socio-economic classification (or to set up a classification)? No

If so:

b- When?

c- What are the reasons for intending to change your classification (or to set up a classification) ?

d- What could it be like?

e- What cleavages/breakdowns do you involve ?

f- Eventually, what are the main debates around this classification and with who ?

Thank you for your participation!

Versão:V00485Socioeconomic groups, Census 2001

Data de execução:12/09/2011PT



201Entrepreneurs involved in professional, scientific and technical activities

202Entrepreneurs in manufacturing, trade and services

203Entrepreneurs in the primary sector

204Small employers involved in professional and scientific activities

205Small employers involved in intermediate technical activities

206Small employers in manufacturing

207Small employers in trade and services

208Small employers in the primary sector

209Self-employed professionals involved in intellectual and scientific activities

210Self-employed intermediate professionals involved in technical activities

211Self-employed industrial workers and craftsmen

212Service providers and unrelated traders

213Self-employed persons in the primary sector

214Directors and managers in State and large and medium enterprises

215Managers of small enterprises and organisations

216Scientific and liberal professionals

217Intermediate technical workers

218Intermediate administrative workers

219Administrative workers in trade and services

220Qualified and semi-qualified workers in manufacturing

221Primary sector workers

222Non-qualified administrative workers in trade and services

223Non-qualified workers in manufacturing

224Non-qualified workers in the primary sector

225Members of the armed forces

226Other economically active persons, n.s.

227Not economically active persons

Versão:V00485Grupos sócio-económicos, Censos 2001

Data de execução:12/09/2011PT



201Empresários com profissões intelectuais, científicas e técnicas

202Empresários da indústria comércio e serviços

203Empresários do sector primário

204Pequenos patrões com profissões intelectuais e científicas

205Pequenos patrões com profissões técnicas intermédias

206Pequenos patrões da indústria

207Pequenos patrões do comércio e serviços

208Pequenos patrões do sector primário

209Profissionais intelectuais e científicos independentes

210Profissionais técnicos intermédios independentes

211Trabalhadores industriais e artesanais independentes

212Prestadores de serviços e comerciantes independentes

213Trabalhadores independentes do sector primário

214Directores e quadros dirigentes do Estado e empresas

215Dirigentes de pequenas empresas e organizações

216Quadros intelectuais e científicos

217Quadros técnicos intermédios

218Quadros administrativos intermédios

219Empregados administrativos do comércio e serviços

220Operários qualificados e semi-qualificados

221Assalariados do sector primário

222Trabalhadores administrativos do comércio e serviços não qualificados

223Operários não qualificados

224Trabalhadores não qualificados do sector primário

225Pessoal das forças armadas

226Outras pessoas activas n.e.
