Boren Scholarships
Final Progress Report
Please complete this report only after you have ended your Boren funded overseas period. Upload your report to the Self-Service Portal ( within 30 days of your Boren end date.
REMINDER: IIE will not send your final scholarship disbursement until you complete and return this report.
Name: ______Date: ______
Country: ______Language: ______
Study Abroad Program: ______
A. Language Study1. How many clock hours during the last week of your program did you spend using the target language in the following activities? Please use decimal-point notation, i.e. 1 hr. = “1”; 45 min. = “0.75”; 30 min. = “0.5”; 20 min. = “0.30”; 15 min. = “0.25”; 10 min. = “0.15”. Please only record the activities for ONE week.
Activity / Primary Source for Language Use/Practice: (Native or Non-native speakers) / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Formal language learning classes
Language partner or tutorial session
Content courses in the target language
Host family/Roommates
Internship or professional setting
Around town (i.e. in public transportation, while shopping)
With friends
Cultural events
Radio, television, movies
Reading the press
Professional/or academic reading
Reading for pleasure
In homework and other preparation for formal language learning classes
Writing email/using the internet
Field trips (formal and informal(
Other (please list activity)
2. What challenges did you encounter during your final weeks abroad in operating in the target language?
3. Describe a linguistic interaction in the target language during your final weeks abroad that characterize your command of the target language at its best.
4. Please comment on your overall progress with the target language. Have you reached the linguistic goals outlined in your first report? In what ways have your language skills increased inside and outside the classroom? How do you plan to continue your target language study?
B. Academic Program
1. What were your academic goals while abroad? Have you achieved them? Please provide examples.
C. Long-term Impact
1. At this moment, what are your long-term career objectives?
2. How has the Boren funded study abroad experience influenced your plans to meet these objectives?
D. Overall Study Abroad Experience
1. Rate your overseas study experience in the following categories:
a. Language Study outstanding good fair poor
b. Academic Program outstanding good fair poor
c. Program Services outstanding good fair poor
(i.e. orientation)
d. Cultural Exposure outstanding good fair poor
e. Boren funding and support outstanding good fair poor
E. Boren Recommendations
1. In what areas did you find the Institute of International Education, the Boren Scholarship program administrator, especially helpful? What areas need additional attention? What improvements would you suggest?
F. Post-Boren
1 NSEP will need to stay in touch with you regarding your NSEP service requirement. Please provide your permanent contact information – including address, telephone, and e-mail address to NSEP on NSEPnet ( so that they can stay in touch with you in the future.