Venue: Circle Art Gallery, 274 Montague Road, West End. Phone: 07 38461330
Hosted by:Art Shed teamTel: 3This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Queensland Art Teachers’ Association

QATA PO Box 2003, Kelvin Grove Q 4059
Website / APOLOGIES:Graham Nash
ATTENDANCE:Jess Wall, Adam Jefford, Stewart Service, Bernadette Moy, Joanna Faber, Sue Pritchard, Laurene.
  • Welcome and refreshments (Jess and Art Shed team)
/ Thank you Trevor for presenting the SAS 2013 catalogue.
  • QATA 2012 – recap (Jess)
/ A great year, thank you for your support. Our communication with members has improved dramatically this year – thank you Adam!! We hope to really make some progress with our connections beyond Brisbane next year.
  • School Art Supplies 2013 catalogue (Trevor, SAS)
/ New catalogue and 3% discount for online orders. Page 3 of catalogue outlines the range of online features/resources available on the website. Range of new products available. SAS offers workshops at schools for staff or students.
  • 2013 QATA Calendar (Jess)
  • Australian Teacher Mag (Jess, Adam)
  • Website (Adam)
/ To be released early 2013. First QATA meeting will be Wed 13 Feb, venue TBA.
We have nominated to contribute an article to this publication next year, to advertise our PD day.
Renewal of website registry.
  • QUT Program 2013 (Angela)
/ QUT has a proposed Public Program for 2013, with further details to come. Some feedback given by QATA members re: with workshops, please keep in mind that not all schools have Macs, and therefore PD must address both Macs and PCs. The cost of workshops for staff and students was also too expensive.
  • 2013 Executive – voting
/ Jess voted in to continue Presidency, (nom by JF, seconded by BM) with Adam continuing as Vice President (nom by SS, seconded by BM). Angela has stepped down as PD/Events Coordinator. Katy Ward volunteered to help with PD in 2013. Any other volunteers most welcome.
  • 2012 Financial Report (Angela)
/ This was not available for the meeting, and will be presented at our first meeting back in 2013 instead.
  • General business followed by dinner at 6:30pm at Trang! (Map below)
/ We need to clarify with constitution, whether position titles can be amended/updated to reflect the joint leadership of QATA between Jess and Adam.
Thank you to Adam and Angela for their hard work and commitment this year!