Queens Court Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 14, 2013
President Terry Ellis called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
Present were board members: Terry Ellis, Tommy Warrick, Billy Emory, and Jackie Williams; Lee Carroll, CPA; and Scott Brinkley, Property Manager. Seven unit owners were also present for most of the meeting.
Motion was made by Tommy Warrick, seconded by Billy Emory, and approved by the board to acceptthe minutes of the regular meeting held on June 15, 2013.
The board listened to concerns/suggestions/ comments presented by Nick Markham, Unit 1106; Bob Jackson, Unit 1105; Eddie Turner, Unit 4102; Jane Estell, Unit 3204;Jenny Owens, Unit 2301; Joan Pate, Unit 4301; and Wallace Young, Unit 1205. These issues were discussed by the board. A plan of action was decided on by the board to resolve these issues.
Financial reports were received from Mr. Carroll showing the balance sheet and related statement of revenues and expenses for the month and eight months ended August 31, 2013.
The board reviewed the summary report presented and noted that the association is on target and within budget at this time.
No treasurer report was given.
- A special thank you to Bill Kalinowski, Unit 2106, for the safe start system on the small pool that he designed and installed.
- Repaired leak in Unit 1306 under warranty.
- Repaired leak in Unit 3306 under warranty.
- Speed bumps installed at entrance.
- Cut out various areas in buildings 3 and 4 for AC line repair due to raccoon damage.
- Cleaned up glass where vandals broke bottles over parking lot and out by the pool fence.
- Bob Jackson, Unit 1105, gave an update on the tennis court repair. The project was completed through the hard work of owners Bob Jackson, Nick Markham, Gary Hare, and Tommy Warrick. It took a total of 140 hours over a 30 day span and $5,494.28 to complete the project. MANY THANKS to the guys who made the tennis courts look so good!!! We appreciate your hard work!!
- All owners should check their dryer vents frequently to determine how well they are flowing. Cleaning and maintenance of dryer vents is the responsibility of owners.
- Two speed bumps have been installed at the front entrance. The plan is for two more to be installed by the buildings. Owners, please remember we have a 15 mph speed limit inside the complex. This info should be posted in rental condos.
- A motion was made by Mr. Warrick and seconded by Ms. Williams to increase the VISA card limit to $5,000 from $3,000.
- The Waste Treatment replacement project and the assessment for the project were discussed at length. Because our existing plant will not be able to meet state requirements, a motion was made by Mr. Warrick and seconded by Mr. Emory and unanimously approved by the board to move forward with the project and the assessment. A special assessment in the amount of $500, 000 was approved for the replacement of the waste water treatment plant. An engineer has been hired to design a new system, and this design must be approved by the state. Once that has been done, the construction will be put out for bids. Due to this process, it is not certain what the total cost will be, but the best estimate provided at this time is about $500, 000. If costs turn out to be greater than this amount, an additional assessment will be required. In the event that total costs are less than projected, later installments of the special assessment may be reduced by the board. Any special assessment funds collected but not needed for this project will be transferred to the replacement reserve account, or returned to owners at the discretion of the board.
- Management of the common areas was also discussed at length. There is already a board policy in place regarding violating the Queens Court rules for planting, pruning, etc. without board approval. Currently, there is a form that can be completed if owners wish to do anything in any of the common areas. Copies of this form are available from the Property Manager.We should all remember that the Queens Court complex belongs to 96 owners. It is difficult to please everyone. That is why there are rules and covenants in place to follow for the good of all. The approval form should be given to the Property Manager, who will discuss with the board members for approval.
- The board plans to develop a Spring/Summer plan for 2014 to address planting and pruning of current landscaping and hiring extra help for the summer season.
A motion was made to adjourn by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Warrick. All members voted aye and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.
Next board meeting will be October, 12, 2013 at 8:30 am.
Draft of the Annual Meeting minutes and balance sheet for January/February can be found on the Queens Court website.
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