Queens College- Special Quasar Reports

Queens College- Special Quasar Reports

Queens College- Special Quasar Reports

Writing Course Report for Fall 2006

Accounting 362W: Business Law 2 (Section 1T3RA, Code 2988, 3 credits)

Accounting 362W: Business Law 2 (Section 3M3WA, Code 2986, 3 credits)

Adult Collegiate Education 005W: Great Works of Literature (Section E7W3A, Code 1991, 3 credits)

Adult Collegiate Education 005W: Great Works of Literature (Section 1S3A, Code 1990, 3 credits)

Adult Collegiate Education 005W: Great Works of Literature (Section 1S3A, Code 2815, 3 credits)

Adult Collegiate Education 005W: Great Works of Literature (Section E7M3B, Code 3324, 3 credits)

Africana Studies 234W: Black Women Writers (Section 1S3A, Code 2021, 3 credits)

Africana Studies 300W: Africana Studies Seminar (Section 1T3RA, Code 1063, 3 credits)

Africana Studies 300W: Africana Studies Seminar (Section 3WIAA, Code 3034. 3 credits)

American Studies 110W: Introduction to American Society/Culture (Section AM3WA, Code 3296, 3 credits)

American Studies 110W: Introduction to American Society/Culture (Section AT3RA, Code 2800, 3 credits)

American Studies 110W: Introduction to American Society/Culture (Section E6F3A, Code 1994, 3 credits)

American Studies 110W: Introduction to American Society/Culture (Section 3M3WA, Code 1995, 3 credits)

American Studies 110W: Introduction to American Society/Culture (Section 3T3RA, Code 1996, 3 credits)

Anthropology 215W: Peoples of the Caribbean (Section CT3RA, Code 1204, 3 credits)

Anthropology 242W: Archaeology of Europe (Section AT3RA, Code 2254, 3 credits)

Anthropology 290W: Topics in Anthropology (Section E6TBA, Code 1221, 3 credits)

Business & Liberal Arts 103W: Critical Thinking in Business (Section AM3WA, Code 0107, 3 credits)

Business & Liberal Arts 103W: Critical Thinking in Business (Section AT3RA, Code 0109, 3 credits)

Business & Liberal Arts 103W: Critical Thinking in Business (Section 1T3R, Code 0108, 3 credits)

Business & Liberal Arts 302W: Law and Ethics of Business (Section 3M3W, Code 0115, 3 credits)

Business & Liberal Arts 302W: Law and Ethics of Business (Section 3T3R, Code 0114, 3 credits)

Business 341W: Intermediate Finance (Section AW3FA, Code 3236, 3 credits)

Business 341W: Intermediate Finance (Section 1S3, Code 3234, 3 credits)

Business 355W: Topics in International Business and Finance (Section 3M3WA, Code 3334, 3 credits)

Classics, Ancient Greek and Latin 250W: Ancient Epic and Tragedy (Section AM3RA, Code 2680, 3 credits)

Classics, Ancient Greek and Latin 250W: Ancient Epic and Tragedy (Section E4MBA, Code 1447, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section AT3RA, Code 1262, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section AT3RB, Code 1313, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E4MBA, Code 1264, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E4MBA, Code 1265, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E4TBA, Code 1266, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E6MBA, Code 1135, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E6TBA, Code 1267, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section E6TBB, Code 1268, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 3F3, Code 1230, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 8M3W, Code 1228, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 8M3WA, Code 1241, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 8T3R, Code 1243, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 8T3RA, Code 1245, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9F3A, Code 1239, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9M3W, Code 1138, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9M3WA, Code 1246, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9M3WB, Code 1248, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9S3, Code 1251, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9T3R, Code 1253, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9T3RA, Code 1256, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9T3RB, Code 1258, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9T3RC, Code 1259, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 101W: Great Books I (Section 9W3F, Code 1229, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section AM3WA, Code 1291, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section AT3RA, Code 1292, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section AT3RB, Code 1294, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section CT3RA, Code 1289, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section E4MBA, Code 1288, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section E6TBA, Code 1296, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 102W: Great Books II (Section 8M3W, Code 1290, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 215W: Topics in Modern Literature (Section E6F3, Code 1325, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 215W: Topics in Modern Literature (Section 3M3, Code 1322, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 215W: Topics in Modern Literature (Section CT3RA, Code 1324, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 229W: Women in Modern Literature (Section 11F3, Code 1338, 3 credits)

Comparative Literature 381W: Advanced Seminars (Section 9W3F, Code 1348, 3 credits)

Drama 344W: Playwriting Workshop (Section 1R3A, Code 2960, 3 credits)

Economics 228W: The Economics of the Environment (Section 3M3WA, Code 3253, 3 credits)

Economics 230W: Women’s Issues in Economics (Section 9F3, Code 3313, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section E4M3, Code 1501, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section E4W3, Code 3268, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section 1M3, Code 1498, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section 1T3, Code 1503, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section 1W3, Code1507, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 201W: Schooling in Diverse Communities (Section 9W3, Code 1505, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section E7W3, Code 3269, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section 1M3, Code 1510, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section 1R3, Code 1513, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section 9M3, Code 1508, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section 9R3, Code 1512, 3 credits)

Elementary & Early Childhood Education 310W: Children in Cultural Contexts 1: Child Development (Section E4M3, Code 1511, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section AT3RA, Code 2204, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section AT3RB, Code 2205, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section E4MBA, Code 2198, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section E4TBA, Code 2207, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section E5MBA, Code 2199, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section E6T3A, Code 2200, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section E6W3A, Code 2209, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 1M3WA, Code 2194, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 1T3FA, Code 2201, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 1T3RA, Code 2203, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 1T3RB, Code 2202, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 3M2WL, Code 2022, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 3M3WA, Code 2197, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 3T3RB, Code 2799, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 8T3RA, Code 3280, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section 9T3RA, Code 2208, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section AM3RA, Code 2195, 3 credits)

English 120W: Writing, Literature, Culture (Section AT3FA, Code 2249, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section AM3WA, Code 2212, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section AT3RA, Code 1950, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 1F3A, Code 2210, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 1M3WA, Code 2211, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 1S3A, Code 1988, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 1T3RA, Code 1951, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 3M3WA, Code 1922, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 3T3RA, Code 2214, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 8T3RA, Code 2215, 3 credits)

English 140W: Introduction to Poetry (Section 9M3WA, Code 2213, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section AM3WA, Code 2218, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section AM3WB, Code 2252, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section AT3FA, Code 2221, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section AT3FB, Code 2222, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section AT3RA, Code 1954, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section E6F3A, Code 1989, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section E6M3A, Code 2216, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section E6T3A, Code 2220, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section 1M3WA, Code 2217, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section 3M3WA, Code 2219, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section 3T3RA, Code 2224, 3 credits)

English 150W: Introduction to Literary Study (Section 9T3FA, Code 2223, 3 credits)

English 151W: Great Works of English Literature (Section AM3WA, Code 2225, 3 credits)

English 151W: Great Works of English Literature (Section E4QRA, Code 2226, 3 credits)

English 151W: Great Works of English Literature (Section 9T3RA, Code 3293, 3 credits)

English 152W: Great Works of American Literature (Section E6R3A, Code 2227, 3 credits)

English 153W: Introduction to the Bible (Section E6M3A, Code 2228, 3 credits)

English 154W: Great Work of Fiction (Section 1M3WA, Code 2229, 3 credits)

English 155W: Great Works of Drama (Section 1T3FA, Code 2230, 3 credits)

English 200W: Essay Writing (Section 1T3RA, Code 2231, 3 credits)

English 201W: Essay Writing for Special Fields (Section AM3WA, Code 1378, 3 credits)

English 201W: Essay Writing for Special Fields (Section 1T3R, Code 1379, 3 credits)

English 201W: Essay Writing for Special Fields (Section 9M3WA, Code 1377, 3 credits)

English 210W: Creative Writing (Section E4TBA, Code 2234, 3 credits)

English 210W: Creative Writing (Section E6M3A, Code 2232, 3 credits)

English 210W: Creative Writing (Section 10F3A, Code 1918, 3 credits)

English 210W: Creative Writing (Section 3M3WA, Code 2233, 3 credits)

English 210W: Creative Writing (Section 9T3RA, Code 1901, 3 credits)

English 211W: Writing Nonfictional Prose (Section 9F3A, Code 3323, 3 credits)

English 211W: Writing Nonfictional Prose (Section AT3RA, Code 2730, 3 credits)

English 211W: Writing Nonfictional Prose (Section E6R3A, Code 2236, 3 credits)

English 211W: Writing Nonfictional Prose (Section AM3WA, Code 2235, 3 credits)

English 301W: Short Story Workshop (Section E6W3A, Code 2237, 3 credits)

English 303W: Essay Workshop (Section AT3RA, Code 2238, 3 credits)

English 391W: Senior Seminar: Topics in Literature (Section AM3WA, Code 1915, 3 credits)

English 391W: Senior Seminar: Topics in Literature (Section E6W3A, Code 1939, 3 credits)

English 391W: Senior Seminar: Topics in Literature (Section 1R3A, Code 1907, 3 credits)

English 391W: Senior Seminar: Topics in Literature (Section 1T3RA, Code 1942, 3 credits)

English 391W: Senior Seminar: Topics in Literature (Section 1W3A, Code 1956, 3 credits)

English 399W: Honors Seminar (Section E6T3A, Code 1434, 3 credits)

English 399W: Honors Seminar (Section 1W3A, Code 1432, 3 credits)

Family, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences 161W: Introduction to Teaching Physical Education (Section 1W3, Code 0554, 3 credits)

Family, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences 307W: Experimental Food Science (Section 1R4, Code 0933, 4 credits)

French 041W: Masterpieces of French Literature in Translation (Section 1T3RA, Code 2071, 3 credits)

Geology 213W: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (Section E4T2, Code 1226, 3 credits)

History 102W: Modern Europe: 1815 to the Present (Section 9W3FA, Code 0148, 3 credits)

History 104W: American History 1865 to the Present (Section 9T3FA, Code 0158, 3 credits)

History 392W: Colloquium (Section E6M3, Code 0257, 4 credits)

History 392W: Colloquium (Section 1M3, Code 0252, 4 credits)

History 392W: Colloquium (Section 1R3, Code 0281, 4 credits)

History 392W: Colloquium (Section 1T3, Code 0262, 4 credits)

History 392W: Colloquium (Section 9F3, Code 0259, 4 credits)

Japanese 255W: The Tale of Genji (Section 3T3RA, Code 1667, 3 credits)

Journalism 101W: News Reporting and Writing I (Section E7T3, Code 2023, 3 credits)

Journalism 101W: News Reporting and Writing I (Section 1R3, Code 2029, 3 credits)

Journalism 101W: News Reporting and Writing I (Section 1W3, Code 2028, 3 credits)

Journalism 101W: News Reporting and Writing I (Section 9F3, Code 2026, 3 credits)

Journalism 101W: News Reporting and Writing I (Section 9S3, Code 3272, 3 credits)

Journalism 200W: News Reporting and Writing II (Section 1M3, Code 2030, 3 credits)

Labor Studies 101W: Introduction to Labor Studies (Section E6W2, Code 1158, 3 credits)

Mathematics 213W: Math with Mathematica (Section 2M4WA, Code 2600, 4 credits)

Media Studies 300W: Media Criticism (Section E7T3A, Code 1834, 3 credits)

Media Studies 300W: Media Criticism (Section 1R3A, Code 1787, 3 credits)

Media Studies 300W: Media Criticism (Section 1T3A, Code 1784, 3 credits)

Media Studies 300W: Media Criticism (Section 10R3A, Code 1783, 3 credits)

Media Studies 300W: Media Criticism (Section 3T3RA, Code 1789, 3 credits)

Media Studies 320W: Gender and Media (Section E7R3A, Code 1835, 3 credits)

Media Studies 330W: The Music Industry (Section 1R3A, Code 1820, 3 credits)

Media Studies 341W: Film Theory (Section E7W3A, Code 1836, 3 credits)

Media Studies 342W: Genre (Section E6T4A, Code 2434, 3 credits)

Media Studies 344W: National Cinemas (Section 1M4A, Code 2431, 3 credits)

Music 246W: Music History I (Section 3M3WA, Code 0495, 3 credits)

Music 247W: Music History II (Section 1M3WA, Code 0853, 3 credits)

Music 346W: Music History III (Section 1M3WB, Code 0497, 3 credits)

Music 347W: Music History IV (Section 3M3WB, Code 0498, 3 credits)

Oriental Studies 140W: East Asian Religions (Section 1M3WA, Code 1676, 3 credits)

Philosophy 383W: Research Paper (Section Z, Code 0278, 3 credits)

Political Science 2924W: Internship in Urban Politics (Section 1W3, Code 0309, 4 credits)

Political Science 2925W: Internship in Urban Politics (Section 1W3, Code 0311, 5 credits)

Political Science 2929W: Internship in Urban Politics (Section 1W3, Code 0313, 9 credits)