LPT Meeting Minute 9/15



School Committee Liason Debrah O’balil

●District : Highlander Program

●$98,000 Deficit

●$7,000 in medical expense claims in August

●PARCC - Participation high in all Lincoln schools

●Approving of using school facilities.

Plans for 2016 - 2017 School Year

●One & Done Due 10/7

○Only fundraiser this year

○Prizes for raffle and for participating students.

■Inquiry by parent of having multiple students in the school and concerned about prize distribution.

○Duck Race All proceeds this year we will donated back to the Boys and Girls Club.

Debra O’balil

Enrichment programs

●Peter and The Wolf performance by the RI Philomonic - October

●Sidi Mirecca (sp) African Drummer - Winter

●Reading Week - Story Teller - Spring

●Raising fund for field trips, $10/student

○Depends on results of One and Done.

●Art Integration Theatre/Dance/Art

○2nd Grade Gamm Theatre 10 week residency with teacher reading, creating play and perform for parents and peers.

Jill Joyce

Family Events

●USA Skates Feb 2017 Thursday, 6-8pm

○Cost $2/Admission, $5/Rental, $4/Lazer Tag, $3/Pizza

■LPT hoping to cover as much of this cost as possible.

●Spring Fling

●Holiday Extravaganza “Passing on the torch”.

○Looking for someone to take the community event on. Binder available with all information.

■Saturday in November prior to Thanksgiving.

■% goes to LPT, last year roughly $1700.

○Rosemary will put it on ‘Weekly Memo’ that there is a need for a chair.

■3 parents show interest in event, will meet with Rosemary to discuss.

Kerri Jackson

Annual Halloween Dance

Committee needed to run a successful event

Sub-Committees for extras such as the Gross-out Zone, Pumpkin Walk, etc.

Meeting Wednesday, 9/28

Kendra Gay

Book Fundraiser

●All proceeds to the Library

●Volunteers needed

●Parent/Family Night Thursday 10/27

Mrs. Stein

A great start to the year...

○270 students

○Buses arriving on time

○Pick-up/Drop-off running smoothly as teachers get to know new faces.

○New Staff - Teacher Assistants

■Mary Dolan

■Karen Leopold

○Mrs. Mischler (K) currently out

○Mrs. Berleth (4) currently out

●Open House Tuesday, 9/20 6-8pm


○2 Sessions to meet w/ teachers

■Snapshot of the what is going on in the classroom.

■Teachers are great with email and responding to parents questions and concerns,

■reach out to your child's teacher.

●Diane Moller Technology Coach

○Teams up w other districts to learn new technology and bring it to Lonsdale.

○60 new Chromebooks to Lonsdale this year, 120 collectively for students to use in school.

■Blended learning, students can take ownership of their learning

●Science Kit

○Professional development for teachers

●Picture Day Friday, 9/23


●Before the Bell - Starts 10/3

○7:40- 8:40 2 Days a week

○Coding, Spanish, Band, Math Olympiad

○Buses available.

●District Walk - Friday, 10/21

●Healthy lifestyle and exercise.

Nurse Linda Newbery


●Maluscon Contagious

○Incubation period 3 weeks to 6 months

○Looks like little blisters, pimples filled with fluid, don't hurt may become itchy.

○Not Contagious, not airborne.

○Actually have to touch liquid.

○Not Dangerous - just annoying.

○3-6 months to go away if left alone.

○Or see a Dermatologist.

●Only ask that if child gets it, that area is covered, with clothing (or bandaid while being treated by medication).

●If parent notices a rash keep an eye on it, contact your Dr. or Dermatologist.

●Any questions call or email.


●Duck Race proceeds all going back to B&G Club.

●Structured play during recess.

○Teacher led games, but students do not need to participate as long as they participate in play that is fair and inclusive.

●Question regarding Lunch Room supervision.