April 12, 2017 Huntingdon Boys Soccer Booster Meeting Minutes

Present: Chad States, Mary Jane Hawkins, Darwin Kysor, Susan Wentzel, Phil Hawkins, Neil Pelkey, Kathy Hawn, Mike Armstrong, and Nichole Monica

On April 12, 2017, Booster Club president Chad States called the meeting to order.

A motion to approve the March minutes was made by Mary Jane Hawkins, seconded by Phil Hawkins. Motion passed.

Kathy Hawn presented the financial report. Bank papers were presented for signature to the board members. All information was transferred to new treasurer Mary Jane Hawkins. All receipts are in and current balance is $5630.18. K Hawn presented income and expense reports, including junior high info to the board. Karla Wisor is the treasurer for junior high boys team. K Hawn reported a profit of $3,000 for food booth and a profit of $1,600 for fundraisers. Financial report was approved by the booster club as presented.

Darwin Kysor provided a fundraising report. Car washes are scheduled to be held on June 3 and another one in August. Junior and senior high will participate in car wash.

Susan Wentzel provided a report for the food booth. No response from community center regarding securing Detwiler pavilion for the Team Picnic. The board discussed the historical and current review of the agreement with the Community Center for use of the Food Booth. C States will contact HCC about agreement for Boys soccer.

Coaches report: Phil Hawkins indicated that the player/parent packet and website were updated and ready for the season. Mike Armstrong reported that there was a lot of indoor activity over the winter and the numbers for the junior high team were up for the spring league.

Old Business:
Banquet: Buffy House resigned the position of chair of the banquet committee and Jen Heffner accepted the position as chair. Susan Wentzel motioned to continue to pursue holding the banquet at the Country Club. Motion passed. J Heffner will find out the details from Country Club regarding its availability, etc. for 2017.

New Business:

Fundraiser ideas were discussed. FlipGive, Amazon Smile. N Pelkey will set up Amazon Smile account for junior high.

Fundraiser/Family participation: A concern was presented that some players do not participate in the fundraisers for the team. It was decided that boosters would determine the amount that was spent on each player, then come up with a practice as to how to handle fundraising/player.

Parent/Player meeting: May 7, 6pm, Cafeteria for HAHS JV/Varsity teams. TBD for HASD Junior High team. M Armstrong will provide date/time.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 6pm, at HAHS.

Minutes submitted for approval by Nichole Monica, secretary.