queen elizabeth university hospital
REF: 38742D
cLOSING DATE: nOON 25thSeptember 2015
Post:consultant in renal transplantation
Base:Queen Elizabeth university Hospital Glasgow
This full time post is based at the New Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow where all in-patient renal servicesfor Glasgow, including transplantation for the West of Scotland, are now located. The post involves adult renal transplantation for the West of Scotland, access surgery, surgery associated with renal failure for the population of Greater Glasgow & Clyde and ForthValley. The successful applicant will also perform some general surgical duties, elective and on call. The successful appointee will contribute to development of a complex vascular access service supporting the wider renal replacement therapy program.
The Acute Services Division of NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde is the largest group of adult acute hospitals in Scotland. The Division provides Renal Services for Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Forth Valley Health Boards along with Renal Transplant Services for the West of Scotland. The Renal Unit currently supports approximately 600 haemodialysis patients, 50 peritoneal dialysis patients, 900 renal transplant patients and more than 200 patients per year with acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy. One hundred and ten new renal transplants were performed last year.
The successful appointee will share responsibility with his/her Consultant colleagues for provision of all emergency and elective surgery related to the renal transplant programme including surgery for dialysis access and many other general surgical problems of the patient population with renal failure.
As one of the largest transplant programmes in the country there are opportunities for clinical research and excellent facilities exist within the University Department of Surgery for experimental research particularly in the field of transplantation immunology and cellular engineering.
Applicants must have full GMC registration, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to CCT or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from the date of interview. Non-UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.
(including Surgery of Renal Failure)
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Base: QueenElizabethuniversityHospital, Glasgow
Post Reference: 38724D
1.Glasgow - A Great Place to Live and Work
2.Brief Description of the Board
3.The New South Glasgow Hospitals Campus
4. Hospitals And Clinics Where Services Are To Be Provided
5.The Work of the Directorate/Department/Specialty
6.Current Consultant Establishment
7.Duties of the Post
Clinical Commitments
8.General Surgery
9.Terms & Conditions of Service
10.Further information
Post:Consultant Surgeon
Renal Transplantation
Based Initially:Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow
Reports To:Lead Consultant (Mr Marc Clancy)
Clinical Director, Renal and Integrative Care Services
(Dr Scott Morris)
Responsible To:General Manager, Renal and Integrative Care Services
(Ms Julia Little)
Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley is one of the world’s most thrilling and beautiful destinations. There is a wealth of attractions to discover, the UK’s finest Victorian architecture to astound, internationally acclaimed museums and galleries to inspire, as well as Glasgow’s own unique atmosphere to soak up.
Be entertained in one of Europe’s top cultural capitals by its year-long calendar of festivals and special events and enjoy outstanding shopping, superb bars and restaurants - all located within a stone’s throw of some of the country’s finest parks and gardens.
The area also stands at the gateway to some of Scotland’s most spectacular scenery, with Loch Lomond and the Trossachs only 40 minutes away. What’s more, we are easily accessible by air, rail and road so getting here could not be easier.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is the largest group of adult acute hospitals in Scotland – offering many opportunities to ensure job satisfaction and career development. We provide a wide range of services from community-based care through to the full range of general hospital services.
Much complex surgical work is also carried out in our hospitals as we are home to a number of the country’s tertiary and national services including heart and renal transplantation.
We enjoy close links with Glasgow’s three Universities and make a significant contribution to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Research also has a high profile within the organisation.
Employing more than 44,000 staff, we serve a core catchment population of 560,000. Our patients, however, come not only from Glasgow but also in some instances from the whole of the West of Scotland and, for our national services, from the whole of Scotland.
With and annual budget of 1 billion pounds now is a particularly exciting time to be joining Greater Glasgow’s health service. We are investing more than £750 million over the next decade – the largest single investment programme in the history of Scotland’s NHS – giving our hospitals and those living in the south of Glasgow 21st century accommodation for 21st century medicine.
The plans for Glasgow seek to ensure that the local access to health services will continue whilst our services are reorganised to enable patients to receive the best treatment from appropriately skilled and supported clinical teams – be that as an inpatient, day case or outpatient.
By joining us now you will have the opportunity to be involved in the development and re-design of this transformation – enjoying a real chance to shape services for the future, bringing benefit to you, your colleagues and our patients.
Regional Services Directorate
The Directorate manages the following services
- Institute of Neurosciences
- Spinal Injuries Unit
- West of Scotland Beatson Cancer Centre
- Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit
- Renal Services
- Centre for Integrative Care
All Inpatient services for adult and paediatric transplantation and associated renal surgery moved to the new Queen Elizabeth university Hospital in 2015. The new South Glasgow Hospitals Campus will deliver a truly gold standard of healthcare on the Govan site with maternity, children’s and adult acute services all together on the one campus. It will also have the biggest Critical Care complex and one of the biggest Emergency Departments in Scotland. The New Adult Hospital will see a brand new 11-floor adult hospital with 1109 beds and state of the art Emergency, Acute Receiving, Critical Care, Theatres and Diagnostic Services. The facility will offer acute specialist inpatient care, medical day case services and also outpatient clinics servicing the local population.
The renal transplant unit at the QEUHG is the sole provider of renal transplantation for the adult population of the West of Scotland (population approximately 2.7 million). This service is commissioned to perform around 160 renal transplants a year and also has one of the largest living donor programmes in the UK and supports the Scottish Paediatric Transplant Programme which is based at the new Royal Hospital for Children. The Department also provides vascular access surgery for patients on haemodialysis, access surgery for peritoneal dialysis as well as general surgery for the patients with renal failure in Glasgow, Clyde and Forth Valley.
From May 10th 2015, the Renal Transplant unit has been located in a new 15 bedded ward, co-located with the main renal unit on the 4th floor of the QEUHG This state of the art unit, with 100% single rooms, is integral to the West of Scotland renal unit and includes a higher dependency area for the management of patients with Acute Kidney Injury plus dedicated day case and rapid assessment areas. Outpatient haemodialysis activity within the QEUHG and the peritoneal dialysis unit are now accommodated on the second floor of the new hospital.
Most outpatient haemodialysis occurs outside the inpatient facility with units currently situated at New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, New Stobhill Hospital, Inverclyde Hospital, Vale of Leven Hospital, and Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
Paediatric renal transplants are performed at the newly opened Royal Hospital for Children working in association with the paediatric surgeons and paediatric nephrologists based there.
All renal outpatient clinics are conducted in the New Victoria and Stobhill Hospitals which have excellent modern facilities including day case surgery suites which within the Stobhill Hospital is used for renal (access) surgery in all appropriate patients. A fully supported integrated renal access service between the renal transplant surgeons and the vascular surgeons has been developed with a dedicated vascular access team inclusive of coordinator and on-site interventional radiology support
UK wide planning of organ retrieval services donor activity is co-ordinated by a group of donor co-ordinators for the whole of Scotland with all abdominal organ retrievals (heart beating and non heart beating) being undertaken by the regional retrieval team manned by the transplant surgeons from the Edinburgh Transplant Unit.
Visits to the dialysis units throughout the West of Scotland and working within the other hospitals of Greater Glasgow should be anticipated.
There is a close relationship between the transplantation programme and the University Departments of Surgery and Cardiovascular Sciences where excellent laboratory facilities exist for research related to all aspects of organ transplantation.
There has been an expansion in renal transplant activity over the last decade and a total of over 2000 transplants have been carried out at the Western Infirmary. In 2015, adult kidney transplant became a nationally designated service delivered by both NHS GG&C and NHS Lothian. The West of Scotland Unit is commissioned to perform around 160 transplants per annum with increasing numbers of transplants over the subsequent 5 years. These projections include an increasing number of living donor transplants: related, unrelated, antibody-incompatible, altruistic and national paired/pooled. The current waiting list for renal transplantation in the West of Scotland is over 300. There are currently about 60 CAPD and 600 haemodialysis patients from the West of Scotland being treated within Greater Glasgow, Clyde and Forth Valley on an outpatient basis. In addition to the local catchment population, the renal unit at the QEUHG also provides more complicated dialysis access surgery for other renal units and functions as a specialist referral centre. The unit is therefore one of the largest in the country.
Renal surgical junior staff posts consist of one senior surgical trainee (ST4 or above on a 1 year placement), two more junior ST / FTSTA surgical trainees (on 6 month placements), a GPST trainee (on a 6 month placement) and two Clinical/research Fellows. Across the city, the renal service is supported by 18 consultant nephrologists inclusive of a Clinical Director and a Lead Clinician, 2 Associate Specialists and their junior staff. A subgroup of the compliment of Consultant Nephrologists is actively involved in the Acute Transplant Service and joint physician/surgeon ward rounds are undertaken daily. There are also regular Renal Unit research, audit, mortality/morbidity, pathology and radiology meetings.
The successful appointee will share responsibility with his/her Consultant colleagues for provision of all emergency and elective surgery related to the renal transplant programme including surgery for dialysis access and many other general surgical problems of the patient population with renal failure.
As one of the largest transplant programmes in the country there are opportunities for clinical research and excellent facilities exist within the University Department of Surgery for experimental research particularly in the field of transplantation immunology and cellular engineering. The tissue typing laboratory based at Gartnavel Hospital which is managed by NHS GG&C provides tissue typing services. This laboratory is led by a Consultant Clinical Scientist and a network of tissue typing expertise exists for the whole of Scotland. Specialist expertise and excellent facilities are available in the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine for diagnostic and interventional radiological procedures for renal patients. The pathology service is provided by a Consultant with a special interest in renal disease in the University Department of Pathology.
There are 2 emergency theatres 24 hours a day which are available for emergency and unscheduled work including transplants.
At present the renal transplant department consists of
Mr Marc ClancyConsultant Surgeon and clinical lead for transplantation
Mr Enric MurioConsultant Surgeon
Mr David KingsmoreConsultant Surgeon
Mr Vlad Shumeyko Consultant Surgeon
Mr John AsherConsultant Surgeon
This job plan is negotiable and will be agreed between the successful applicant and the Clinical Director. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde initially allocates all full time consultants 10 PAs made up of 9 PAs in Direct Clinical Care (DCC) and one core Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) for CPD, audit, clinical governance, appraisal, revalidation, job planning, internal routine communication and management meetings. The precise allocation of SPA time and associate objectives will be agreed with the successful applicant and will be reviewed at annual job planning.
Clinical Commitments:
The appointee will share with his/her Consultant colleagues the responsibility for pre-operative assessment and preparation, surgical management and post operative care of patients with renal failure. This includes attendance at outpatient clinics, ward rounds, a day surgery list as well as elective and emergency operating sessions. Outreach meetings will be held with the other West of Scotland nephrology units to provide an integrated transplant and renal surgery service and the new appointee will be expected to participate in these visits. Opportunities will be available for individual members of the consultant team to develop and maintain a leading interest in different aspects of the Transplant and Renal Surgery Programme, within the clinical teams, e.g. live donors, paediatric transplantation, access surgery, laparoscopic donation, clinical research. The appointee will specifically be expected to develop expertise in complex vascular access surgery and work towards optimisation of incident and prevalent vascular access in the ESRD patient group within NHSGG&C.
Job Plan:
The Formal job plan structure for this new post is attached and will be prospectively reviewed in accordance to the health board job-planning policy.
There is limited dedicated time within the job plan for teaching and training activities. Additional SPA time may be available by agreement post appointment as part of the job planning process.
During term time there is a commitment to the undergraduate medical course in renal transplantation particularly in ward teaching and students regularly opt to come to the unit for a special study module (SSM). In addition, there are occasional postgraduate lectures to University students, nurses and other related professional groups. There is a commitment to the postgraduate education of junior staff within the renal department.
Important work of the department includes efforts to promote living and deceased organ donation activity throughout the West of Scotland and in this connection the appointee may have the opportunity to give lectures in hospitals throughout the West of Scotland.
Research Opportunities:
There is an active clinical research activity associated with this large and busy transplantation programme. The successful candidate may be able to take an active role in clinical research within his / her clinical practice should the number of SPAs attached to this post increase in the future.
As a consequence of its non-elective nature, much of the surgical transplantation activity will not fit in a pattern of fixed sessions, but are calculated into a job plan of programmed activities.
Elective surgical work will be a full day weekly list without prospective cover on a specific day of the week to be confirmed. The appointee will also perform a share of the weekly departmental day case surgical list at Stobhill hospital. The outpatient commitments to the transplant follow-up clinics will be in line with the attached job plan and exclude prospective cover. Outpatient commitment to, the transplant assessment / live donor / renal surgery clinics will in line with the attached job plan with prospective cover.
The on call will be a 1 in 6 rota (with prospective cover) for renal transplantation/renal surgery. Whilst on call for renal surgery the appointee will provide cover for emergency vascular access and peritoneal dialysis. For the contract the on call is calculated as frequent and high intensity.
The appointee will also perform ward rounds, attend departmental MDT’s, outreach clinics and contribute to radiology, pathology, mortality, research and other departmental meeting within the combined nephrology and renal surgery multi-disciplinary structure and a limited amount of training and teaching will be conducted while providing patient care.
The consultant has a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in his/her charge, and for the proper functioning of his/her department.
A concurrent 1 in 3 rota for the national paediatric transplant programme (based at the Royal Hospital for Children) is in operation. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to take part in this rota with sufficient consultant experience.