Quarter 4 IR Project: Memorize a Poem
Step 1: Read a book, like always. Identify a few main themes. “Growing up” “Overcoming Obstacles” “War and Survival”
Step 2: Find a poem at least 15 lines long with the same theme as your book. For example, I might connect The Fault In Our Stars to “Annabell Lee” (that’s now off the table for YOU, btw)
Step 3: Memorize the poem.
Step 4: Present to the class. To do this, you will need:
· 2 copies of the poem (one for the Doc reader and one for the teacher)
· a summary of your book prepared so we know what it was about
· to recite your poem to the class from memory
· to explain how your poem connects to your book
**The rubric is attached for you to see how much everything is worth.
Memorize a Poem: IR Fun Name:
A. Content:
1. Title & author of your book, /10
with brief synopsis
2. Title of Poem /5
3. Author of Poem (including /5
confident pronunciation of name)
4. Memorization /25
Tally of Mistakes:
5. Short Response: /15
How did the poem connect to
the book? (direct evidence is a MUST)
Total: /60
B. Quality:
1. Preparedness /10
2. Posture & Poise /5
3. Answers to Peer Questions /5
Total: /24
C. Speaking Skills
1. Spoke Loudly; Enunciated /4 ßMove your mouth around
2. Made Eye Contact /4
3. Showed Emotion & Enthusiasm /4
4. Used Appropriate Word Choice /4 ßThis is new and quite specific.
(no um, like, or “Bad Words”)
Total: /16
Total Score: /100