Safe Working Procedure
Control of Legionella
(Version6.01– August 2011)
In order to comply with legislation and fulfil statutory responsibility, the Council must make sure that:
- All sources of risk arising from water are identified and assessed.
- Preventative measures are in place to eliminate or control the risk of legionnaires disease within its premises or premises under its control or where there is a tenancy agreement.
- Notify any out breaks of the legionellosis disease to the Health and Safety Executive.
This Safe Working Procedure (SWP) applies to:
- All Responsible Persons including headteachers referred to as ‘Responsible Person’ herein.
- All contractors working on behalf of the Council.
- Responsibilities
- Procedures
- Safe Working ProceduresRelevant to This Document
- Main Legislation Relevant to This Document
- Contact Address’s andGuidance Links
Level 1 Managers/Head Teachers are responsible for ensuringcompliance with the SWP and must:
1.1.Ensure any building/workplaces for which they are responsible for, have had a legionella risk assessmentand, where necessary, have an adequateregime in place to control the risk from legionella.
1.2.Appoint a ‘Responsible Person’for the prevention and control of risks from legionella for each building.
1.3.Cases of legionellosis are reported in line with SWP Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation.
Responsible Persons are responsible forcompliance with the SWP and must ensure:
1.4.The sources of risk are identified, this includes checking whether:
1.4.1.Conditions are present which will encourage bacteria to multiply, a water temperature between 20-45°c.
1.4.2.There is a means of creating and disseminating breathable droplets,e.g. an aerosol created by a shower, sink, toilet or cooling tower. And
1.4.3.There are susceptible people who may be exposed to thecontaminated aerosols.
1.5.Awritten scheme (course of action) on how it is intended to control the risk from legionella is in place by having an up-to-date plan or schematic diagram of the system including associated pipe work, valves and pumps etc.
1.6.A procedure describing the safe and correct operation of the system is in place.
1.7.A procedure describing what control measures and other precautions will be used.
1.8.A procedure detailing what checks will be carried out on the control scheme and how often these checks will be carried out.
1.9.Records are kept on site inline with the HSE Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L8 ‘Control of Legionella bacteria in water systems’.
1.10.Amanagement system is in place to protect the premises.
1.11.They notify premises wherecooling towers and evaporative condensers are installed to the Pollution and Safety Services in writing with details of ‘notifiable devices’(under theNotification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations).
Property Servicesmust:
1.12.Provide a service to enable the ‘Responsible Persons’to meet their responsibilities identified in para 1.4 to 1.8.
1.13.Ensure that‘Responsible Persons’ receive copies of assessments and details of theactions necessary.
1.14.Ensure ‘Responsible Persons’ are made fully aware of any specificactions they must instigate arising out of the assessment to control the risks, for example the flushing of shower heads.
1.15.Provide ‘Responsible Persons’ with appropriate records inline with the HSE Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L8 ‘Control of Legionella bacteria in water systems’.
2.1.This SWP applies in all circumstances where water is stored and/or used in a way which may create a reasonably foreseeable risk of exposure to legionella bacteria in:
2.1.1.Water systems incorporating a cooling tower;
2.1.2.Water systems incorporating an evaporative condenser;
2.1.3.Hot and cold water systems;
2.1.4.Other plant and systems containing water which is likely to exceed20°c and which may release a spray or aerosol (i.e. A cloud of dropletsand/or droplet nuclei) during operation or when being maintained;
2.2.The Council has engaged the services of a Strategic Services Partner Capita for implementing the responsibilities detailed under ‘Property Services’ and Responsible Person’s must engage with their services. Wherea Responsible Person does not, they take on the responsibilities detailed under Property Services in this SWP to manage and control the risk.
2.3.The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have provided free downloadable guidance on Legionnaires' diseaseL8‘Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems’, Approved Code of Practice and guidance. Responsible Persons should use this guide and other information detailed below to help inform the risk assessment process and management of legionella in the workplace.
2.4.Cases of legionellosis are reportable to the HSE if a doctor notifies the employer and if the employee’s current job involves work on or near cooling systems that use water or hot water service systems in the workplace.
2.5.See SWP Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation for the Council’s policy for reporting such occurrences.
3.Safe Working Procedures Relevant to This Document
3.1.Risk Assessment
3.2.Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation
3.3.Work Equipment
Note:Other safe working procedures may apply and the Responsible Person should consult the SWPs.An A-Zis available on the Council’s Health and Safety Intranet.
4.Main Legislation Relevant to This Document
4.1.Health and Safety at Work etc Act
4.2.The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
4.3.The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
4.4.The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
4.5.The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations
5.Contact Address’s and Guidance Links
5.1.Health and Safety Executive
5.1.1.HSE legionnaires Microsite
5.1.2.Legionnaires’ disease: a guide for employers
5.1.3.L8 – Legionnaires' disease: the control of legionella bacteria in water systems[2]
5.1.4.Legionnaires' disease: controlling the risks associated with using spa baths
5.1.5.Legionnaires' disease at chemical sites[5]
5.1.6.INDG 376– Legionnaires' disease: essential information for providers of residential accommodation[6]
5.1.7.Removal of pack from cooling towers[7]
5.1.8.SIM03/2009/06 – Legionellain aqueous tunnel washers[8]
5.1.9.HSE legionella DVD
5.2.The Health Protection Agency
5.2.1.Legionnaires Disease
5.2.2. Management of Spa Pools: controlling the risk of Infection [3]
5.3.European Working Group for Legionella Infections
5.4.Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
5.5.Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
5.6.Corporate Health and Safety Service
Health and Safety Intranet
For full contact address visit the health and safety Useful Contacts.
Review ScheduleReview conducted / Review next due
Date / By whom / Date / By whom
Jul2011 / KC
Issue Control
This Safe Working Procedure is issued and managed by Corporate Health and Safety Service.
New Issue / Revision / By whom
Version No. / Issue Date / Amendments on
Issue 1 / 1992 / Unknown
Issue 2 / Unknown / Unknown
Issue 3 / Unknown / Unknown
Issue 4 / Unknown / Unknown
Issue 5 / Jul 2005 / BJ
Version 6.00 / Jul 2010 / KC
Version6.01 / August 2011 / HSE Reference INDG367 replaced with INDG376 / BS
SWP – Control of Legionella Page 1Version 6.01– August 2011