Location: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Grand Chenier, Louisiana

Supervisor: Joseph Marty

Target Universities: Louisiana State University, McNeese State University, University of Louisiana Lafayette

Background: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge (RWR) is a 71,000-acre refuge managed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF). LDWF has conserved the wildlife and habitat on RWR through biologicalmanagementfor more than 100 years. Today, the refuge serves as a test site for marsh management strategies to limit saline encroachment, reverse marsh deterioration, and provide productive wildlife habitat. Terraces have been built on RWR to reduce wave energy and to trap soil sediments in an attempt to combat marsh loss. Numerous studies have indicated that terraces may provide nesting habitat for numerous bird species. Nests have been found during previous terrace surveys on RWR, however, a comprehensive evaluation of nesting birds has never been conducted.

Project Scope: The student interns will work full time to conduct a comprehensive evaluation and quantify nesting birds on RWR terraces. Data collection will require approximately 1 month of field work (spread out from May-August) and will provide baseline data for the start of a more comprehensive evaluation of terrace nesting birds. Nests will be monitored with trail cameras, and nest fate will be determined with a physical nest check after the expected hatch date. Interns will gain experience with survey design and implementation, nest searching, egg candling, and other skills critical in the field of wildlife management. The interns must be able to work long and irregular hour’s (pre-dawn and post-dusk daily). The interns must be willing to work in extreme heat and humidity and be able to tolerate mosquitoes and other biting insects while working in the field. The interns must be able to take detailed notes for data collection and be proficient with Microsoft Office Excel program. At the end of the summer, the student interns will compose a research paper outlining nest density and nest success on RWR terraces.

Timing: 14 May–10 August 2018, Full Time

Housing: Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge will provide housing

Compensation: College credit will be contingent upon university approval. Students receive financial compensation at the rate of $10/hr.

Application deadline: 17 March 2018

Send cover letter and resume to:

Joseph R. Marty, Ph.D.

Biologist Supervisor

Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

5476 Grand Chenier Hwy

Grand Chenier, LA 70643

Email: (preferred)