Quality Counts Child Care Grant Application
Training Grant
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services
èThe original application and budget forms must be used
èPlease type or print using black or blue ink
èComplete all blanks, use “NA” if not applicable
èAdditional documentation may not be added once the grant is submitted to the CCR&R
I. Contact Information
Program Name (if applicable):
Contact Person:
Program Location:
City: IL Zip: County:
Mailing Address (if different than program location)
City: IL Zip: County:
Daytime phone: / Email
Social Security or Federal ID Number (required):
II. Program Information
The program is (check all that apply): o For-profit o Not-for-Profit o License Exempt
o Family Child Care Home o Group Family Child Care oChild Care Center o Head Start o School Age Only o Licensed: IDCFS License #: __ Expiration: ______
Is the program listed on the CCR&R referral database? …………………………………………………. o Yes o No Requirement of grant
Did someone from the program attend an Information Session? ………………………….... . o Yes o No Requirement of grant
Which date: ______Name of attendee: ______
Is the program full time / full year (at least 8 hours per day and at least 47 weeks per year)? ..…… o Yes o No
If the program is school age only, does it operate a minimum of nine (9) months per year? .……… o Yes o No o Not Applicable
Is the program a Quality Counts Quality Rating System Program? …………………………………..o Yes o No
If yes circle: Star Level 1 2 3 4 or Training Tier I II III
Is the program accredited?……………………………………………………………………………………..o Yes o No
If yes, list Accreditation
Does the program receive Head Start Funding? …………………………………………….……………. o Yes o No
Does the program receive ISBE Preschool for All funding? …………………………………………….. o Yes o No
Has the program received a Quality Counts Grant between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2012? …… o Yes o No
III. Capacity/Enrollment Information
Total Capacity Current Enrollment (based on the date of the application)
Child Care Center / Ages / Family/Group Child Care HomeLic. Capacity
(If applicable) / Total # enrolled / Total # Enrolled
Infants (6 weeks – 14 months)
Toddlers (15 months – 23 months)
2 Year Olds (24 months – 36 months)
Preschool (36 months – 59 months
School Age (60 months – 12 years)
Licensed Programs – Capacity is the capacity listed on the program’s IDCFS license
License Exempt - Capacity is the total number of children that can be cared for at any one time
Family/Group Child Care – for enrollment totals include your own children under age 13
Enrollment Numbers – total can exceed the capacity due to part-time children and/or shift care
Is the program currently caring for children whose families receive IDHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) funds?……..o Yes o No
If yes, complete the following:
IV. Please answer the following. Use only the space provided.
A. Explain why you are requesting to be part of this Training Grant and what you hope to accomplish. Also, if you participated in the Training Grant last year please explain why you would like to participate again.
B. Describe the program improvements you would like to see in your child care program in the next three years. ______
V. Authorization
I agree to complete all of the required training and activities of this program.
I certify that the above information is true and accurate, that I have not been indicated of child abuse or neglect and that my name or employees are not listed on the child abuse and neglect tracking system. Further, I grant permission for a representative of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services or their agent to release information about a pending or current Day Care Home or Day Care Center license. I understand that a representative of the Illinois Department of Human Services or CCR&R staff may conduct an on-site visit to verify use of grant funds as awarded and approved.
Authorized signature and title Date
All sections of the application are complete and NA was entered in any blank that is not applicable
The application is signed and dated
A copy of your DCFS License has been included if applicable
A copy of your Quality Counts QRS certificate OR QRS Summary/Facility Report OR the letter that a QRS level was not achieved has been included if applicable
A total of two (2) sets of documents (the original + one (1) copy) are included
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