Meeting Notes
October 16, 2006, 2:00 p.m., Board Room
Present: Olivia Besanger, Bonnie Bukwa, Sandi Hendrickson, Charlotte Heppner,
Denis Kielly, Ed Ritchie, Dianne Teslak, Mary Shier
Absent:Jocylin Coulam, Jason Colombo, Spencer Mellor
Dianne outlined the agenda for today.
- Recognition Awards at Other Institutions
- Kisses
- Membership
- Recognition Awards at Other Institutions
Dianne referred to an e-mail Bonnie sent out back in May regarding recognition awards at other institutions.
She distributed two documents – “Recognizing Employee Excellence at BCIT” and “Red DeerCollege – Employee Award and Recognition Program”. She pointed out BCIT has the “Extra Mile Award”. The names of nominees could be put in a hat and one drawn out. The names could also be put on our web site. One of the initiatives Red Deer has is an “Appreciation Card”. They have a Selection Committee but we should try and avoid that; it is better to draw a name out of a hat.
The “Extra Mile” award could be done yearly and recognition given at the Annual Recognition Dinner. The nominator could provide a paragraph or two which could be summarized and read out for each nominee. Each person could be called up, given a certificate and then a name could be drawn out of a hat for a prize. The award could be for an individual and/or a department. BCIT has categories and we would need to have a few categories. Also, nominees could have their Recognition Dinner ticket paid for. We need to look at how we can make it all inclusive. We may have to help someone who is finding it difficult to fill out the nomination form.
Discussion took place as to the appropriateness of pulling a name out of a hat at the Dinner. Perhaps the recognition given at the Annual Recognition Dinner is sufficient or the drawing of a prize could take place at a later date.
It was decided to strike a sub-committee to look at employee recognition. Denis, Sandi and Charlotte volunteered to sit on the committee. Denis will call the first meeting soon after November 6. Mary gave Denis some information she had on how MIT, Southwest Airlines, etc. recognize employees.
Denis will put employee recognition on the next CUPE and Faculty Labour/Management committee agendas so both groups are aware of the work going on in this area.
Other suggestions were to have our own “wall of fame” and leave it up for a year. All nominees would have their name put on the “wall of fame”. It also will be noted in their personnel file. If the nominee is an individual the prize could be a COTR gift certificate. If it is a department a budget amount of $500 could be given to the group and they decide how to spend it.
There could also be a community involvement award to recognize employees who donate time to the community. We could also recognize the employee who gets a degree and this could be put on the web. Mary stated she thinks these are great ways to celebrate good things that are going on.
- Kisses
This method of recognizing employees is dormant at the present time and it was decided to revive it. Dorothy will send a supply of cards and candy “kisses” to each member of the committee who in turn will send to employees they feel have displayed quality. We can also put a reminder to employees about this on the web site.
- Membership
Discussion took place on membership. The QCG Terms of Reference state the length of term shall initially be for a three-year period with one extension except for those ongoing by virtue of office. Some members will have served three years in February of 2007. It was noted a replacement will be needed for Bonnie when she retires this summer.
The Co-Chairs shall be elected with no more than one being ex-officio every two years with the option of an extension for one more two-year term. The current co-chairs have served two years this month. As one co-chair was not present, this was not addressed.
Sandi stated she is on the “Festival of Lights” committee this year and asked if the College has ever decorated the outside of the building for Christmas. Also does the College want to get involved in the “Communities in Bloom”? Dianne stated the budget is the problem; it would be costly to do it well. However, Sandi will talk to Len or Serge regarding Christmas decorating.
Dianne advised the School District has copies of the Fish and other related videos. She will check to see what they have and ask if we can borrow some. Tracey Whiting is a Fish facilitator and she could be asked to facilitate a session. Dianne will report back via
e-mail on whether we can borrow the School District’s videos.
- Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be called after the Employee Recognition Sub-committee has met. Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. seems to be the time most people can attend a QCG meeting.