·  Include creative features from local environmental e.g. stones, plastic trees, pond, river, hills, roads, park, paths, swimming pool
·  Make a playground using green sand as grass include miniature playground
·  Set up a treasure hunt in the sand
·  Recreate a map in the sand / Small World
·  Make a reproduction of local area – use small world resources e.g. tractors, cars
·  Use road mat with cars, talk about features on mat
·  Use farm mats and farm animals (do the children know what a farm is?)
·  Set up a small world ark (e.g. using Playmobil, Duplo etc.)
·  Recreate features of the children’s locality
·  Set up a small world building site (Bob the Builder) / Writing
·  Addressing envelopes to people in the locality
·  Include grids to draw maps
·  Make postcards of local area
·  Make book of the area
·  Make zig zag book of places the children are familiar with
·  Include a word bank of words linked to environment
·  Display posters – keeping environment tidy
·  Make posters about keeping the environment tidy
·  Write tourist information leaflets
·  Put maps/atlas/atlas books in for children to copy/cut
·  Car wash
·  Drawing maps / road layouts on playground, include road markings and parking bays
·  Set up a treasure hunt, make simple maps for the children to follow
·  Include role play of road works
·  Develop an “Explorer” Box – (magnifying glass, binoculars, magnets, pots to collect, simple compass, water bottle, maps, lantern)
·  Walk around environment, take photographs
·  Tape noises in the environment (sound walk)
·  Try tree hugging, how does the tree feel, use appropriate language / Role Play
·  Dressing up in roles of people who work / live in the local area (walker/shopkeeper/van driver)
·  Meet characters with links to the school and develop them in the role play e.g. shopkeeper, countryside ranger, farmshop garage/car wash
·  Set up a Tourist Information kiosk
·  Shops in the local area e.g. chemist, green grocer, supermarket etc. / Construction
·  Making buildings using junk modelling and / or construction kits e.g. house, hospital, Mosque, garage, supermarket
·  Encourage the children to develop buildings based on what they have recently visited
·  Take photos of models built from different angles, compare
·  Ask children to draw models from several angles / Creative
·  Listen to sounds of the environment, keys jingling, leaves rustling, motor bikes roaring, birds singing
·  Play games with eyes closed, see if the children can identify sounds and locate them
·  Create logo for Tourist Information kiosk
·  Take photographs of textures – recreate patterns eg stone walls, bark, grass
·  Use wool, ribbon, string to create maps
·  Make printing blocks of standard symbols – print
·  Explore leaves, acorns and conkers in Tuff Spot, use appropriate language
·  Mix colours of autumn
·  Print using leaves
·  Make bark rubbings
·  Autumn pictures
·  Use acorns/sycamore wings
Health and Safety
·  Road safety –
·  Stranger danger
·  Danger from litter (syringes) / Culture and Diversity
·  Visit places of worship in the community
·  Retail outlets and restaurants eg Pizzeria, Chinese Take-away, Indian Take-away, try out different foods

H:\Early Years\2004 Mixed Age Planning\Continuous provision - Local Area Geography.doc