APRIL 16 2012
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Washington, Georgia, held a called meeting on April 16 2012, at 5 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Ames Barnett presided.
Present were: Mayor Barnett, Council members Armour, Cullars, Harris, Rainey, Scarborough and Tutt. Also present were City Administrator Eskew, City Clerk Danner, City Financial Coordinator Bailey and City Attorney Fleming.
Visitors present were: Melody Sifre, Deanne Crook, Hattie Callaway, Rachel Moreland, Annie R. Wilkinson, Charles Jackson, Edward Franklin, Butch Mattison, Cary Callaway, Barbara Ricciuti, Sonny Johnson, Judy Anderson, Rosemary Hopkins and Kip Burke of the News Reporter.
City Administrator Eskew requested council approval of a resolution supporting the GMA’s principles of ethics so that the City may continue to receive the GMA designation as a City of Ethics.
On motion by Harris to approve resolution, second by Scarborough, council voted 3-3-1 to approve resolution. Council members Cullars, Rainey and Tutt voted against the motion. Mayor Barnett voted for the motion, breaking the tie vote.
City Administrator Eskew presented a list of appointments to Boards, Commissions and Authorities as recommended by Mayor Barnett. Appointments are as follows:
Ames Barnett & Mike Scarborough to the 911 Committee: replacing Mayor Burns and Ed Pope
Jenny Clarke to the Historical Preservation Committee: replacing Ed Franklin
Tracy McAvoy & Cynthia Walker to DDA: replacing Pam Eaton and Shirley Gunter
Greg Wilkinson & Mike Scarborough to Parks & Rec.: replacing Michelle White and Ed Pope
Henry Harris to the Health Dept. Board: replacing Rev. G.L. Avery
Ed Pope III to the Payroll Dev. Authority: replacing Gary Norman
Marion Tutt, Travis Armour & Henry Harris: additions to Resthaven Cemetery Inc.
Motion by Cullars to table appointments until the next regular meeting of council, second by Rainey, council voted 3-3-1; with council members Armour, Harris and Scarborough voting against the motion. Mayor Barnett voted against the motion, breaking the tie vote.
Council member Scarborough made a motion to approve appointments as presented, second by Harris, council voted 3-3-1; with council members Cullars, Rainey and Tut voting against the motion. Mayor Barnett voted for the motion, breaking the tie vote.
City Administrator Eskew advised that Franklin Insurance had submitted information confirming that they had “tail coverage” and that their aggregate coverage could be raised to $5,000,000 for an additional $400 in premium. Submitted RFP’s were: Selective - $112,800 (plus $400); GIRMA - $121,115; and, Trident - $125,408.
Motion by Cullars, second by Tutt, to stay with current insurance carrier Trident with an annual premium of $125,408, council voted 3-3-1; with council members Armour, Harris and Scarborough voting against the motion. Mayor Barnett voted against the motion, breaking the tie vote.
Motion by Harris, second by Scarborough, to accept the low proposal from Selective Insurance, council voted 3-3-1 to approve the motion, with council members Cullars, Rainey and Tutt voting against the motion. Mayor Barnett voted for the motion, breaking the tie vote.
ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Harris, second by Scarborough, council approved 6 to 0 adjournment at 5:57 PM.