Qualification ID: 57881: National Certificate: Welding

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

A.Key Elements and Outline

2.1.1Learning Unit 1: Literacy & Numeracy

Module: Literacy

Module: Numeracy

2.1.2Learning Unit 2: Working within the Welding Industry

Module: Occupational Health & Safety

Module: Worksite Practices

Module: Welding Basics

2.1.3Learning Unit 3: Materials and Tools

Module: Materials

Module: Tools

2.1.4Learning Unit 4: Processes

Module: Brazing & Cutting

Module: Welding

B.Notional Hours Matrix

C.Unit Standard to Programme Documents Alignment

Learning Unit 1: Literacy & Numeracy

Learning Unit 2: Working within the Welding Industry

Learning Unit 3: Materials and Tools

Learning Unit 4: Processes

A.Key Elements and Outline

Key Elements and Outline of the National Certificate: Construction Level 2 Qualification as NQF Aligned Learning Programme:

Name of Programme / 57881: National Certificate: Welding Application and Practice
Purpose of Programme / To provide learners with the standards and the range of learning required to work effectively in the welding industry and to meet the challenges of such an environment
Duration of Programme / 1 year
NQF Level / 2 (Two)
Exit Level Outcomes and related Assessment Criteria / On completion of this qualification learners will be able to:
1.Use and apply mechanical and welding technology, techniques, processes and skills, as applied in the fabrication and welding industry, using appropriate tools and measuring equipment.
  • Mechanical and welding technology concepts, techniques and processes are explained and applied within a fabrication and welding context.
  • Tools, measuring equipment and engineering materials are used and applied in accordance with performance standards.
  • Occupational health, safety and environmental legislation, including safety practices and procedures, are applied to the fabrication and welding industry in accordance with standard operating procedures.
  • Welding machinery, tools and equipment, are cleaned and stored according to standard operating procedures.
2.Use and apply a variety of fillet welding, oxy-fuel cutting and oxy-fuel joining processes.
  • Fillet welding technique is applied in the downhand position and tested in accordance with performance standards.
  • Welding processes are applied in accordance with performance standards.
    > Range: Welding processes include Shielded metal arc welding; gas metal arc welding; gas tungsten arc welding; cored-wire welding; gas-welding.
  • Oxy-fuel joining and cutting processes are applied in accordance with performance standards.
    > Range: Oxy-fuel joining and cutting processes include gas-brazing and gas-cutting of plate and structures.
  • Specific safety practices and procedures are applied relevant to the fabrication and welding industry.
  • Welding machinery, tools and equipment, are cleaned and stored according to standard operating procedures.
  • Work-pieces are assessed in accordance with performance qualification standards.
3.Demonstrate knowledge of the welding industry and its productivity requirements, by applying appropriate work-procedures.
  • Communication processes and terminology are explained and demonstrated within the context of the welding industry.
  • Productivity requirements are explained within the context of the welding industry.
  • Problems are identified in a timely manner, reported and discussed and the agreed corrective action is implemented.
  • Information is interpreted to implement work instructions.
  • Specific safety practices and procedures are applied relevant to the fabrication and welding industry.
4.Communicate effectively in order to achieve personal, business and organizational objectives.Range: Reading and interpreting work instructions, documents and drawings; maintaining effective relationships; exploring options for further learning.
  • Communication skills are demonstrated in various work-related situations.
  • Relationships with peers are maintained to promote effective communication within the workplace.
  • Concise reports are produced for record keeping purposes.
  • Learning opportunities are identified and discussed in order to produce a learning plan.

Target Group / Occupational link / For new entrants, this qualification focuses on developing skills and knowledge necessary to begin a career in welding.
Learning assumed to be in place / Language Competencies at a NQF Level 1
Mathematical Literacy Competencies at a NQF Level 1
Recognition of Prior Learning / The qualification may be obtained through the process if Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Learning Materials / The programme pack consists out of the following documents:
  1. Alignment Strategy
  2. Learner Orientation Guide
  3. Learner Guides
  4. Resource Guides
  5. Portfolio Guides
  6. Mentor Guide
  7. Workplace Guide
  8. Facilitator Guide
  9. FA Model Answer Guide
  10. Assessment Guides
  11. Assessment Toolkit
  12. Coaching Sheet
  13. FSA Questionnaire
  14. FSA Model Answers
  15. FSA Recording Tools
  16. Overall Qualification Judgement

Links of the programme
to registered unit standards, skills programmes, or qualifications / This Qualification articulates horizontally with the following Qualifications:
National Certificate: Mechanical Engineering (Generic + various streams)(NQF L2)
Vertical articulation is possible with the following Qualifications:
National Certificate: Welding Application and Practice NQF L3)
This qualification replaces:
24214 National Certificate: Welding Application and Practice NQF Level 2
Credit Value / A minimum of15credits is required to complete the Qualification. In this Qualification the credits are allocated as follows:
  • Fundamental: 36 credits.
  • Core: 106credits.
  • Electives: 16credits

Based on the qualification description and requirements, this Qualification will be divided into 4main Learning Units with modular sub-divisions, based on the exit level outcomes and related assessment criteria:

2.1.1Learning Unit 1: Literacy & Numeracy

This Learning Unit has two (2) sections to it:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
Module: Literacy
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
4 / Fundamental / 119463 / Access and Use Information from Texts / 2 / 5
Fundamental / 119454 / Maintain and Adapt oral Communication / 2 / 5
Fundamental / 119460 / Use language and Communication in Occupational Learning Programmes / 2 / 5
Fundamental / 119456 / Write for a defined context / 2 / 5
Module: Numeracy
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
Fundamental / 7480 / Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems / 2 / 3
Fundamental / 12444 / Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-dimensions in different life or workplace contexts / 2 / 3
Fundamental / 7469 / Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life / 2 / 2
Fundamental / 9009 / Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems / 2 / 3
Fundamental / 9007 / Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems / 2 / 5

2.1.2Learning Unit 2: Working within the Welding Industry

This Learning Unit has three (3) sections to it:

  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Worksite Practices
  • Welding Basics
Module: Occupational Health & Safety
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
Elective / 13222 / Deal with safety, health and environmental emergencies in the workplace / 2 / 4
Elective / 12483 / Perform basic first aid / 2 / 4
Module: Worksite Practices
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
Core / 14683 / Apply work site practices / 2 / 5
Elective / 9672 / Erect and dismantle scaffolding / 2 / 5
3 & 4 / Core / 14722 / Describe the welding industry's composition, it's productivity requirements and communication techniques / 2 / 5
Module: Welding Basics
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
4 / Core / 14713 / Use welding definitions and symbols / 2 / 5

2.1.3Learning Unit 3: Materials and Tools

This Learning Unit has three (3) sections to it:

  • Materials
  • Tools
  • Assembling
Module: Materials
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
Core / 14712 / Identify and select material to specification / 2 / 5
Module: Tools
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
1 / Core / 119744 / Select, use and care for engineering hand tools / 2 / 8
Core / 12476 / Select, use and care for engineering measuring equipment / 2 / 4
Core / 12219 / Select, use and care for engineering power tools / 2 / 6

Module: Assembling

ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
Elective / 243061 / Assemble work pieces in jigs (minor amendments include the use of manipulators) / 2 / 3

2.1.4Learning Unit 4: Processes

This Learning Unit has two (2) sections to it:

  • Brazing and Cutting
  • Welding
Module: Brazing & Cutting
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
2 / Core / 243069 / Braze metals using the oxy-fuel brazing process / 2 / 6
Core / 243067 / Cut materials using the oxy-fuel gas cutting process (manual cutting) / 2 / 6
Module: Welding
ELO / US Type / ID / US Title / Level / Credits
1 / Core / 243076 / Weld carbon steel workpieces using the cored-wire welding process in the downhand position / 2 / 8
Core / 243063 / Weld carbon steel workpieces using the shielded metal arc welding process in the down-hand position / 2 / 15
Core / 243066 / Weld carbon steel workpieces using the gas metal arc welding process in the downhand position / 2 / 8
Core / 243072 / Weld workpieces using the oxy-acetylene gas welding process in the downhand position / 2 / 10
Core / 243068 / Weld carbon steel workpieces using the gas tungsten arc welding process in the downhand position / 3 / 15

B.Notional Hours Matrix

The roll out strategy below indicates the relationship between theory, practical, workplace and FSA component:

Learning Unit / Credits / Notional Hours / Days / Contact Session
30% / Experiential Learning
70% / FSA / TOTAL
Theory / Practical / WPE / Ass Prep
1 / 36 / 360 / 60 / 6 / 12 / 38 / 4 / 60
2 / 23 / 230 / 38 / 4 / 8 / 23 / 3 / 38
3 / 31 / 310 / 52 / 5½ / 10 / 33 / 3½ / 52
4 / 68 / 680 / 113 / 12 / 22 / 70 / 9 / 113
TOTALS / 158 / 1580 / 263 / 27½ / 52 / 164 / 19½ / 263
Overview – Provision / Facilitation / This programme will be presented using a number of different facilitation techniques, including:
  • Classroom based facilitation
  • Self-Study
  • Mentor Discussions
  • Coaching
  • Workplace Learning / Experience
During the different facilitation methods, learners will be required to complete a variety of activities pertaining to what they are learning.
Overview – Learner Support / Provider Support
The training provider will provide support through contact with the facilitator. Should any additional assistance be required this can be arranged.
Workplace Support
The workplace Provider will arrange both a mentor and a coach to oversee the learner and offer extra assistance where required
Overview – Learner Duties / Learning / The Learner is responsible for their own learning. This will require the learner to attend all facilitation sessions, working experience, mentor and coaching sessions.
The learner is also responsible for the completion of ALL activities, whether covered in the classroom or not.

Alignment StrategyPage 1 of 37

Qualification ID: 57881: National Certificate: Welding

C.Unit Standard to Programme Documents Alignment

Learning Unit 1: Literacy & Numeracy

No / Unit Standard Title / Specific Outcomes / Where covered (Provision Documents) / Facilitation and Activities
119463 (replaced 8963) / Access and Use Information from Texts /
  1. Use a range of reading and/or viewing strategies to make meaning of texts
  2. Identify the main ideas in different text types
  3. Read/view and respond to texts for a variety of purposes
  4. Identify and discuss how language structures and features may influence a reader/audience
/ Learner Guide 1.1 / Credits / 5
Notional Hours / 50
Days / 8
Contact Session30% / 2½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 5½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 1 - 4
Group Activities: 2, 5 - 9
Self Assessment: 1.1
119454 (replaced 8962) / Maintain and Adapt oral /signed Communication /
  1. Use a variety of speaking and listening/signing strategies to maintain communication.
  2. Adapt speech/signing to accommodate socio-cultural sensitivities without losing own intention.
  3. Use knowledge of language structures and conventions to shape or decode meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary or constructions.
  4. Organise and present information in a focused and coherent manner
  5. Identify and explain how speakers/signers influence audiences.
/ Learner Guide 1.1 / Credits / 5
Notional Hours / 50
Days / 8
Contact Session30% / 2½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 5½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 1 - 3
Group Activities: 1 – 6 & 8
Self Assessment: 1.1
119460 (replaced 8967) / Use language and Communication in Occupational Learning Programmes /
  1. Find and use available learning resources
  2. Use learning strategies
  3. Manage occupational learning materials.
  4. Plan and gather relevant information for a given context and purpose
  5. Function in a team
  6. Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning
/ Learner Guide 1.1 / Credits / 5
Notional Hours / 50
Days / 8
Contact Session30% / 2½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 5½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 1 - 4
Group Activities: 1 & 2, 5 - 9
Self Assessment: 1.1
119456 (replaced 8964) / Write/present for a defined context /
  1. Write/sign for a specific audience, purpose and context
  2. Use grammatical structures and writing/signing conventions to produce coherent and cohesive texts for specific contexts
  3. Adapt language to suit context
  4. Draft and edit own writing/signing
/ Learner Guide 1.1 / Credits / 5
Notional Hours / 50
Days / 8
Contact Session30% / 2½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 5½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 1 – 3 & 5
Group Activities: 3 & 7
Self Assessment: 1.1
7480 / Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems /
  1. Use and analyse computational tools and strategies, and make estimates and approximations
  2. Demonstrate understanding of numbers and relationships among numbers and number systems
/ Learner Guide 1.2 / Credits / 3
Notional Hours / 30
Days / 5
Contact Session30% / 1½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 3½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 6
Group Activities:
Self Assessment: 1.2
12444 / Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-dimensions in different life or workplace contexts /
  1. Estimate, measure and calculate physical quantities to solve problems in practical situations
  2. Explore transformations of two-dimensional geometric figures
/ Learner Guide 1.2 / Credits / 3
Notional Hours / 30
Days / 5
Contact Session30% / 1½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 3½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 7
Group Activities:
Self Assessment: 1.2
7469 / Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life /
  1. Use mathematics to plan and control personal and/or household budgets and income and expenditure
  2. Use simple and compound interest to make sense of and define a variety of situations
/ Learner Guide 1.2 / Credits / 2
Notional Hours / 20
Days / 3½
Contact Session30% / 1
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 2½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 8 & 9
Group Activities:
Self Assessment: 1.2 tails
9009 / Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems /
  1. Apply various techniques to organise and represent data in order to model situations
  2. Give opinions on the implications of the modelled data for the required purpose
/ Learner Guide 1.2 / Credits / 3
Notional Hours / 30
Days / 5
Contact Session30% / 1½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 3½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 10
Group Activities: 11
Self Assessment: 1.2
9007 / Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems /
  1. Convert flexibly between and within various representations of functions
  2. Compare, analyse and describe the behaviour of patterns and functions
  3. Represent situations mathematically in order to interpret and solve problems
/ Learner Guide 1.2 / Credits / 5
Notional Hours / 50
Days / 8
Contact Session30% / 2½
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 5½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities: 10
Group Activities: 11
Self Assessment: 1.2

Learning Unit 2: Working within the Welding Industry

Exit Level Outcome: / 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the welding industry and its productivity requirements, by applying appropriate work-procedures.
4. Communicate effectively in order to achieve personal, business and organizational objectives.Range: Reading and interpreting work instructions, documents and drawings; maintaining effective relationships; exploring options for further learning.
No / Unit Standard Title / Specific Outcomes / Where covered (Provision Documents) / Facilitation and Activities
13222 / Deal with safety, health and environmental emergencies in the workplace /
  1. Discuss and explain procedures for dealing with safety, health and environmental emergencies.
  2. Identify the nature of an incident and the relevant emergency procedure.
  3. Follow emergency procedures.
  4. Record and report incidents.
/ Learner Guide 2.1 / Credits / 4
Notional Hours / 40
Days / 6½
Contact Session30% / 2
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 4
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities 1& 2
Group Activities 1 & 2
Self Assessment 2.1
12483 / Perform basic first aid /
  1. Explain and discuss basic first aid concepts
  2. Determine the nature of the injury/medical emergency, the context of the injury and basic first aid.
  3. Apply basic first aid.
  4. Hand over the injured/ill person to medical personnel.
  5. Complete first aid report.
/ Learner Guide 2.1 / Credits / 4
Notional Hours / 40
Days / 6½
Contact Session30% / 2
Experiential Learning (WPE & AssPrep) -70% / 4½
Formative Activities:
Individual, Pair & Group, Mentored Discussion, Self Reflection & Assessment.
Individual Activities 3
Group Activities3
Self Assessment 2.1
Exit Level Outcome: / 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the welding industry and its productivity requirements, by applying appropriate work-procedures.
4. Communicate effectively in order to achieve personal, business and organizational objectives.Range: Reading and interpreting work instructions, documents and drawings; maintaining effective relationships; exploring options for further learning.
No / Unit Standard Title / Specific Outcomes / Where covered (Provision Documents) / Facilitation and Activities
14683 / Apply work site practices /
  1. Establish the principles of personal and job safety on the worksite.
  2. Demonstrate safe working practices on the worksite
  3. Adhere and conform to store procedures and material handling
/ Learner Guide 2.2 / Credits / 5