Held at Brooke Farm, Linby on Thursday 16th February 2017 at 7pm
Present: Denise Ireland, Roberta Norris, Claire Hardstaff, Janet Brothwell, Dan Walker, Keith Tunstall, Hannah Barter from Urban Vision and Liz Gretton (Secretary)
1.0 Apologies for Absence
B Brothwell, C Harrison, S Molsom
2.0 Approval of minutes
The minutes from the 9th February meeting were approved and signed by D Ireland
3.0 Technical Support Package update
No further updates
4.0 Traffic Consultant Update
No further updates
5.0 Neighbourhood Plan Template Update
Term end date & Linby Vision
D Ireland advised H Barter that the LNPSG had agreed an end term date of 2033 and the Linby Vision has been agreed.
Green Space Audit
H Barter advised:
-To write to the landowners for their approval of designating their land as green space within the Neighbourhood Plan. The letter should include a map/diagram of the boundary, a brief description of the area and why the Group feels it is important it be designated as Green Space. H Barter advised allowing the landowner 2 weeks to respond.
-An area cannot be designated as green space if the land has any planning applications in place, or going through the process of a planning application.
-The LNPSG to hold a community event re: the Green Space Audit; this could be held before a Parish Council meeting.
-An area/land can be privately owned. Contact the local authority for assistance on who owns the land
-A road cannot be designated as green space (Hayden Lane Footpath/road linking to Vaughan Estate)
-Un-adopted Land (Top Cross, Bottom Cross, Area outside of W Lewis’s, Land outside of Horse & Groom Pub): The LNPSG to write to the Parish Council to show due diligence, and allow residents to comment on these areas at the Community event.
-The footpath near the school on Quarry Lane (behind the houses) can be designated
-School Playing Field. This can be designated, however if it is included it means it cannot be built on in the future. The LNPSG discussed this further, and the possibility of the school being extended in the future, and concluded the playing field should not be included in the audit without further discussion
-School parking: Approach the landowners around the school to find out whether they would agree to give a small section of the land for a school car park. D Ireland advised the Traffic Consultant is looking at the car parking issues, and hopefully can address some of these. H Barter advised raising the issues with parking at the Community workshop and presenting the ideas of the Traffic Consultant. K Tunstall advised Sherwood House Residential Home may have some spaces available for school parking, and may be worth contacting them.
-Ecology Park / Green Space Areas Land north of Papplewick Lane: R Norris advised of other green spaces in this area which have yet to be developed. H Barter advised these can be added to the list at a later date with an amendment to the NP.
-Moor Pond Woods: D Ireland advised she had received a map from Stephen Walker. He advised he would be happy to show the LNPSG around the areas, and agreed that MPW within the Linby Parish to be included as designated green space.
Other areas for designating:
-Linby Trail: Owned by Nottinghamshire County Council
-Wighay Road Grass Land – owned by Hawthorn Estate
-Wighay Farm Drive – Owned by Nottinghamshire County Council
-Orchard (behind J Brothwell) – owned by Stubbs? – J Brothwell to pursue
-Church, School, Heritage Centre, Horse & Groom Pub, Hanson House and Brooke Farm – H Barter advised these are community facilities and can therefore be designated
-Areas on new developments not yet built – H Barter advised having a two-part table – one for existing green spaces and the other for proposed green spaces
Policies can be discussed at the Policy Mapping Workshop on 24th March. These include a site allocation for a school parking area and infrastructure (schools, health, broadband, joint facilities such as the Village Hall). H Barter advised the village hall would form part of Papplewick’s Neighbourhood Plan, however, Linby could make reference to the shared facility but not have a policy on it.
H Barter advised the policies will be written to reflect its purpose (objectives built on the aims), the rationale and evidence from NPFF, ACS, the emerging local plan, evidence gathered from technical reports, the community engagement workshops and questionnaires. The evidence can be written next to the policy with explanatory text to inform the planning department what we expect.
J Brothwell enquired whether the new school to be built at Top Wighay could be extended to include a community room. H Barter advised a policy could be written to encourage a school to be used sustainably outside of school time and hired for community events.
D Ireland asked whether a policy could be written regarding the CIL contributions, to say that the PC have a greater say in how the CIL can be spent, and that we should be included in the discussions held between Gedling BC and the developers. H Barter advised this isn’t planning, and therefore a policy cannot be written, however she agreed to pursue this with D Chetwyn.
Employment Trends. H Barter advised this section can include a policy on home working, and if we knew from a community survey how many people work from home, or would like to work from home. Could also include that Linby used to be an agricultural area and has now evolved due to its location (e.g. having good links to Nottingham/Derby).
H Barter advised identifying the key items within the Character & Heritage Assessment that are relevant to the NP Plan.
SWOT Analysis
H Barter discussed having a SWOT analysis to include details of the key issues in the Village. This should include a list of the key issues and why the group is writing policies for them (e.g. speeding traffic). The Group has the analysis from the Questionnaires, which includes the top 10 issues. R Norris agreed to look at this. H Barter to calculate the percentages when working on the policy.
6.0 Moving Forward
-J Brothwell to ask B Brothwell re: ownership of orchard behind the houses on Church Lane (Stubbs?)
-D Ireland to contact Graham at Horse & Groom Pub re: playing field behind the pub
-K Tunstall to take photographs of all the green space areas
-R Norris to write to Bellway to advise that Linby PC are producing a Neighbourhood Plan
-K Tunstall to find out who owns the Paddock (right hand side, before the Railway crossing)
-D Walker agreed to look at the OS Grid Reference for each area
-D Walker to look at plan of Nottinghamshire County Council re: Black Pad, Lay-by & Wooded Area and forward to the LNPSG
-L Gretton to contact Highways regarding ownership of the land near the lay-by
-H Barter to clarify whether The Spinney’s (a school for autistic people) and Sherwood House Residential Home can be included in the green space audit
-H Barter to clarify with D Chetwyn whether a policy could be written on PC’s involvement with discussions between GBC and the developers regarding CIL Contributions
-L Gretton to upload the Character & Heritage Assessment to the Website
-R Norris to forward Community Engagement front sheet to L Gretton to go on website
-R Norris to look at the key issues from the questionnaires for the SWOT analysis
-H Barter to circulate draft policies around 20th April
Upcoming Meetings:
-Policy Mapping Workshop with H Barter and D Chetwyn – Friday 24th March at 2pm at St Michael’s Church, Linby
-NP Meeting with H Barter – Monday 27th March at 7pm Brooke Farm. Prior to this meeting, populate as much NP as possible, complete the Green Audit Space and write to landowners
-NP Meeting with H Barter – Thursday 27th April at 7pm Brooke Farm. This meeting is to agree the policies
Meeting ended at 20:45