May 29-30-31, 2013
Hilton – St. Louis at the Ballpark
St. Louis, Missouri
Attire: Business Casual
(Agenda subject to change)
11:30 – 12:30 pmLUNCH – Market Street Bistro
12:30 – 1:00 pmIntroductions
Karen Pfautsch, Osborn Barr
What is your best kept communications secret? This meeting allows us to share our knowledge with each other and tap into the brainpower of the collective group. Each attendee will be asked to share a resource he or sheuses to be a better communicator. Did you read a book that helped you with strategic planning?Do you have a web tool that makes presentation development easier? Come prepared to share your knowledge with your fellow QSSBs.
1:00 – 3:15 pmState Share: State Communications Update
Karen Pfautsch, Osborn Barr
Each QSSB will have an opportunity to share information about communications efforts in their state. Topics could include an overview of your communications strategy, your communications approach, priority message areas, current successes, and/or how your communication efforts are unique. As you share, be sure to include how your effort ties to achieving your board’s goals.
3:15 – 3:30 pmBreak
3:30 – 4:30Apps vs. Mobile sites
Nicole Kraus, Osborn Barr
Jeremy Cockrell, Osborn Barr
Chris Kirk, Osborn Barr
In a world where everyone is connected to one mobile device or another, we all want to remain relevant and communicate to our audiences in the most effective way. Sometimes that means apps and sometimes that means mobile sites, but which one is best for you? Many QSSB have expressed interest in creating apps. We’ll hear from a web application guru and a digital strategist to discuss the benefits of apps and mobile sites, and we’ll discuss it as a group.
4:35 – 5:05 pmBreakout Sessions
We are asking all QSSBs that have an interesting project or worthwhile information to share with others, but need more than a few minutes to do so during the state share, to submit a brief proposal on what they would like to present. The top two presentations, determined by your feedback, will be the breakout sessions. You will have the opportunity to attend one or the other of the QSSB presentations.
5:30 pmMeet in Lobby to Depart for Reception and Dinner at Osborn Barr
Join us for a tour of O+B’s new office and meet other members of the USB Communications staff. During the tour, you’ll have a chance to see USB trade show displays and handouts available for your QSSB to use.
7:00 – 8:00 amBreakfast
8:00 – 9:00 amUSB’s FY 2014 Draft Communications Plan – Tactical Overview
Neil Caskey, Osborn Barr
USB Communications staff is currently working on developing tactics for USB’s FY 2014. We will provide a brief overview, but will mostly be focused on QSSB feedback. What are some materials or programs that USB could fund under Meal, Oil, Freedom to Operate or Customer Focus that would help your QSSB? This session also provides a chance for you to ask any questions about the new structure of USB.
9:00 – 9:45 amQSSB Panel – Effective Media Relations
Megan Kuhn, Indiana Soybean Alliance
Rae Wagoner, Kentucky Soybean Board
We invest a lot of time in creating content and sending it to the media to carry back to farmers and other audiences. But what we provide and how we provide it can mean the difference from getting our story told or not. Let’s hear from a couple former journalists among our QSSB staff on media relations best practices that we all can put in place in our organizations.
9:45 – 10:00 amBreak
10:00 – 10:45 amMagazines and Newsletter share
Eileen Jensen, Osborn Barr
Most QSSBs have a newsletter or magazine. Bring your publication for an opportunity to share successes or challenges. Have you done any readership research? Bring it to share with the group! This will also be an opportunity to get ideas about infographics, editorial calendars and content from the group. Be sure to bring questions and/or advice for your colleagues.
10:45 – 11:45 amHerbicide Resistance Management (HRM)
Karen Pfautsch, Osborn Barr
Kelly Brandt, Osborn Barr
Through the Land Grant and University Technology and Information Transfer program, USB will have a national awareness effort on Herbicide Resistance Management. This session will provide an overview of the program, a chance to share efforts in your state and will solicit your ideas on future projects and efforts regarding HRM.
11:45 – 12:00 pmWrap-up and Evaluation
12:00 – 1:00 pmLUNCH – Market Street Bistro
1:00 – 1:30 pmWelcome
Audit & Evaluation Committee Farmer Leader
Opening Remarks
Lisa O’Brien, USB Executive Director
What’s new with USB and where is the checkoff going?
1:30 – 2:00 pmWinter Survey Results
Eddie Mahe, Foley & Lardner
Presentation of key findings from USB’s nationwide winter survey of soybean farmers to assist QSSBs in directing FY14 checkoff program messaging
2:00 – 2:45 pmElectronic Project Management Systems
Darold Ziegler, USB Compliance Coordinator,
Kirk Merritt, Ohio Soybean Council and
Steven Underwood, Illinois Soybean Association
More and more QSSBs are using electronic project management systems to create efficiencies in their operations as well as provide immediate board access to information. What tools are QSSBs using and how might a system work for your state.
2:45 – 3:00 pmBreak
3:00 – 4:00 pmMarket Outlook and USB’s Decision Support Tool
Tom Scott, Informa Economics
Organizations seek out and take advantage of tools to assist in resource decision making. Hear how USB’s Decision Support Tool assists farmers in allocation recommendations. The tool also includes MarketData providing a big picture view of the soybean market and what it means to you.
4:00 – 5:30 pmUSB-QSSB Partnerships under USB’s Long Range Strategic Plan
USB Strategic Objectives game changers and QSSB partnerships
Ed Beaman, Erin Hamm
4:20 – 4:40 pm / Oil / Reconquering the Oil Market with HO Soybeans
Mary Pat Corbett, Kayla Hedrick, Mark Winkle
4:40 – 5:00 pm / Freedom to Operate / FTO ACTION TEAM
Amy Gwin
5:00 –5:20 pm / Customer Focus / Priority of Customer Preference
Miguel Escobar, Karen Pfautsch, Steve Poole
5:20 –5:30 pm / Q&A
6:30 pmDinner at the Ballpark
Stadium-menu dinner buffet begins 6:30 pm at Busch Stadium. Tickets will be distributed to participants who registered for the game.
FRIDAY, May 31
7:00 – 7:50 amBreakfast – Ballpark Room
8:00 – 9:15 pmGuest Speaker
Beth Ziesenis
Ever feel like other people know about technology shortcuts and apps and you’ve missed the memo? Technology has the capability to streamline your daily tasks and make you and your organization more productive. Author Beth Ziesenis delivers time-saving budget conscious tools that don’t require an IT degree to use, don’t miss this session “Release Your Inner Nerd: Online Tools and Apps to Increase Productivity and Awesomeness”
9:15 – 9:30 amBreak
9:30 – 9:45 amQSSB to USB Funds Transmittal Form
Darold Ziegler, USB Compliance Coordinator
Does the form capture all relevant information for data reporting? What information is necessary and why? QSSBs help determine required fields for best practice reporting and requested revisions.
9:45 – 10:45 amSoybean Research Gap Analysis Situation and Roundtable Discussion
Don Latham and Rich Joost, PhD
Highlights from two report findings frame up our soybean industry’s challenge of University soybean research gaps and how the soybean industry develops and implements programs to support long term research infrastructure.
10:45 – 11:30 pmFreedom to Operate
Darold Ziegler, USB Compliance Coordinator
USB’s Freedom to Operate objective is to ensure that the soybean industry and its customers have the freedom to operate and infrastructure to operate. As QSSBs develop their fiscal year 2014 marketing plans and budgets, issues will be addressed in this session covering the soybean farmer’s freedom to operate.
11:30 - 12:00 pmFive Year Checkoff Cycles
Darold Ziegler, USB Compliance Coordinator
2014 is a soybean checkoff referendum year so what does that mean to you, what are the basics? 2014 is a soybean checkoff Return-on-Investment (ROI) analysis report year and collection of the last five years of checkoff expenditure data is already underway. Learn how your QSSB answers questions on these topics.
12:00 – 12:15 pmWhite Space Topics
Opportunity to discuss items not included in meeting agenda.
12:15 pmADJOURN AND LUNCH – Market Street Bistro