BETWEEN: Greater Manchester Police (GMP)
AND: St. Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust (CMMCHT)
To provide: A fully comprehensive and coordinated forensic medical and aftercare service to complainants of rape and sexual assault within the Greater Manchester Police Force area.
This SLA is signed by:
Name (Print) ………………………………………Signature:...... ……....
Date: ………………………………………
On behalf of Greater Manchester Police(GMP)
Name (Print)………………………………………Signature:...... ……….……….. Date:………………………………………….
On behalf of Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust. (CMMCHT)
Name (Print)………………………………………Signature:...... ……….……….. Date:………………………………………….
On behalf of St. Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
- Definition of Service:
1.1 To provide forensic medical examination services and immediate crisis support to
complainants of rape and sexual assault who make a report to GMP.
1.2 To provide forensic medical examination for complainants of rape or sexual assault who do not wish to make a report to the police within the Greater Manchester Police Force Area and wish to self refer to the SARC.
1.3 To offer the opportunity to self referrals to provide anonymous intelligence information to Greater Manchester Police.
1.4 To provide comprehensive aftercare services to all clients.
1.5 To conduct research into the incidence and demographics of rape and sexual assault toinform service provision and best practice.
1.6 To provide training to police officers via courses delivered by the Force Training School.
1.7 To ensure that staff are trained to an agreed standards.
- Length of Agreement:
This agreement will be a rolling agreement commencing 1st April 2003. Either party must give 12 months notice of their intention to terminate this agreement.
- Funding:
3.1 Greater Manchester Police will provide the agreed budget per annum. Any pay awards will be included in GMP budget forecasting procedures.
3.2 Inflationary costs will be at the standard rate for that period.
3.3 Any increase to staffing establishments will necessitate submission of a business case to GMP outlining the benefits of additional / new roles.
3.4 New posts will only be implemented following agreement of business case and increase to staffing budget.
3.5 Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust (CMMCUHT) undertakes to provide suitable accommodation for the purposes of providing the services.
3.6 CMMCUHT will provide all necessary utilities, ancillary and management support to the cost of 40% of overall running costs.
4. Standards:
4.1 Forensic Medical Examinations will be conducted within two hours of the requested time by the Force Control Room whenever possible.
4.2 Delay may occur where there is a request for more than one examination in a given time period.
4.3 Delay may occur where there is no rota cover due to sickness or absence.
4.4 Unforeseen delays may occur on either side. Both SARC and GMP agree to inform either party to minimise inconvenience.
4.5 The forensic team will receive training to high standards and will be accountable to the Clinical Director.
4.6 The counselling and support team will receive appropriate training in relation to the services offered and implications for the legal process.
4.5 All other services will be provided on consultation with centre clients with due consideration to the legal process.
4.6 Greater Manchester Police undertakes to ensure the client attends the Centre at the agreed time, with an officer who has received the appropriate training and is in possession of sufficient facts to brief the examiner.
4.7 Greater Manchester Police will ensure that the Forensic Medical Team adhere to the terms of contract with GMP.
4.8 Greater Manchester Police will provide a Police Liaison Officer as the first point of contact for issues relating to service provision between GMP and SARC.
4.9 A quarterly report will be provided to GMP and CMMCUHT outlining the following:
- Number and nature of examinations conducted by gender, ethnicity and age.
- Number of self referrals
- Time between report and examination, length of examination.
- Sharing of intelligence with consent of complainant.
6. Complaints /Grievances
6.1 The SARC is subject to the Trust Complaints Policy
6.2 All complaints will be reviewed via the SARC Management group.
6.3 The Centre will be required to advise the Steering group in writing of any external complaintsreceived in respect of professional misconduct of the staff employed by the Centre.
6.4 The Service Manager will inform the Steering Group in writing in the event of any of thefollowing:
Where it becomes known that a member of staff employed in the work of the centre is struck off, or otherwise cease to be on a professional register.
Where it becomes known that a member of staff employed in the work of the centre becomessubject to any disciplinary proceedings before a professional council, whether or not arisingfrom the work pursuant to the contract.
Where it becomes known that a member of staff employed in the work of the Centre isarrested, charged or summonsed or reported for any criminal offence (other road trafficoffence not involving disqualification from driving) or becomes the subject of any criminalinvestigation.
7. Risk Assessment
7.1 All risks will be monitored and risk assessment and action implemented where
7.2 Any untoward incidents will be reported via the Trust Risk Management policy (Appendix II)
7.3 All untoward incidents will be reviewed by the Management Group
7.4 All incidents will be reported to the Steering Group
8. Lines of Communication /Accountability
8.1 All counselling and support staff report directly to the Service Manager.
8.2 The Forensic physicians report directly to the Clinical Director and to the Forensic Physician Co-ordinator, GMP, responsible for contractual arrangements and payment of fees.
8.3 The Forensic Physicians will hold an Honorary Trust contract
8.4 The Forensic Nurse Examiner reports directly to the Service Manager and Modern Matron,Gynaecology, St. Mary’s. The Forensic Nurse is accountable to the Clinical Director inrelation to all forensic medical examinations and related processes.
8.5 The Service Manager reports directly to the Divisional Operational Manager, St. Mary’s whoreports to the Divisional Manager, St. Mary’s
8.5 The Clinical Director reports directly to the Clinical Head of Division for St. Mary’s
8.6 The Police Liaison Officer reports directly to the Det. Chief Supt. for Crime at GMP HQ
9. Monitoring /Contract changes
GMP and SARC will review this agreement on an annual basis. SARC will inform GMP by 25th July each year of any unexpected increase to budget requirements or any changes inservice provision which may impact on this contract.
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