Class #: / 5
Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang Tonics
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan
“Perfect Major Supplementation Pills” is the literal translation. Covers all four major xu’s in 10 herbs – formulas included would be Si Jun Zi Tang and Si Wu Tang plus huang qi and rou gui for warming the Yang qi. Usually use this after a long disease, surgery, childbirth, etc.
This formula is more general and does not target any specific organ.
Ge Jie Da Bu Wan
Strengthens Kidney yang, Liver blood and yin, and Spleen qi. This formula treats weakness assoc’d with chronic illnesses. Contains ge jie which also assists the Lung, Spleen, Stomach – this assists with chronic Kidney/Lung deficiency associated with asthma, shortness of breath, etc. This targets the organs more than the previous formula. Also treats phlegm associated with breathing difficulties and resolution of this phlegm.
Open Orifices, Heart and Shen Disorders
Open orifices patents are for emergencies like closed syndrome. We won’t have a lot of chances to use these…unless all the Chicken Little’s are right and the sky will actually fall in December of 2012. And if it does, stock up! Make that looting count!
Heat closed syndromes mean that heat toxins are pouring into the Pericardium. Cold closed syndromes mean that there is a congealing and phlegm blocks the portals of the heart.
Closed Syndrome Patents
An Gong Niu Huang Wan
This is for heat closed syndrome. It clears heat and detoxes. This formula clears heat, detoxifies fire poisons and thus treats high fever with associated loss of consciousness (LOC). High fever untreated can result in restlessness, mania/delirium, confulsions and spasms, angina, loss of consciousness and coma because the heat strongly attacks the Pericardium. Obviously, this is for emergencies. It can be administered thru a nasogastric tube in case of comatose patients.
Western diseases that might apply: encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis, septicemia, etc.
This pill ain’t cheap – costs between $50 and $100 per pill. That’s the down side. The up side is that it keeps for a really long time, as it’s wrapped in wax.
Skip Zhi Bao Dan and Zi Xue Dan. . .all you gotta know for heat closed is the An Gong Niu Huang Wan. Can’t use these kinds of pills long term.
Guan Xin Su He Wan
This is for Cold Closed Syndrome and is applicable for a cardiac emergency. Qing mu xiang has very strong side effects – nephrotoxic.
Skip Niu Huang Qing Xin and Wan Shi Niu Huang Qing Xin Wan. Don’t need to know ‘em for the test.
Heart/Blood Circulation Problems
Heart Blood/circulation problems and Heart Spirit/shen problems are addressed here. Blood and circulation problems can be qi of the heart, vessel problems, cholesterol/phlegm affecting the wall of the vessels, etc.
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian
Ingredients can be 1) all dan shen, 2) dan shen + bing pian, 3) dan shen + san qi + bing pian or 4) dan shen + tan xiang + sha ren and perhaps gan cao. Really good for circulation and blood stasis issues. Also regulates qi and stops pain.
This is actually being researched for use in american hospitals (in a liquid format, not a pill) and is past phase 2 clinical research.
Primary use is for blood stasis in the coronary arteries and for blood clots. “1 single dan shen = si wu tang” is a sentiment from an ancient chinese doctor. Dan shen is for blood circulation and clots – doesn’t change the ingredients or quality of the blood. Because of it’s anti-clotting factors, don’t use it with anti-clotting medications.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Treats blood stasis in the chest primarily, though secondarily can treat in the head or lower area. Jie geng guides other herbs to the upper body and niu xi guides blood downward in addition to moving blood and expelling blood stasis.
Clinically, mostly used for qi and blood stagnation in the UJ (chest, epi or head) with chest/costal pain, restless sleep, palps, dizziness, irritability, depression, etc.
Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Wan
Heart/Shen Problems
Suan Zao Ren Tang Wan
Insomnia. This is for the heart spirit (Shen) and is primarily for sleep. This formula is for Heart and Liver blood deficiency causing sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep and perhaps with vivid dreams. 78% of this formula is suan zao ren. The other herbs are for balance, cooling, and guiding to the head.
For someone who can’t stop thinking and thus can’t sleep, you need to tonify the spleen more. For people that can’t wind down and have energy at the wrong time of day (like me, dude), add anchoring herbs like mu li and other heavy liver anchoring herbs.
If one can’t stay asleep and tends to wake up easily or frequently and can’t get back to sleep, this is more fire, heart and kidney, especially if in an older patient. Younger people have trouble falling asleep so that’s heart and liver.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
This is the king of sleep pills! Insomnia with Heart and Kidney Yin xu or with Liver xu. Lots of herbs for sleep in here. This formula is a strong formula, nourishes heart and kidney yin, generates body fluids and calms the shen. It also cools the blood with the moistening effect. This patent can keep the patient asleep all night. Take it after dinner and before you go to bed. Don’t have to take it in the morning. Look for insomnia, anxiousness, dry mouth/throat esp at night, yin deficient heat, DDS, etc. Key is easily waking because there is insufficient liquids to cool the heart fire – out of balance. Yin deficiency is the key here.
Shui De An
“Sleep obtained peace” pill. This is the queen of sleep pills. Some of the herbs are very similar to the previous formula. There are herbs for Qi in here that are not in Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan. This formula tonifies the Qi, nourishes the Heart yin, and clears heat. As such, it settles the heart and calms shen. Less for the water/liquid issues than Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan.
Heart Qi and Yin Xu causing Shen disturbance in the form of insomnia, restlessness, palps, anxiety, etc.
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan
Gui Pi tang is for Spleen Qi xu + Heart Blood xu. This formula is for Heart qi and Blood xu. The result will be insomnia, restlessness, palps, night sweats, anxiety, vivid dreams. There might be some Kidney deficiency also, but not the main event. There are warm herbs in this formula where the previous formulas (esp. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan) were more cooling. That indicates that this insomnia is more cold type insomnia. Might have Heart Qi and Heart Yang Qi deficiency
Be able to compare these formulas and know the difference between them.
Bu Nao Wan
Nourishes Heart blood and tonifies the Kidney. Resolves phlegm stagnation – invisible phlegm will disturb the sleep. Subdues yang and this calms the shen. This might apply to manic folks who have this kind of phlegm and needs subduing of yang. They will have problems calming down. That said, you can’t use it long term because of the heavy minerals and seeds therein. Hu po is strong to subdue and calm shen.
An Mian Pian
This is for stomach upset insomnia. Contains suan zao ren, yuan zhi, zhi zi, shen qu, fu ling and gan cao. If someone is too full or too hungry don’t sleep well.
Patents – Summer 2010 – Class 5
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