Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)


Multicultural Settlement & Education Partnerships (MSEP)






M5H 3P5

Application for the ISAP A SWIS Program - Ontario Region

Section 1: Applicant Information (p.3)

Section 2: Organization Profile (p.4)

Section 3: Settlement Services Provided by Organization (p.10 )

Section 4: References (p.12)

Section 5: Budget (p.12)

Section 6: Other enclosures (p.13 )

Section 7: 2006 ISAP Negotiation Guidelines (p.14)

Appendices (separate excel document):

Appendix A: Revenue and Expenditures

Appendix B: Budget Request

Section 1 – Applicant Information

Applicant information (complete all parts)

Applicant Organization
Legal name of Organization
Payee (If different than above) / Contact Person
Address / Position/Title
ON / Postal Code / Telephone
( ) / Fax
( )
E-mail Address / Web Site Address
Date of Formation / Are you a non-profit organization?
Yes No / Date of Incorporation / Corporation No.
Charity Registration No. / GST Registration No. / Date of GST Registration
Name of the Chair of the Board / Telephone
( )
Name of Executive Director / Telephone
( )
Name of Coordinator of Settlement Services (If applicable) / Telephone
( )
Is your Mandate (Check One)
Local / Regional / Provincial (Ontario) / National
Is your organization authorized, in accordance with existing laws, to provide settlement and/or employment services, and have the capacity to do so? If yes, how long has your organization been involved in delivering or supporting the delivery of settlement services as a main priority?

If this is a joint application, list all co-applicants and identify the lead organization. All co-applicants must complete Section 1 and 2 and meet eligibility criteria identified in the funding guidelines.

Section 2 – Organization Profile

Attach the following information about your organization.

Please use the format outlined below.



1.  Provide the following information about the members of your Board of Directors.


2.  How is the Board representative of the community/clients your organization serves?

3.  If former or present public servants are involved in the Board of Directors or are employed by your organization, are they in compliance with Conflict of Interest or Post Employment Measures for Public Servants?

N/A / YES / NO

4.  Provide the information about your organization’s staff as of July 1, 2006

in question 21.

5.  Are there any positions in your organization that require annual police checks? If not, are you familiar with the process to obtain them?


Who is eligible to become a member of your organization?

Is service provided to both members and non-members?

Provide the following information about the members of your organization.

Number of members of your organization / Membership fee? / Membership fee:
Individuals / Families / Organizations / YES NO / Individuals
$ / Families
$ / Organizations

Date of last Annual General Meeting: ______


7.  Provide the following information about the volunteers involved in your organization.

Total number of volunteers / Total volunteers hours
Settlement program / 2005/2006 or 2005
Projected 2006/2007 or 2006
Other programs / 2005/2006 or 2005
Projected 2006/2007 or 2006
Board of Directors / 2005/2006 or 2005
Projected 2006/2007 or 2006

FiNancial Information

8.  Is your organization receiving provincial pay equity funding?

Downpayment Yes No

Proxy Funding Yes No

9.  What is your organization’s financial year? From______to______

10.  Please complete Appendix A, Revenue and Expenditures, to provide information about your organization's revenue and expenditures. Appendix A is an excel spreadsheet accompanying this application.

11.  Describe your organization’s financial records, bookkeeping, and internal control systems. Who maintains your organization’s financial records? Provide contact information.


Complete the following information for your proposed project and attach a photocopy of your most recent renewal certificate from the insurer.

a)  Do you have third party liability coverage? Yes No

b) Do you have workers compensation insurance or comparable insurance?

Yes No

c)  Do you have fire and theft insurance? Yes No

d) Do you have transportation related insurance (if applicable)? Yes No

e) Other? Yes No

Please Specify:

13.  Describe the mandate and the core business of your organization. Include a copy of your mission statement. Is your organization part of, or affiliated with, any other agency or organization? If yes, provide name and nature of relationship.

14.  Describe the geographic area your organization serves, as per your constitution and


15.  Who are the clients of your organization? Which ethnic/language groups are served by your organization?

16.  How do your clients learn about your services?

17.  In what languages are services provided?

Program Planning and Evaluation

18.  Describe the program planning process of your organization. If your organization has a business plan, please provide a copy.

19.  What steps has your organization taken to diversify revenue sources over the last 24 months?


20.  What are the full-time equivalent (f.t.e.) hours per week of your organization? Do not include lunch hours.


21.  Information on the organization’s staff

Indicate below details of all staff employed by your organization (attach separate sheet if needed).

Name / Position / Services Delivered/ Job Responsibilities / % of Time Spent on Each Program/ Activity / Funding Source and Program Under which each Position Funded / Client Group Served / Language(s) / Hours Worked Per Week / % of a full FTE / Gross Salary


22.  Identify the location(s) at which your organization provides services and programs.

Services& Programs: / Name of Program and Funder / Address
(Location) / Telephone / Days of
Operation / Operating Hrs / Language
Spoken by Staff
From / To
Other Services & Programs:


SECTION 3- Settlement Services Provided by Organization

23.  Describe your organization’s previous and current immigrant settlement services experience.

24.  Provide information that demonstrates that your organization is recognized by and known to be acceptable to its target population.

25.  Of all the organization’s activities, what is the percentage of the activities that represents settlement services?

26.  Describe which steps your organization takes to provide services without discriminatory practices based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted.

27.  Describe the process you will use to provide assistance to all newcomers and not just those who speak the language of the settlement workers.

28. How does your organization ensure that staff has a sound knowledge of services available in the community?

29. What kind of partnerships have you established? Comment on the role that both your organization and these partners have played. Please supply 2 references that we may contact relating to your past or present partnerships in Section 4, page 12.

30. Explain the system(s) you use to measure the effectiveness of services

delivered by your organization. Include an example of how you have used these

tools to improve services to newcomers. Please provide copies of the tool(s) you use.

31a. What percentage of clients do you follow-up with?

31b. What tools do you have in place to gather client feedback? Please provide a copy if applicable.

31c. How do you respond to feedback provided by your clients?

31d. How is client feedback assessed? How is feedback incorporated into the program? Please attach a copy of the assessment form (if one is used).

32. Identify the steps you would take to organize group orientation workshops during the school year. What topics would you see as being of interest to:

a)  High School Students?

b)  Parents?

c)  School Staff?

33.What process will you put in place to make sure that activities are focused on first year settlement needs?

34. Identify which settlement service providers you refer your clients to. For each provider, list which programs clients are being referred to (e.g. ISAP, HOST, LINC, NSP, etc.).

35. Identify any barriers that might inhibit or prevent newcomers from participating in your SWIS program.

36. What steps will you take to minimize the impact of these barriers?


Provide contact information for 2 references regarding your experience in developing and nurturing partnerships.




Complete Appendix B, Budget request.


Include the following documents with your application:

□  Constitution and bylaws of the organization

□  Registration documents

□  Most recent Annual Report, including the auditor’s report, financial statement, and management letter

□  Minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting

□  Copy of the personnel policy

□  Conflict of interest guidelines for staff and for members of the Board of Directors

□  Job description and qualifications for each position for which you are requesting a financial contribution

□  A copy of the most recent renewal certificate from insurer

□  A copy of the most recent format used in the evaluation of your settlement services

□  Copies of the pamphlets or brochures you use to reach new immigrants to inform them about your settlement services

□  A copy of your 2006/07 Outreach Strategy

□  Completed Appendices A and B.


I certify to the best of my knowledge that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete and that this request is endorsed by the Board of Directors of the organization I represent.

Name of Requesting Officer / Title
Signature of Requesting Officer / Date
Name of Requesting Officer / Title
Signature of Requesting Officer / Date



Please submit a 12 month budget, based on the costs of administering the ISAP program and the guidelines expressed below.

(1)  Salaries/Wages:

The contribution towards salaries for employees who contribute to the delivery and administration of ISAP should be included under Salaries and Wages.

Only the time spent working on ISAP SWIS will be reimbursed. CIC will not reimburse staff’s wages for lunch breaks. The number of hours for a full time position must be based on your existing personnel policy.

Service providers are the employers and may determine salary scales for staff based on their personnel policies or agreements. Each part-time and full-time position (including those at different wage levels in the same job) should be listed by job title. The following information should be included:

·  hours of work per week, rates of pay, number of weeks, etc. and the exact breakdown of benefits

·  sources/methods used to confirm the wages are within prevailing rates in the LOCAL labour market

·  an explanation for wage differences (e.g. due to seniority, different responsibilities, etc.) if you have people working at different wage rates in the same position

(2) MERC (Mandatory Employment Related Costs) and Benefits:

Both MERC and benefits are allowable costs. MERC include Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), vacation pay, Employer Health Tax (EHT) and Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) where mandated. Only the employer’s share of the MERC will be reimbursed.

Benefits are defined as per the employer’s Personnel Policy. In the submitted budget(s), benefits must be identified with related percentages indicated. CIC will only reimburse benefits which are offered to all agency staff under the Personnel Policy.

The Department will reimburse up to a maximum of 11 public holidays, as per the Ontario Ministry of Labour Employment Standards Act. These must be identified in the employer’s Personnel Policy or equivalent.

(3) Overhead/Administration:

Overhead may include:

·  facility rental, telephone, utilities

·  licenses, permits, fees

·  materials and supplies, postage, printing

·  bank charges and audit fees

·  Bookkeeping

·  translation services

·  interpreter services

·  promotion and publicity

·  equipment

·  professional and consulting fees

·  group workshop expenses

·  conferences, workshops and seminars: Note that the costs for attending ISAP and JSW conferences will be covered under the conference contracts.

·  travel, meals, and accommodation within Canada

·  local transportation

·  Volunteer expenses

·  staff development

·  third party liability

·  Information Technology costs required to deliver ISAP services

·  photocopying

(4) GST:

GST can only be reimbursed for the difference between GST incurred and the Revenue Canada GST rebate.

(5) Capital Costs

Where leasing is not feasible or cost-effective, CIC may authorize the purchase of essential items costing $500 or more. At the end of the project, CIC will determine the method of disposal of assets which have not been physically incorporated into the premises of the recipient, as per the terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement.

Three quotes from suppliers of equipment and furniture must be presented to the Settlement Officer and must be kept on the CIC office file.